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Re: Bike Decisions, decisions, decisions [martinduathlete]
martinduathlete wrote:
Thanks for your input. The Scott has carbon bars and a carbon crank making it two pounds lighter; I'm relatively new to Triathlon and don't know if that's worth an added 500 duckets.

No one can tell you how much your money is worth to you. I am a broke college kid with no money but tons of time to train, so ... money's worth a lot.

That said, weight doesn't make as big a difference as bike companies want you to believe. Very few tris are "hilly", so the weight is only a penalty if you repeatedly have to re-accelerate it. Is two pounds worth $500? That's a bit more than a full water bottle. Probably not right now, especially considering you could find those items on the secondhand market later if you decide you need them.

That said: All of these bikes are going to be awesome. Find one that you like, that speaks to you (ie, is really, really pretty) and you'll spend more time riding it.
Last edited by: dashmutton: Mar 11, 13 18:17

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  • Post edited by dashmutton (Cloudburst Summit) on Mar 11, 13 18:17