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Re: Size matters not [martyg]
Edited to remove over-the-line personal insult- I am writing this to insult girly bikers in general, not any specific girly biker.

Look, my yard is mine, and my dog has free reign of it. Until she leaves my property, whether I have her on a leash or not is no ones business but mine. If she leaves my yard, she's fair game- I begrude no one a kick or spray if she does that, it's only reasonable for you to defend yourself. But if she just runs toward you barking, then shut up and ride on. That's why I have a dog, get it? Barking at strangely clad people at the property perimeter is how she earns her daily bread, and it has saved me from being robbed more than once already (twice that I am aware of). I encourage her to bark at things like this, and doing so is my prerogative as much as riding on a public street is yours.

Hey look, now I have three posts to my credit, and we all know the more you post, the smarter you are- right?
Last edited by: Iron Mike: Sep 9, 03 8:36

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  • Post edited by Iron Mike (Big Pines) on Sep 9, 03 8:36