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Re: Rant About Ultra Endurance Snobs [AthletesOnTrack]
AthletesOnTrack wrote:
I don't get ultra-endurance snobs, especially slow ones. People who think they're awesome because they did some really long race, but think that short events aren't real.

I can't be the only one who gets tired of this, right? Here's the gist of the rant:

Race whatever distance and whatever sport make you happy, but don’t ask me to respect the fact that you can shuffle along for a long time, barely breaking a sweat, chatting with your friends and treating aid stations as a buffet table.

And you can read the rest of it here:http://www.athletesontrack.com/?p=583[/quote[/url]]

So, let's see. You wrote a snobbish post about those that go long and don't live up to your time expectations, then post here under the title that you are ranting against ultra endurance snobs?

Irony, table for one.

ETA - is this really a part of your professional description? "He's dedicated to helping new athletes have a positive experience and to helping everyone achieve their goals, whether that is to just to cross the finish line, or to finish first." Do you tell your slow, DFL clients that they do not get your respect?
Last edited by: ChrisM: Dec 10, 12 12:36

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  • Post edited by ChrisM (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 10, 12 12:34
  • Post edited by ChrisM (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 10, 12 12:36