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Re: What is risk of Lance coming clean? [Hanaki]
Thank you for taking the time to write out a better explanation of your thoughts.

Appreciate that.......

I agree with the logic behind that, especially if you're saying that no one dopes alone, and it might be a blurry line between what is sanctioned by a group, and (even) team management.

ONE, (and notice I say one), of the problems that I have with vilifying Barry Bonds is that the SF Giants did more than look the other way.

Barry Bonds is an a$$HOLE just like Lance. And based on all of the evidence, there is MORE, and A LOT, of evidence that Lance was in a different class than those others who used, and went beyond. That doesn't mean to say that they're not wrong.

But there are always degrees of wrong. Some crimes are worse than others, some crimes deserve greater and more severe punishments than others. More facts need to, and will, come out. We will find out that some people did worse things than others.
Last edited by: Toenail: Oct 18, 12 17:15

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  • Post edited by Toenail (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 18, 12 17:15