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Re: Tyler Hamilton's stuff starting to come out [sdmike]
I still can't understand why, knowing what we know now, why did Floyd spend so much money defending himself?

It's part of the "deny, deny, deny" reflex. Athletes will keep doing that despite mountains of evidence to the contrary until:

1. They finally are in a legal-under-oath situation and have to admit the truth ( but even here some will still maintain the lie and perjure themselves)

2. Run out of money and have to reverse course, confess, and then make more money off of the confession/whistle-blowing side

3. Leave the sport completely(retire), and want to clear their heads/conscious

Why do they do this - I guess at some base level we are driven by money or ego, so whatever the situation with whatever athlete, they do whatever they do, to ensure some form of livelihood and ego is maintained

It's rare for an athlete to say - "OK, I doped and I am done" That's like a financial death sentence for an athlete these days.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Sep 2, 12 8:06

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 2, 12 8:06