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Re: How do you pee on the bike? [marko16]
I've never peed on my bike but I did let one rip while running a marathon a couple of years ago. I was in second place and closing on the leader and there was no way I was stopping to piss behind a tree so I improvised and took a squirt while holding about a 6:15 mile pace. Luckily there weren't any spectators around.

I didn't get too much on myself either but by the finish I was smelling a bit ripe and went and stood in a nearby river for a few minutes to clean off.

I think I'd draw the line at #2 though. I don't think I could pull an Uta Pippig in public...maybe if it was Boston with a six figure check at stake, but not for a plastic trophy and a pair of shoes.

"A society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy."
John Sawhill
Last edited by: MattinSF: Mar 2, 05 20:54

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  • Post edited by MattinSF (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 2, 05 20:54