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Re: Zipp 1080 Clinchers no longer listed on website [electusunus]
Maybe it was faster because it was easier to handle and is made to be easier to handle. Thought of that? Maybe without high crosswinds, a deeper wheel will dominate. Maybe he doesn't get to have his cake and eat it too. Who knows, maybe because of this we'll see him on the 50mm rim at Kona this time. This is all conjecture both yours and mine. Having multiple sources that show at least some form of testing protocol and transparency and data should always outweigh what a single "trustworthy" source says (and doesn't even show you the data itself). You may be right, but the probability is against you. Independence is nearly impossible to prove, but sources that are considered to be so have significantly less reason to show bias than a manufacturer trying to prove its technology or market it. Now we're starting to get into motive ;) Let's keep it at that as things get messy. I haven't done any personal tests myself, but according to your logic, we should all do our own testing and only believe our own (to truly make it independent). Or we should believe all of it as they are all equal. If in history we all believed that "one trustworthy guy" instead of an entire plethora of sources that say otherwise, we'd be thinking some stupid thing like the earth is the center of the universe
Last edited by: justkeepedaling: Apr 24, 11 21:20

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