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Re: Lindsey Vonn: 400m in 52 seconds [jpb]
"Why is it that downhill skiers are so aerobically talented? It doesn't seem like the kinda sport that would require a huge quantity of aerobic talent. It seems that it would require very good fitness, but wouldn't necessarily favor those who can have 400+ watt FTP"

A 2-minute, 3,000-vertical foot downhill course requires just as much aerobic / anaerobic talent and training as an all-out 800meters AND much much more strength. And extreme agility.
In my dreams I would way rather be an Olympic ski racer than an Olympic ITU athlete. Utterly crazy and thrilling (which triathlon generally isn't).

addition: I read that Bode Miller's HR for a 60-90 sec. race was 230 or so.
Last edited by: TBinMT: Nov 5, 10 11:48

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  • Post edited by TBinMT (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 5, 10 11:48