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Re: 4 parts carbs, 1 part protein in drinks [jaretj]
An alternate viewpoint can be seen here http://www.gssiweb.com/...ter_jeffz.cfm?pid=38

(edit): Additionally, the study also used a time to exhaustion protocol, which has a bigger coefficient of variation than e.g., a straight TT or incremental test. Normally, when racing we race over a specific distance (e.g., 40km) rather than trying to ride for as long as possible (to volitional fatigue as the study did).

There's also confounding research showing no benefit from the same group.

also the subjects were only moderately trained which may be an issue (as differing fitness groups can lead to different results. for e.g., low/moderately trained cyclists may find that endurance is increased via weight training (or another exercise modality) whereas in trained/well trained/elite athletes it's detrimental)


Last edited by: Ric_Stern: Jan 19, 05 5:29

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  • Post edited by Ric_Stern (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 19, 05 5:29