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What is your Pre-Race Warm-Up?
I am interested in getting opinions on proper warm-up routines. I know everyone will be different. But some ideas of what the good guys (that's you) do will be helpful.

I assume this will be different for different length and type of events. For instance, in a sprint triathlon, are you going to run X miles (if so will you do some pick-ups), or set your bike up on a trainer for x minutes (if so, what is that work-out like--ten minute warm-up followed by some intervals to get your HR up), or will you just swim, to get that aerobic system humming. Another of the questions on my mind is whether the positive effects of a bike warm-up are gone by the time you have finished an Oly swim.

I would be interested in reading routine intended to 1) avoid pulls, 2) get your areobic system humming 3) avoid bonks due to delay in start-up of energy-delivery systems, 4) things I didn't think of. Also, how much time do you leave before the end of the warm-up and the start of the race.

I know this encompasses a great deal, please take the time to post whatever you would like to pass on.

5K Race:

10K Race:

Sprint Tri:

Oly Tri:

1/2 Iron and Iron (I assume this would be the same??):
Last edited by: Monk: Dec 12, 04 20:36

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  • Post edited by Monk (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 12, 04 20:36