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Re: Ironman & College -- Good or Bad Idea? [Tom B]

I can only offer you peer - not old, wise, objective, been-there-done-that - advise. I'm a 21 year old college junior, and I'm doing IMWI next fall.

I canned organized athletics after high school. My coach started me running with the varsity men when I was in seventh grade, and after six years of injury and disappointment I was totally burnt out. I live with runners and regularly run with members of the cross country team. On Wednesday the captain of the men's track team approached me about running indoor this winter. My answer is always "No, I've been there and I don't want to run that hard again." When you talk about burnout I know what you mean.

I'm doing IMWI next fall because I feel like it might be my last chance for a long time. After college comes graduate school, after which come the early stages of a career, maybe a family; who knows, the future is uncertain. I began doing triathlons when I was 17 and have always wanted to do the Ironman, and I feel like having the chance is a unique opportunity. The Ironman may not always be there due to life circumstances.

With this knowledge I feel like I'm ready to do what it takes to race long distance successfully. Last summer I averaged 15-18 hours of training a week without running into problems recovering. This next semester I'm only taking three classes to save time for training. My parents are behind me 100% and are fine with me living at home next summer and working about 15 hours a week as a swim coach. I hope to average 25 hours a week training and about ten hours a day sleeping. The commitment is huge.

I can't make your decision for you, but maybe my story will help. Good luck.

Last edited by: caleb: Dec 7, 04 18:39

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  • Post edited by caleb (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 7, 04 18:39