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Re: Should I get a lap dance during an Ironman? [Mr. Tibbs]
Lapdance, cell phones, laptop computers...all during an Ironman race. Why does it have to be an Ironman race?

Here's a few more to ponder.

"Should I scratch my balls during an Ironman."

"Should I grab my crotch and make adjustments to Elvis and the Band while doing an Ironman."

Just for kicks, it would be funny to see someone plant a bunch of props (laptop, Walkman, Cell phone) in their Special needs bag and go accross the finish line using all of the above while grabbing their balls.

Funny post Tibbs.

Safe training this weekend folks!!!!!
Last edited by: trichatt: Oct 1, 04 9:20

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  • Post edited by trichatt (Cloudburst Summit) on Oct 1, 04 9:20