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Re: Drills vs. PC's [Rip Van Winkle]
Man, who doesn't love a good PC flame war?

Rip- over several threads you've invested a fair amount of time making it clear that you don't believe that PCs are necessary or sufficient to improve cycling performance. Maybe you've given some thought as to how to prove it?

Hypothesis- regular use of PCs does NOT improve cycling performance in trained recreational athletes. (Or elite, I'm more interested in the former, personally).

What would a well designed experiment to answer the question look like? I ask because I'm curious and like most people around here am happy to admit I don't know much of anything about exercise physiology.

Last edited by: kenwil: May 14, 04 10:19

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by kenwil (Cloudburst Summit) on May 14, 04 10:19