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Re: How can YOU get faster at running - LSD vrs intensity [shaner]
you can do strides year round as strides are low stress activity designed for neuromuscular adaptaion to faster paced running than anything else. Same with form work, as long as you know the flaws you want to fix. Doing form work to just do form work is something that may or may not help.

The total % of time spent doing strides or form work will be low compared to the total volume you should be running. You can work on some form aspects ie footstrike, arm carriage, turnover during your run without having to do specific work before AND after you run.

Brian Stover USAT LII
Accelerate3 Coaching

Last edited by: desert dude: Oct 5, 06 9:48

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  • Post edited by desert dude (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 5, 06 9:48