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State of the (ST) union - CRISIS!!!
Okay, so we've been seeing a lot of negative shit here recently, from IMK bashing to "fuck off" defensiveness when someone replies sharply to a somewhat (or perhaps truly) dumbass question. No, this has nothing to do with making flat coke - that guy took his lumps with grace, and has earned my respect for his ability to laugh at himself under fire.

I've seen people threaten to leave, leave and come back, talk about leaving, and people asking others to leave.

I've seen Tibbs' name take a beating whenever someone posts something that appears different, or contrary. Tibbs was a good guy - I dug that cat, and hope that he's well.

None of this is why I started this thread, however. People can bitch all they want, and it don't bother me none. An IM in "Loovil" is no dumber than those horses they make walk like they're in some Monty Python sketch. No, what bothers me is FAR more disturbing. When the sanctity of bike porn gets mud smeared all over it, something must be done. Someone must take a stand. It makes me ill to see stock Trek Hilo's posted as porn. When someone asks for "The Ultimate build" the last thing I expect to see is "Full DA" or "Cane Creek brakes". You might as well recommend "Power Grips" (http://www.powergrips.com/) as pedals.


Seriously - that shit is about as porn worthy as National Geographic. From now on, when I see a post that says "bike porn" I wanna see PORN, goddammit!

Please understand that there's nothing wrong with posting a pic of your beloved Hilo to share with the world - just don't call it what it ain't. There's a difference between an '84 IROC Camaro and a 66 'Vette. Know your bikes place, and respect it.

PS - you all understand this implicitly, but some people refuse to accept the truth - carbon does not automatically equate to porn.

<If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough>
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Last edited by: Khai: Oct 4, 06 15:16

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  • Post edited by Khai (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 4, 06 15:16