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Re: Trainer road.com [frosteh] [ In reply to ]
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Very welcome. You don't necessarily have to go "extremely slow", but it's unlikely you'll be hanging with the group for long.

I'm actually a big proponent of year-round intensity and I even like to see a weekly (sometimes 2) VO2max workout find its way into my more steady-state aerobic work aimed at metabolic adaptation, which is a lot of what you're after with low-intensity, L2 rides. I'm especially fond of this approach for riders training less than 10 weekly hours, but I think the variety goes a long way toward keeping things interesting & motivating for higher-volume riders too.

What you're describing is basically a polarized training approach and is a pretty hot-button issue but typically best suited to elite or highly experienced riders. This may describe you though, and even if it doesn't, if you have the time to log a couple longer, weekend rides, my bet is you'll see some good results from your weekly intensity/weekend volume approach. Best of luck!

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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chadtimmerman wrote:
Yeah, absolutely.

Don't hold me to this order, but at this moment I plan to have the Rolling Road Race plans ready first (within a week) followed really closely by the Climbing Road Race, Stage Race & Criterium plans. Up next is the revised Half-Distance Tri plan and the Full-Distance, Olympic & Sprint Distance Plans which I'd like to have ready by late January.

Then, in no order we've determined yet, revised Olympic Distance MTB plans, Marathon & Short Track/Gravity MTB plans, revised 40k TT plans, 10 & 50-mile TT plans, new Century, Half Century & Double Century plans, and some Noob/Beginner plans. Tabled for now but most likely forthcoming are also some Duathlon, Gran Fondo & Track plans. Beyond that, you guys tell us. ;-)

All of the Specialty plans are set at 8 weeks and at this time I don't anticipate any deviations from this since we're trying to make this as uniform as possible, at least in terms of plan durations, such that riders can plan 12 weeks of Base, 8 weeks of Build & 8 weeks of Specialty. We'll even have suggestions on double-peaks & multi-discipline training, but one thing at a time.

I mentioned revisions on existing plans and those are mostly taking place because some of them included their own Base/Build blocks which will be removed and some need taper reworking, recovery weeks, properly ramped TSS rates, etc.

you guys are awesome, and why i really believe that TR is the best "go-fast-investment" you can make for cycling. Appreciate the update, very interested to see the specialty plans, especially the rolling road race and stage race plans.

Thanks for your continued hard work!
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Re: Trainer road.com [RONDAL] [ In reply to ]
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Very welcome! And thanks for the kind words. :)

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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Question for the experts here: Got into the tri world last year and finished my first 70.3. Looking to do my first full this year (Tahoe) and just purchased a trainer and using trainer road for my workouts. I'm a little unsure which plan to start with for my base...the traditional or sweet spot. Any insight would be appreciated.
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Re: Trainer road.com [maddog95835] [ In reply to ]
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maddog95835 wrote:
Question for the experts here: Got into the tri world last year and finished my first 70.3. Looking to do my first full this year (Tahoe) and just purchased a trainer and using trainer road for my workouts. I'm a little unsure which plan to start with for my base...the traditional or sweet spot. Any insight would be appreciated.

If you're new to tri and cycling in general, we recommend starting with Sweet Spot Base. You'll make bigger gains this year and you'll body will respond really well to it.

Good luck in Tahoe! We're based in Reno and go up there all the time :).

CEO at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [Nate Pearson] [ In reply to ]
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New TR user here planning to start the traditional base training plan sequence and wondering if feasible to ramp up to the mid volume plan after taking 3 months entirely off the bike PLUS bike training volume last year that was probably more in the low volume category... Basically, I'm trying to get back to my previous yearly training volumes, if possible, which were in the medium category. My recent training restart so far is one pretty low volume week: TSS 150, mostly level 2 and ending with a 20 minute FTP test (@ about 20% below the end of last season.) Jumping straight into Mid Volume Level 1 at TSS 264 seems like too much ramp.

Is it a pipe dream to try ramping up to the mid volume plan in a reasonable amount of time this year, or would it be a safer bet to simply follow the low volume plans for this year and bump up next year? Thanks for any thoughts.
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Re: Trainer road.com [ols] [ In reply to ]
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It's really just a matter of how much time you can spend on the bike without incurring any issues, e.g. joint pain, excessive muscle soreness, too-high fatigue, etc. But the work itself is mild in terms of intensity. I know that's not much of a hard answer, but this is a situation that could go either way, favorably so if your fitness is otherwise reasonably good.

You can always try the first week using the mid-volume plan and then see how you feel by the start of the second week, or even monitor your fatigue as the week moves along.

And, not to give you too many options, but you can make your own cross-bred low/mid-volume block by using workouts from both plans and landing somewhere in the middle with your weekly volume. Hope that helps!

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [ols] [ In reply to ]
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I did the mid volume base plans I, II and III last year. I had taken about 6 weeks mostly off before starting it in mid December and did not have any trouble at all starting up. But, I'd been doing 7-10 hours a week before I took that time off.

The first 4 weeks of base workouts are not hard workouts. The TSS comes from the fact the weekly hours are just longish, not from cranking out power. If you think you can sit on a trainer for 7 hours a week, I'd say give it a try (frankly, the time on the saddle is the hard part of the base plan, not the pedaling. The base stuff does not get to be intense work until part III and even that is not bad). You can always back down and the workouts are not going to tear you up before you can decide to dial it back.

This year I came into the winter without much of lay off so I just started with mid volume base II and am doing it twice. The reason I did not go with the high volume was because I don't have that much time, not because I thought it would injure me.
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Re: Trainer road.com [ In reply to ]
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I have my quarq paired along with kickr,
At the end of a workout it says the power source was the quarq.

Does this mean that the quarq is what was displayed on the screen ?
I do find the numbers matched pretty much exactly
And the erg targets were 15-20 higher that what was recorded by the quarq.

Should the kickr's stated erg power be displayed on the screen ?

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Re: Trainer road.com [lennyk] [ In reply to ]
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lennyk wrote:

I have my quarq paired along with kickr,
At the end of a workout it says the power source was the quarq.

Does this mean that the quarq is what was displayed on the screen ?
I do find the numbers matched pretty much exactly
And the erg targets were 15-20 higher that what was recorded by the quarq.

Should the kickr's stated erg power be displayed on the screen ?


Under the devices screen of TR what do you have selected for your power source? Wahoo just released a new software update in the last 48 hours that allows PM's such as quarq and stages to control the kickr. So if you recently set up your kickr and have the latest you may be using that.
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Re: Trainer road.com [RONDAL] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, found that option to use power from the kickr.
It is not on the devices menu.

Can that firmware be updated with the android app or requires apple device ?
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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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chadtimmerman wrote:
Pretty great story, thanks for sharing that! It's extremely satisfying to see our plans steer athletes to success stories like that one. :)

The 70.3 plan is going to see some revision in that I'll be cutting it down to an 8-week plan with a shorter, 1-week taper. Shortly thereafter, I'll put together an 8-week full-distance plan, and I'll definitely make the outdoor-substitution recommendation with a short explanation of how less time indoors can match the stress of longer durations outdoors, i.e. you might have to ride a little longer (or really keep your effort up) if you do your long rides outdoors if you want to match the same TSS.

Until then, I'd recommend kicking off your training - if you haven't already - with 12 weeks of Base conditioning (Sweet Spot or Traditional) followed by the Sustained Power Build (8 weeks) after which the new 8-week, full-distance plans (with probably a 2-week taper in this case) will be ready & waiting for you.

All told, this is a 28-week plan leading right up to your IM and you can grow it by another 6 weeks if you use Traditional Base and tack on the 2-week block extensions. How's that sound?

Thanks for the recommendation. So I am new to the TR and (Wahoo Kickr) and somewhat randomly started with the intermediate build I plan. I picked that plan just to kind of get started and enjoy my new tools, which by the way I love. Does it still benefit me to kinda reset my bike training and go through a base training? I have no problem doing so just want to make sure it makes sense. So the current plan is 12W Traditional build followed by an 8W Sustained power build and concluding with the yet to be developed 8W Full IM plan.
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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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chadtimmerman wrote:
It's really just a matter of how much time you can spend on the bike without incurring any issues, e.g. joint pain, excessive muscle soreness, too-high fatigue, etc. But the work itself is mild in terms of intensity. I know that's not much of a hard answer, but this is a situation that could go either way, favorably so if your fitness is otherwise reasonably good.

You can always try the first week using the mid-volume plan and then see how you feel by the start of the second week, or even monitor your fatigue as the week moves along.

And, not to give you too many options, but you can make your own cross-bred low/mid-volume block by using workouts from both plans and landing somewhere in the middle with your weekly volume. Hope that helps!

My question is, if time is available, would you have a strong preference towards a higher-volume plan. For instance, I would RATHER do a low volume plan in order to have more time for other things in my life but I would be happy to sacrifice an extra 3 hours a week if my fitness would be expected to be significantly better upon completion.


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Re: Trainer road.com [sch340] [ In reply to ]
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Not to bombard with too many questions - but when you referenced somewhat combining the low volume - mid volume plans, or maybe throwing in some of the higher intensity workouts - what would be really cool is if we could 'create our own plan' over a number of weeks to follow through a training cycle, using the available workouts in the vast library that is TrainerRoad. Maybe we can already do that and I just don't know it?
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Re: Trainer road.com [RONDAL] [ In reply to ]
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Looking for the climbing road race plan mentioned earlier or something that will prepare me for Battenkill in the third week of April? Has it been posted yet?

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Re: Trainer road.com [sch340] [ In reply to ]
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In that case I'd definitely recommend it.

Another 3 hours/week might not take a big bite out of your social time, but if your training already qualifies as low-volume then an extra 3 hours each week is a relatively large boost in volume and will very probably have a worthwhile affect on your aerobic fitness, and consequently, your higher-end fitness later.

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [frosteh] [ In reply to ]
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You can't do that yet, but it's in the works RIGHT now. ;) At the moment, it's being developed largely so that I can create new plans and update existing ones more quickly, but at some point it will be available to our users - I can't say when just yet though.

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [nickvox] [ In reply to ]
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Not yet, but I'm working on it (Climbing Road Race) this week and plan to have it available toward the end of next week. :)

Head Coach at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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Great to hear! I look forward to it. Thanks for the quick response!

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Re: Trainer road.com [chadtimmerman] [ In reply to ]
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Have you had any issues with TrainerRoad being able to see the Computrainer, but not being able to pick up the wattage? I have an older model CT that was working last year. I contacted Racermate and they've indicated the new chip set should resolve any issues. I just want to get your take on it before I make the order...I am trying to get a professional opinion as to whether I should I pick up the new USB adapter too (mine is >5 years old)?

Very happy with using TR with my Kickr...but CT has been more of a challenge.

Take care,
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Re: Trainer road.com [Matt the Farmer] [ In reply to ]
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Matt the Farmer wrote:

Have you had any issues with TrainerRoad being able to see the Computrainer, but not being able to pick up the wattage? I have an older model CT that was working last year. I contacted Racermate and they've indicated the new chip set should resolve any issues. I just want to get your take on it before I make the order...I am trying to get a professional opinion as to whether I should I pick up the new USB adapter too (mine is >5 years old)?

Very happy with using TR with my Kickr...but CT has been more of a challenge.

Take care,

I would use the new chipset and get the new USB adapter. Then you can be assured that it will work.

CEO at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [STP] [ In reply to ]
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chadtimmerman wrote:
...You can always try the first week using the mid-volume plan and then see how you feel by the start of the second week, or even monitor your fatigue as the week moves along. ...

STP wrote:
...I'd say give it a try (frankly, the time on the saddle is the hard part of the base plan, not the pedaling. The base stuff does not get to be intense work until part III and even that is not bad). You can always back down and the workouts are not going to tear you up before you can decide to dial it back.

Very helpful input and good confidence booster. I started the medium volume plan this morning, and will see how it goes as cumulative fatigue builds-up (so far so good) Thanks again.
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Re: Trainer road.com [Nate Pearson] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Nate, a few of us have been using the Wahoo firmware update with the Wahooligan app that allows an external power meter to control the Kickr. I've used the Beta solution now successfully two times in TrainerRoad sessions on a PC laptop. Are the folk at TR also working to bring that into the TR application so that using the Wahooligan application step can be removed from the process.

I realize this is so new to many of us that you may not have or cannot share if TR is working with Wahoo to get that functionality into TR. In the same manner we could see some kind of green signal like what we check in the Wahooligan app to see if the power meter is being used by the application.

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Re: Trainer road.com [Felt_Rider] [ In reply to ]
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Felt_Rider wrote:
Hi Nate, a few of us have been using the Wahoo firmware update with the Wahooligan app that allows an external power meter to control the Kickr. I've used the Beta solution now successfully two times in TrainerRoad sessions on a PC laptop. Are the folk at TR also working to bring that into the TR application so that using the Wahooligan application step can be removed from the process.

I realize this is so new to many of us that you may not have or cannot share if TR is working with Wahoo to get that functionality into TR. In the same manner we could see some kind of green signal like what we check in the Wahooligan app to see if the power meter is being used by the application.


We will once Wahoo releases an API to us. Right now we don't have access to the Wahooligan app or the API.

I just talked to their CEO about it yesterday. They are working on making sure it works 100%. Once that's done, they're going to release the API to partner apps like us.

CEO at TrainerRoad
Co-host of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast
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Re: Trainer road.com [russ] [ In reply to ]
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Nate and Company, is it possible to do a workout using TR on two devices one after the other?

I have a 3 hour ride on Sunday, was thinking of doing an hour on rollers (TACX Galaxiia, but would use your Antares profile) and then switch to Kurt Kinetic Trainer. Both same bike, but Power Curve is different.


Cervelo R3 and Cannondale Synapse, Argon18 Electron Track Bike
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