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Re: Doubles [jime] [ In reply to ]
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I'm never running again once this is over.

LOL. I think I'm going to use that as a new sig line if it's ok with you!

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: tigerchik: Mar 6, 09 16:12
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Re: Doubles [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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My mileage will remain about the same with longer less frequent runs, but this is primarily due to my bike volume starting to go through the roof with daylight savings approaching. Woot! I am looking forward to long rides after work!
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Re: Doubles [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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TC, are you doing Rhode Island 70.3? It's practically in your back yard ....

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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Re: Doubles [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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Go right ahead my dear.

By the way, you are a running machine and you would definitely "chic" me in any race we were both in.
But it does'nt bother me cause I'm old...lol ..... When I was younger I would have killed myself to beat you.

I'm going out for run #2 right now. Everybody else is going to the casinos. I'll be up at 6 for another run before I'm off to the round 2 of the wrestling at 10.

Gotta love that 100/100.
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Re: Doubles [xraycharlie] [ In reply to ]
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Ok Mr. xraycharlie - I know the virtual 5k TT hasn't started yet, but I did one at the track tonight. It was a friendly race between two separately coached groups. The concept was each group's members guess their time, and the closest group to actual time wins, and the other group buys a round of beer. Get it. All I knew going into this event, is that I was going to race my ass off then drink beer. Easy enough for me.

In order to ensure I PBed, I enlisted my good friend who is a much faster runner to pace me. I did a TT on the track 3 weeks ago, and had a pb of 17:28 (previous was 17:54), so I wasn't too sure how much I could improve on that in such a short time. My coach ensured me, based on recent track pace improvements, that I should be able to go 17:10 to 17:15. Hmm...seems optimistic.

Anyway, after running in circles for 12.5 laps, I managed a 17:04. Not too shabby for a cyclist. That is a 50 second improvement over my best 5k time from last year. It looks like a 16:XX should happen with a little more training.

I've only been coached for 8 weeks, and I'm seeing some pretty good gains. The 100/100 doesn't hurt either.

I'm looking forward to seeing other people's progress - I think there will be a lot of pb's among us.

edit: Oh, and our group lost. I drank two pints, but paid for 3. Boddington's is really nice after a race.



Last edited by: bonesbrigade: Mar 6, 09 20:35
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Re: Doubles [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
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TC, are you doing Rhode Island 70.3? It's practically in your back yard ....

I think it's funny how you all think RI is in my backyard - it's actually a six hour drive.

My tri calendar looks like this:

Rev3 in CT (sorry kdw) - June 7
Patriot 1/2 - June 20
Black Fly (July 10-12... am a podium girl for the TT Friday night, then will race Sat, Sun, or both)
Pumpkinman 1/2 - mid Sept
Black Bear tri - mid Oct (my college's local sprint that I won last year! so I have to go back, right :-)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Doubles [bonesbrigade] [ In reply to ]
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I know the virtual 5k TT hasn't started yet, but I did one at the track tonight. It was a friendly race between two separately coached groups. The concept was each group's members guess their time, and the closest group to actual time wins, and the other group buys a round of beer. Get it. All I knew going into this event, is that I was going to race my ass off then drink beer. Easy enough for me.

In order to ensure I PBed, I enlisted my good friend who is a much faster runner to pace me. I did a TT on the track 3 weeks ago, and had a pb of 17:28 (previous was 17:54), so I wasn't too sure how much I could improve on that in such a short time. My coach ensured me, based on recent track pace improvements, that I should be able to go 17:10 to 17:15. Hmm...seems optimistic.

Anyway, after running in circles for 12.5 laps, I managed a 17:04.

edit:Oh, and our group lost. I drank two pints, but paid for 3.Boddington's is really nice after a race.

Nice race report, fun to read :-) and fast time.

edit - my club has done races like that before, we do a "guess your mile time" for our first track workout of the year and the winner gets a gift cert. to a local run store. Another fun one we do is a "Staggered run" where we run Eagle Lake - a 6 mi loop - and the slowest person starts first, then you send people off in time you think it'll take them to complete it - goal is for everyone to finish together.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: tigerchik: Mar 7, 09 3:09
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Re: Doubles [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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I like that staggered run format idea. That gives huge incentive for everyone - and the likelihood for a sprint finish between people that normally wouldn't be in that position together. I guess you just have to watch people trying to "sandbag" their time.

Good luck in your 1/2 at the end of the month - I'm sure you'll do well with all your mileage and repeats.

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Re: Doubles [bonesbrigade] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, nice time for the 5km. I am just hoping to crack 20 minutes in my race tomorrow. I took three days off form running this week so my legs will be well rested.

TC, six hours is nothing - with the mileage you've been putting in you could probably run that in a day.

Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
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March 7 [ In reply to ]
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Bike 1 hr 5 min
Run 44 min, 5.3 mi
Run 36 min 12 sec, 4.5 mi

Cycling provided entertainment between two runs.

I really, really, desperately need a massage.

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
Last edited by: tigerchik: Mar 7, 09 8:24
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Re: March 7 [tigerchik] [ In reply to ]
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10.11 Miles w/Jepson Jr High Team
Was a beautiful day for a run. The loop was a little under 8 miles, ran it 1st with Megs, then ran back to Bren and finished off with her plus a little extra to go over 10 miles. MB
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Re: Doubles [bonesbrigade] [ In reply to ]
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I like that staggered run format idea. That gives huge incentive for everyone - and the likelihood for a sprint finish between people that normally wouldn't be in that position together. I guess you just have to watch people trying to "sandbag" their time.

Good luck in your 1/2 at the end of the month - I'm sure you'll do well with all your mileage and repeats.
We did another type of unusual run at the end of a run clinic I did last spring. They had a spotter at the halfway mark of a 5k to mark down our splits. The contest was to run a good fast 5k, whatever that was for you, but the winner was the one to negative split the closest to even. No GPS, HR monitors, or even watches allowed. I got second place negative splitting by 5 seconds, with a 5k PR, and the winner had been pacing off me but said he couldn't keep up when I kicked for the finish.

I got a short run in this morning after masters swimming. 83 / 83 so far.
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Re: Doubles [bonesbrigade] [ In reply to ]
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17:04....at an impromtu track race....that is huge
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Re: Doubles [bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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Hey, where are you?

You seem to be taking a couple of days off or something. Maybe you just aren't logging in or something.

Anyhow I ran a double today. 6 miles easy in the AM before shift and then 5 miles in the afternoon on the treadmill @ an 8 min/mile pace. That 11 miles put me up to 50 miles this week, which has to be a record for me. I'm a little tired. I'll probably take a couple of light days this week to recover.


"Slowbern has always made astute observations."-Casey 03/10/2009
2013-2014 Detroit Lions---13-3 until proved otherwise.
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Re: Doubles [slowbern] [ In reply to ]
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I am here watching for now. Guess I pulled a hip flexor muscle. Its taking a little while to heal. Hopefully tommorow I can get in a slow easy 4 miles. Have done a little swimming and biking in the meantime. went out today and got a flat 2 miles out, got home and the wife wanted to go for a run so I stayed with the rug rats. then took the older two on a slow and I might add horrifically slow, 8 mile bike. Could not find their bike helmets so they used my extra's and I rode 4 mph with a aero helmet on.
But i looked fast. Hopefully next week I could do some doubles and be able to take a few days off before I do my virtual 5k.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Doubles [bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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OK then. I hope you get healthy. I've never had a hip flexor problem. IT band for sure though.


"Slowbern has always made astute observations."-Casey 03/10/2009
2013-2014 Detroit Lions---13-3 until proved otherwise.
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Re: Doubles [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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17:04....at an impromtu track race....that is huge

Thanks Dev. 5k is such a mentally tough distance to race. For me, the pace starts to feel difficult but manageable at approx. 1.5k, then you get into a painful groove for a bit, then the last mile is exponentially grueling. Luckily the pain is pretty short lived, so you can almost look forward to the next one within 1/2 of finishing.

I have to thank Marc Lennox for pacing me really well. He got me to the halfway point on planned pace (17:10), and ever so slightly increased the pace from there. I was able to do a 77 second last 400m to bring it home.

It's amazing the improvements that can be made if you train properly. I think the biggest mistake I was making prior to being coached, was running my easy days too fast. This made running everyday too difficult due to accumulating fatigue, and consequently made doing the hard session’s poor quality (not to mention harder to recover from).

Now my easy runs are done at approx. 1.5 minutes per mile slower than marathon pace. This allows me to run everyday and put in more overall mileage with high quality hard days. Sounds simple, but it's tough to re-train bad habits.

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Re: Doubles [bonesbrigade] [ In reply to ]
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That is huge one day i hope to get there one day. How old are you? Is fourty to late to late for me? Anywho great job that is a fantastic time!!!!!!!

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: Doubles [bmanners] [ In reply to ]
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That is huge one day i hope to get there one day. How old are you? Is fourty to late to late for me? Anywho great job that is a fantastic time!!!!!!!

I'm 33, so pretty young by ST standards. 40 is definitely not too late. My coach is 43, and ran a 15:4x 5km last year. That being said, I think it is very difficult to reach your full running potential (probably impossible) when doing multi-sport training. You should be able to get pretty close with good running blocks though.

I come from a mountain bike race background, so I have a strong aerobic history. I've been running for 5 or 6 years, but only more serious in the last 2 years or so. I don't know how much riding I'll be doing this year (young baby), so I'm going to mostly concentrate on running and see where I can take it.

Just train smart - include easy days, recover properly from hard days, and run your hard days, well hard. Being tired and injured all the time is what kills improvement.

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Re: Doubles [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Not sure if this will qualify for the virtual 5k or not, but I am running a 5k in Boston next Sunday on St. Patty's Day. So not exactly at the end of the challenge but around day 90 or so. It will be interesting to see how it goes. I ran a Turkey Trot just before this started in 17:58 and have been pleasantly suprised with how the challenge is going. I am not going to have any speed work in, but tons of base mileage plus my weekly tempo run. I should end up well over the 10k per day average and probably somewhere around 85 runs, and that's with 0 double days, the double thing just never appealed to me. (knocking on wood that I can finish this healthy)

Thanks again for organizing this, hope you're healing up well. I am headed out for what will be a tough long run as my first ride out on the road of the spring yesterday that was supposed to be just an easy spin turned into a sufferfest as I got dragged into doing an hour worth of intervals with a roadie...but it sure was fun!

Portside Athletics Blog
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March 7 [ In reply to ]
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11.5 in 1:25

followed by 55 min on the trainer

Took the bike out on the road last night for 34 min since it was warm! (All the time I had, short but good)

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Doubles [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Anything done this coming weekend (and the next two weekends) will qualify for the virtual 5K. I'll be posting instructions on how to submit results sometime in the near future. Am a little bogged down at work today, and am waiting for my wife to get back from out of town to give me a hand with the spreadsheet stuff.

Jeez, it's looking like I'm gonna be one of the slow ones.

Over 4.5 years bike crash free.
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Re: Doubles [xraycharlie] [ In reply to ]
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Cool, glad mine will count. Plus it's a road race so I'll have a link to results and all to verify. Thanks.

Portside Athletics Blog
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Re: Doubles [SwBkRn44] [ In reply to ]
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Did a 32k trot today to finish off a 136km week. It was really slippery at the start of the run and there were lots of cars that had skidded off the road but it was really nice about an hour into it when it warmed up a bit. That is my biggest running week ever. This is my 32nd year as a runner and 20th as a triathlete and I haven't run this much for over 20 years. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in Boston and for my runs off the bike this season after all of this winter base work. When I first started in this sport I could break 33 minutes for 10 off the bike in an Olympic distance race but my swim and bike were so slow that it looked like I was running on a realy team :) As Bonesbrigade mentioned, there is no way you can be at your full potential in running when you are doing multisport training. My very reduced swim and bike totals this winter will ramp up quickly after Boston and my run will drop in volume quite a bit for tri season, but I may try and keep it a little higher than it has been the last 10 years and run a road 5k or 10k to where I'm at.
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Re: Doubles [Allan] [ In reply to ]
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54 Mile Ride + 4.5 Mile Run Brick
Weather was absolutely stellar today. I couldn't resist a TT and it gave me an excuse to dry run most of my bikes race set up:

Got outside and just let it rip. I didn't push too hard, but a comfortable solid effort. I think the results speak for themselves about how my fitness is coming along and this despite not even really biking much beyond 3 easy sessions a week due to the crappy weather. But now with day light savings, I should be on the bike a lot!

54.06 Miles @ 22.4 Average / 147 HR Ave MB

After I got home, I put on the shoes and cranked out a nice little brick run. Once again, didn't want to go all out, just speed up to a comfortable rhythm and cruise. I am very happy with how this run felt and turned out. I could have easily sustained this pace for a long time. Not quite sure about marathon distance, but close would be my guess:

4.51 Miles @ 7:16 Pace / 154 HR Ave MB

Great training day!
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