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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [CJAthey] [ In reply to ]
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I -highly- doubt that the contract states that Orbea will provide "proper equipment" as that is open to too much interpretation. And I also -highly- doubt CA can get a judge to agree(or even those in the industry) that the Ordu is not "proper equipment".
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [IzzyG] [ In reply to ]
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I know proper equipment was a lose term, sorry for using it, I meant more of something like the most up to date, or newest model equipment. There could have been an oral contract that the bike would be done by now, and so crowie felt wronged, but I'm really outside the situation and everything I'm doing is speculation.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [IzzyG] [ In reply to ]
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   Yeah, contract probably just says he'll ride Orbea bikes exclusively. I imagine his gripe is that they've been telling him that the next gen TT bike is "on it's way" for a while. Probably noone would be happier to have the next-gen Orbea under him than Crowie. The company line that they will be putting it out in the fall of this year, yet there's not even a prototype for him to ride? Makes me suspicious that there's some other problem on the company side.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [CJAthey] [ In reply to ]
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Cut it anyway you want, but riding the P4 was an unprofessional move. He signed a contract with Orbea and did not ride their bike.

And funny how he was able to win @ CdA this year on such an "inferior" or "out of date" frame.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
I think to make it more accurate, it would be:

"I do not always ride Cervelo, but when I do, I win world championships"

ATC wrote:
What I read from all of this is that when a pro needs to buy a bike instead of given a bike they choose Cervelo.

From the most interesting triathlete in the world:
"I dont always win world championships, but when I do I choose
Cervelo :)"

I don't usually pay for my bikes, but when I do, I choose Cervelo.
Stay aero my friend.

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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, but it must have been enough of a time savings that he would risk a lawsuit, and a breach of contract for the p4.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [JChapATX] [ In reply to ]
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your argument is full of logical fallacies. how hard he trains or how well he does in races are red herrings. the P4 is fast and the Orbea is a brick... these are facts. His choice of wheels, helmet, and crap haning off his bike at Kona are also slower.

Science tells us that he leaves 5 minutes out on the Kona course.... that is not insignificant, no matter how nice of a guy he is, no matter hard he trains, no matter how much he means well.

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“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Unprofessional move? You don't even know the facts yet. Perhaps Orbea was more unprofessional, and mistreated him - wait and see. To your second point, the stakes at the 70.3 Championships, which are also 4 weeks out from Kona are much higher then they were at IM Cda. It was a deeper field, and a shorter race, so he didn't have the luxury of giving time away, and then taking it back on a full marathon. Given this situation, and having Kona on the horizon, I can't fault the guy for wanting to bring his best game to the race.
Last edited by: JBell: Sep 11, 11 19:49
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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I have to agree with you on your first point. World champions do not get a free get-out-of-your-legal-obligation card. If he got Orbea's permission prior, then sure. The competitor in me says that winners do whatever it takes but legally speaking(and professionally) CA does not have a leg to stand on :/ Obviously I'm going by that referenced article about Orbea stating they weren't kept in the loop.

And I believe the Ordu -is- Orbea's latest Tri bike.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [CJAthey] [ In reply to ]
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Seriously? Risk a lawsuit for a few seconds or minutes gained from a bike? Risk subjecting yourself, your family, and your "wealth" (A subjective term with triathletes) for that? What world do you live in?

If, in fact, this was the train of thought, then someone needs to get Crowie a better business manager.

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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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jackmott wrote:
I think to make it more accurate, it would be:

"I do not always ride Cervelo, but when I do, I win world championships"

ATC wrote:
What I read from all of this is that when a pro needs to buy a bike instead of given a bike they choose Cervelo.

From the most interesting triathlete in the world:
"I dont always win world championships, but when I do I choose Cervelo :)"


Jack. Adam has it right.
Dude, he is the most interesting man world. He would win on a tricycle. He just chooses to do it on a Cervelo.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [sdmike] [ In reply to ]
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The most interesting man in the world don't win races, races win him. :p
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [JBell] [ In reply to ]
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JBell wrote:
Unprofessional move? You don't even know the facts yet. Perhaps Orbea was more unprofessional, and mistreated him - wait and see. To your second point, the stakes at the 70.3 Championships, which are also 4 weeks out from Kona are much higher then they were at IM Cda. It was a deeper field, and a shorter race, so he didn't have the luxury of giving time away, and then taking it back on a full marathon. Given this situation, and having Kona on the horizon, I can't fault the guy for wanting to bring his best game to the race.

Sorry, your argument is full of "fail." He signed a sponsorship deal with Orbea and took their money. He is obligated to ride their bike. Period.

Any time you sign a deal with an equipment sponsor, you risk not having your "best game" at some point....'cuz somebody will always develop something "better." I'm sure his contract does not read "ride our stuff unless you can find something faster."

As someone who has dealt with sponsorships and athletes in the bike industry, I can tell you right now that I would hard-pressed to sign CA to any deal.

Chicago Cubs - 2016 WORLD SERIES Champions!!!!

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." - Samuel Adams
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Power13] [ In reply to ]
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Power13 wrote:
And funny how he was able to win @ CdA this year on such an "inferior" or "out of date" frame.

Regardless of whether his decision was 'unprofessional' or not, you can't compare the competition at CdA to WC70.3.

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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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Personal theory- Crowie is getting up there in years (can you believe he is 38?), he doesn't have a ton of really productive time left to win world championships. Orbea is having issues giving him something they promised, so he picks a stage that the industry will notice and the public (for the most part) will not to make a bit of a scene. Shake something loose and get the equipment he needs NOW, not a year from now.

I work with a guy who is a top flight Masters runner (current national champion for Masters HM), and he certainly admits he started seeing diminishing returns after his mid 30s. I have an inkling Crowie may have that in the back of his head. How many Konas does he have left to not take every opportunity to win?
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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I'd say, as pretty much the most "professional" pro in the sport - it is worth it, even from a business standpoint. It tells people how important the right equipment choices are, and how strongly he feels it helps him win (a world championship). I'd say whatever bike he rides next, even (especially?) if it's the new Orbea, will carry a fair amount of weight. It legitimizes his sponsors equipment going forward, assuming he's riding/racing on the provided equipment. He's shown his commitment to performance, If I was a bike company, he'd be right at the top of athletes I'd be trying to bring on.

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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Slowman, with Frenchman's emphasis wrote:

however, [1] if we think somebody uses slowtwitch specifically to draw readers to another site with which they have some affiliation, we frown on that. also, [2] if you're linking to something off slowtwitch that's clearly referenced on slowtwitch, we prefer that you show us the courtesy of keeping your references in house. otherwise, link to whomever and whatever you want. strange tho this may seem to you, that's our policy, and i've explained this numerous times on the forum.

The [1] and [2] are mine as mentioned in the quotation. I have no problems with [1]. I also have no issues with [2], though I don't think, unless it's for [1], that people do that on purpose. They hear news somewhere, they share here. So they drive traffic here. Even if there is an outbound link, I'd bet in the case of news that most people if not all will stay on ST after following that link. Also, in this particular instance, one would have had to be VERY lucky to notice that somewhere in the check in gallery there was Crowie's P4. Pulling that thread seemed a bit over-reactive :) It's your playground... This being said, while we'll try and show you the courtesy to keep references in house, please try and show us that you trust that we care about the community here. I know I do.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [RFXCrunner] [ In reply to ]
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Knowing I don't have alot of "good" years left in me, I would definitely not burn any bridges, especially a "lifetime" contract. Now, if I had tons of useful competitive years left, am therefore confident someone else will pick me up as a sponsor, then -maybe- the risk vs. reward ratio changes in favor of reward. Regardless, unless Orbea broke the contract somehow, making the contract void, there's really very little justification for his move.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [chris b] [ In reply to ]
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I don't see it at all...He willingly, openly, and brazely violated a contract without openly saying boo to Orbea. That's not making a statement, that's stupidity.

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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [chris b] [ In reply to ]
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Here`s a thought maybe just maybe he has a clause in his contract where after X amount of years in the contract he or the sponsor can opt out of it and part ways or re-negotiate new terms(market conditions , performance or lack off and so on). If CA has been buying his own bikes with his own money and testing them out, then racing with the one he could go faster with and showing that manufacture what he can do with there bike and WIN a major event and put the spot light on them( P4). Maybe saying hey I need a new bike sponsor are you ready for me or are you prepared to buy me out of my old contract .
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Macho Grande] [ In reply to ]
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is it possible he knew how much this would cost him and took a gamble that he thought he could win (or even top 2-3). He might have to pay Orbea something, but he probably gets (in addition to his race winnings) other $$ from other sponsors for a WC win.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [jackmott] [ In reply to ]
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Being that 5 of the first 6 bikes in to T2 were Speed Concepts, I say no!
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [Livestrong191] [ In reply to ]
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Any such clause usually will require notification to current sponsor, usually in writing, usually within a set amount of time prior to such a date. According to the referenced website, seems like the email correspondence with the Orbea rep, they were clueless. Unless Orbea's lawyers are incompetent which I -highly- doubt.
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [SpeedRacer1] [ In reply to ]
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I think Jack said fastest. Not second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth fastest ;p

Note: Take this comment tongue-in-cheek
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Re: Crowie spotted with a P4 in Las Vegas [SpeedRacer1] [ In reply to ]
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All types of pro athletes use "other" mfrs gear from time to time. Sometimes its obvious, mostly not. There is no doubt a story here which will come out in time but I don't think its THAT big of a deal yet. Just my interpretation based on association & experience with a couple of different pro sports.
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