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www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event?
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Curious as to how http://www.obstri.com knows who is registered for an Ironman event when the event website hasn't even posted a list of participants? Does Ironman own http://www.obstri.com? How often is their information updated? Think it's a useful tool especially when considering what event to choose.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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My suspicion (purely guess work) is they've managed to access active.com databases (I'm sure if you do some digging it's possible to find the lists) and it populates their website.

Also agree, it's super useful and interesting even for age groupers
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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My guess is that they have an API key from Active.com (to retrieve info from Active databases) and probably use this or something like it:
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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I found a way through IM, not active :)
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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You seem to be pretty good at that :)

Chief Janitor @Slowtwitch
Life is short. Dont be mad all the time.

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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [Ewynn] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks! I'm just hoping IM won't notice too much and cut me off ;)
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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I'd delete these posts in case they didn't know and an Ironman employee finds this thread.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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Wurf going to Busselton to punch his KQ ticket early, then.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [BigBoyND] [ In reply to ]
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Haha! I was mostly kidding. I'm sure IM knows but they have seemed to be okay with it so far. Ultimately that kind of sites helps their business more it hurts them.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah I would think the website encourages people to sign up. I just wish I had checked things out before signing up for my late season full. Interesting how some races end up a little more stacked than others. Helpful tool if you want to see what your age group podium contenders look like year to year or if you're closing in on a Worlds spot. Love the fantasy game too. Would like to see a running score throughout the year and/or things broken down by category (one running point total for IM events, one for PTO, one for World Triathlon, etc.).
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [dcpinsonn] [ In reply to ]
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I’m planning on having 2023 season for the fantasy and have people compete until the end of the year.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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Speaking of databases, is there Any way to search for «national records» and top finishing times in Ironman events?

For example the ten quickest Ironman athletes in a country?

Would be cool to compare to!
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [BenjiChr] [ In reply to ]
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I don't have the option yet but I can easily add it.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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Would be really cool. And if it could be separates for pro/ag and Even in separate age groups it would be awesome.

And Even «top national» bike splitta etc.

I would for certain pay for that function :)
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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Your website is the psych sheet of all psych sheets

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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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How often do you update who has registered? Daily, weekly, etc?
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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obsessedironman wrote:
I don't have the option yet but I can easily add it.

Any plans on updating the iOS app? I bought the premium version or whatever is called a few years back and it hasn't been updated since then.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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I can’t BELIEVE you don’t have my 2004 IM Lake Placid results listed in my creds! (Yes, I’m old.)

Festina Lente
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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I usually update it every few days but it could be done daily by the sound of it :)
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [TulkasTri] [ In reply to ]
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I removed this app from the app/google store a few months ago. I don't plan on updating unfortunately but I'll be releasing a brand new version at some point in the future.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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obsessedironman wrote:
I removed this app from the app/google store a few months ago. I don't plan on updating unfortunately but I'll be releasing a brand new version at some point in the future.

Cool, looking forward to the new app. I still use the original app a lot, I just wished it had the functionality that the website has. I'll def get the new one.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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Just wanted to say thanks for doing the website - it’s really useful (crucially, for stalking secret rivals but other more wholesome things too) and very well implemented. Any prospect of adding other race series results (e.g. Challenge, ITU/ETU championship races, etc)?
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [Chowders] [ In reply to ]
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I wish I could add more races but Challenge results for instance are just all over the place, which it makes it almost impossible to gather their data.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [2brokenhips] [ In reply to ]
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The obstri site is great for the fantasy game and also for all the data on Age group races! Really hope they can continue to host it.
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Re: www.obstri.com how do they know who is registered for an Ironman event? [obsessedironman] [ In reply to ]
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I've been sending out a weekly triathlon e-mail newsletter for over 20 years to triathletes in & around Charlotte. I'd like to be able to include a list of who's doing an IM prior to the event. I can search by city on the IM tracker, but the information isn't always assessable until close to the race. I contacted IM a number of years ago (whoever owned it at the time) and asked why they can't provide a participant list. That was back when there were fewer IM races & they'd sell out within minutes of opening registration. Participants would also like to know who else has signed up. No one is going to know every triathlete that lives in your city and you might want to get together to train & talk about the race. It still doesn't make sense to me that they won't post a participant list on their website after people register. Why can't the results show where someone lives. One of the excuses IM sent me way back when was they couldn't release addresses for privacy concerns. We're not talking people's home addresses, just the city they live in. Doesn't make any sense to me. I'm no longer racing IM's, but I still occasionally look at results to see if I know anyone & to see what times people are doing. Just ridiculous that all you see are names & USA or Canada or whatever country they are from.
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