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knee pain
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2hrs into yesterdays workout I suddenly noticed a small pain in my left knee. Unfortunately the pain got worse. After 3 hours I couldn't pedal any more with my left foot, so I rode the last hour with one foot (tough!). I hoped that my knee would be better over the night, but it has really turned worse. I think I will go to the doc in a couple of days, but I would like to know what you might think it is.

When I bend the knee and put pressure on it (eg., pedal, walk in stairs/hills etc.) the pain emits from the top corner of the knee cap, on the inside. The pain goes away immediately if I stretch out my foot. When I pedal, the pain increases for every revolution and after 4-5 sec it is intolerable. If the foot has been in a steady position for a long time, the knee is very stiff if I suddenly try to walk. Also then the pain arise from bending the foot.

Before this weekend I've had three weeks of vacation, and this weekend was the start of the preparations for the next season. I rode 3hrs on Saturday without any problems. The position on the bike is the same as I've had the whole year. Pedals and cleats are not exchanged recently.

What do you think?

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Re: knee pain [walser] [ In reply to ]
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Have you had any significant knee injury in the past? When you answer this, think of any injury that was sustained while the knee was nearly extended, and possibly torsioned to the opposite that it hurts now.

If your knee hurts when you flex your foot, try gently moving your kneecap around while flexing your foot, and see if you can identify a specific location of pain(behind the knee, under kneecap, etc.) at any rate, don't wait to see a doctor, especially if you have a pain that gets worse. Speaking from a painful experience(with surgury following), if the pain is under the kneecap and on the inside, it sounds like a possible torn meniscus(maybe medial), although a strain is more likely. ice it and stretch liberally...if you have to keep up the regimen; but seek the advice of a professional before having to involuntarily hang up the shoes and bike.

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Re: knee pain [mtclmbr] [ In reply to ]
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Hi, thank you for the response.

No, I have not had any knee injury in the past, except for some pain because of growing ca. 5 years ago. But that wasn't an injury.

The pain comes from the outside of the knee cap. There is a small area on the top inside corner of the knee cap, where the pain emits from.
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Re: knee pain [walser] [ In reply to ]
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don't wait, go now. if anything for your peace of mind.

do it today,

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Re: knee pain [walser] [ In reply to ]
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Go checked out imm'y! MRI - if you can. There's so many ligaments around the knee, only an expert can tell you what exactly is going on. And you don't wanna mess w/ ligaments - there's little to no blood flow to certain ligaments, which menas the healing time is way slower than to a muscle injury. So, to be safe, go NOW.

I speak from experience. I ignored a knee pain a couple years ago. It was in the same area as yours. It felt like a sharp, stabbing kinda pain, that got steadily worse while I was trying to ignore it. Turned out to be a meniscus problem. It led to a 6 month layoff, but it did heal eventually, w/o surgery.

Who knows what your situation is, but, better to be ultra safe, when it comes to your knees - it's a really tricky joint.

Make sure you're fit is PERFECT,and that your knee is traccking correctly while pedaling, (you're fitter will tell you).

Rest, ice, anti-inflammatories.

Don't try to wish it away - fix it!!!
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