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knee at 3 to elbow
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my current fixation / fascination in bike fit is the distance between knee at 3oclock and the elbows. look e.g., at lance pic on txdude pic post. some other folks also mentioned this distance. a lot of aggressive / good riders have almost no clearance here, some even practically have to squeeze their knees inside the elbows. playing with this idea i am trying a shorter stem. right now due to fairly good flexibility plus natural spine/hip configuration i have a good (i think) aero position with low front end and a flat rather than rounded back, but about 4-5'' clearance between knee at 3 and elbow. now perhaps this knee/elbow distance is a useless piece of info due to varying femur lengths, body proportions, flexibility limitations etc but my thought is that "scrunching up" the aero position & slightly rounding the spine may lose a bit of aero but gain nice power and maybe a bit of comfort (less weight out on the elbows). no question really, just stream of consciousness as i get ready to leave work but curious whether this knee/elbow relationship gotten much attention in bike fit circles? i'll put that on the list of things to research on monday when I get back to "work". have a good weekend y'all.
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Re: knee at 3 to elbow [johnthesavage] [ In reply to ]
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Keep in mind that Lance is limited by two things. First, the rules. He can't move his front end farther away from his knees because he is not allowed to move his saddle farther forward. So, his knees will tend to be tighter to his elbows that what many triathletes would do.

Second, he has adapted his joint angles to ride a certain way. Even if he could move his saddle forward for a TT, I'm not sure that he would. Again, this limitation would not apply to a triathlete.

Finally, everybody's body is different. My bike is way steep, but my knees still hit my elbows simply because I have a short torso. I have just gotten used to it.
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