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i`m an idiot, but i need help....
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what does TSR mean? and why is record10carbon renounincing his love for it?????
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [aerojunkie2] [ In reply to ]
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TSR is Team Secondhand Racing... a "charity" that he and Mr. Tibbs (I believe) set up where folks with extra bike parts and stuff can funnel them to folks who need them, free of charge. Among other things they did was set up a complete Quintana Roo bike and a bunch of other stuff for an injured Marine. A very nice program. R10C has been the "focal point" for donations and distributions for some time.

In short, R10C is quitting because during the "Hurricane Katrina" brouhaha in the Lavender Room, he was accused of grandstanding for personal gain when promoting the TSR program (and by association, his work on it).

That's the Headline News version, at least.

Yes, I too now have a Blog. Don't laugh.
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [aerojunkie2] [ In reply to ]
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TSR - Team (or Tibb's) Secondhand Racing

RC10 still loves it just not the naysayers that use it against him. "I think that you have tainted the TSR project with your attitude..." type thing.

This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
Industry Brat.
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [TwinDad] [ In reply to ]
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The bike was a Softride Rocket R1, and there is more to it than the brewhaha of Katrina. I choose not to post other issues that have been lurking about because it does not really matter. And, if I was to proclaim all my concerns I would be told I was a baby, jerk, idiot or that I deserve what I get.

I would not pronounce the deal dead just yet...maybe with some restructuring that I and a few others are working on off the main forum we can keep things going. I will however not tolerate nasty e-mails from people who are mad at me cause I dont have the part that they want me to send them - for FREE. Yes, I did get a nasty e-mail stating that TSR was a joke...cause I happen to not have clip on aero bars. That was about the last straw....


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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I will however not tolerate nasty e-mails from people who are mad at me cause I dont have the part that they want me to send them - for FREE. Yes, I did get a nasty e-mail stating that TSR was a joke...cause I happen to not have clip on aero bars.

I know you're above doing so, but this jackass deserves to have his or her name broadcast to the forum.

What an ass...

<If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough>
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Come on over to TNO. A TNO'er would never write nasty emails. It's all sunshine, group hugs, pastel colors, and incense over there. TNO: It's Phantastic.

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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, sorry. Still, a SWEET bike.

Didn't know about the nastiness around TSR itself. I, for one think you've been doing a fine job. Hope you (and others) are able to work something out. I know how frustrating such things can be.

Oh, and I still owe you a QR saddle cover. Should I hang on to it a bit longer 'case the mailing address shifts, or go ahead and send it?

Yes, I too now have a Blog. Don't laugh.
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Re: i`m an idiot, but i need help.... [record10carbon] [ In reply to ]
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That sucks to get berated for doing a good thing.

But one nasty email from a psychologically imbalanced person is not really a big deal. The American Red Cross probably gets 1000s of hate letters a year from people who perceive to be slighted in some fashion, but they keep going... I would say that kind of thing comes with the territory and you have to laugh it/shake it off. Even though TSR is a very personal venture for you, you can't take it personally.

You're doing what you can with what you got... soldier on, man.

Now I guess I should send you some parts or something.

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