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Winter Running - How's it going for you guys?
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I'm trying to be tough. I am. Trying to stay outside most of the time, and only resort to the treadmill on the worst days. But, it's getting, uh, challenging...

-Rolled my ankle for the 3rd time today, cause the drop off on the road's edge is concealed by snow. Screamed obscenity, finished run.

-My lungs are shredded from the cold air. However, I do have this kinda raspy voice thang going on for the rest of the day after a run. Sounds kinda sexy, I think.

-I don't wanna get shot. I'm thinking mebbe a bright pink headband so that numbhead hunters, won't think I'm a deer or a bear running along the road. (No offence intended. I'm just sayin'...)

How's your winter running going? If you're in Florida or Hawai'i - I hate you, (sorry Konaby2008)
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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At 6:30 am it was dark , snow covered and ~ minus 10. I did a 60 min run, followed by a 60 min XC ski. I could have just XC skied for 2 hours, but with the thin snow cover, I did not want to be skiing in the dark and going through to rocks and wrecking my skis (even though they are rock skis).

In any event, I like to run to get myself going in the morning. There is some kind of primative, hunter/gatherer type of endorphin released when you are running along with the sun rising through the crystal mist shedding a brilliant hue of red across your landscape and two deer jump out in front of you in a full out sprint.

Awesome. This is what sport is all about. Racing is just an excuse to train.

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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Went for a run on the nature trail today with my black lab. Just enough snow to slip, slide and be dangerous but not yet enough for x-country skiing. Once more snow arrives I say "screw it" to winter running and x-country ski instead.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I went out this morning for an 80 min. hill repeat run. The first 50 min. or so, it was about 25F degrees, no wind. Parts of the streets are icy, but it was daylight so I could avoid it. The last half an hour, though, the wind kicked up, the temperature started dropping, and it started to snow. I swear by the end, I could not feel my nose and I was unable to form words. I'm trying to remember that these runs are making me tougher, but boy it's hard:) Tomorrow, the high is supposed to be about 5F degrees. I think I may be on the treadmill.
Last edited by: AmyCO: Dec 6, 05 15:10
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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i guess this happens every year, right? yet i never seem to have found a good solution to seasonal challenges...

today, was in the mood for doing maybe 7-10 miles. fit that in by breaking it up because of short daylight hours. took stuff to gym near work, did 5 miles in the am. just got back from a post-work 3m, during which i was contantly slowing down for fear of hard-to-see ice. oh, i was a bit afraid of getting shot too, but not by deer hunters, by the urban kind -- my riverside running path was practically deserted, all the runners have run inside except for me and another occaisional crazy person. not sure if it is safe to run there in the dark!
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I prefer the running in the cold, (although we don't get the snow on the roads like you do and definately no deer prancing by!), it's easier to peel off some layers than be melting in the heat reflecting off the road. I like the early morning starts with the sunrise in winter too. But I hate it when it gets super chilly on my nose etc... Next winter I might invest in a bun warmer from Tribabe.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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No problems since I'm in San Francisco. I am Swedish though, so I'm used to cold weather. If you have problems with your lungs you can get one of these: [url]http://www.airtrim.se/eng/index.html[/url]
(It is a Swedish company, but I guess there might be a local alternative).
A lot of cross country skiers in Sweden use these.

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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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it was -25 yesterday. Did a 6am 1 hr run, 7 am 1 hr ride, then a 2 hr ride in the dark and cold in the evening. Today it warmed up to -23 but I only did a run this morning. I'll run outside down to about -35 and ride down to about -25. I've run outside at -40 and it's just too difficult keeping warm (especially when there's strong winds). I did a 52K race last year at -30 with blowing snow and it really sucked for the last hour.

I can't remember the last time I ran on a treadmill.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Oh man! Why did I open this thread??!! Now I feel even more pathetic with my treadmill running. :(

Good job to all you folks who can put up with the cold and continue to run. Not me. The freezing mark is about my cutoff. Sometimes I'll do a long run up to -5, but not very often. I AM SUCH A WIMP!
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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that's hardcore!

I'd be running... but I can't :(

maybe she's born with it, maybe it's chlorine
If you're injured and need some sympathy, PM me and I'm very happy to write back.
disclaimer: PhD not MD
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [DawnT] [ In reply to ]
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I'll make you feel better. I'm from Florida but I live in Chicago and I am a cold weather wimp. The temperature suddenly dropped last Thursday night but I didn't know that and I got up early on Friday morning to do a long run thinking it was about 32F. Well I was miserably cold and it took me good 5 minutes just to get the key in the door because my fingers were non-functioning. Turned on the news and found out it was a 0 degree day with the windchill so I felt less wimpy but you -25 degree people are just nuts. Needless to say I've done ever run on the treadmill since last Friday.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [DawnT] [ In reply to ]
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  God invented treadmills as part of the intelligent design. You cold weather runners must be stuck on one of the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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When I lived in montana we had real winter and I used to xc ski most days. My record for cold was -38F at midnight on a new year's eve ski. In seattle, it's never very cold but usually wet and just above freezing in the winter. Having lived through both kinds of winter, I'll take 10F and sunshine anyday over 36F and raining. Once you're up to speed and up to operating temperature it doesn't really matter what the weather is.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [MPB1950] [ In reply to ]
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The only treadmill I'd consider running on is one that can be used outside:
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [Brent F] [ In reply to ]
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You should try to make it to the next rung.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [AmyCO] [ In reply to ]
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We're only getting up to 20 degrees tomorrow ourselves (my house will be lucky to get out of the teens). Not sure if I'll venture out tomorrow morning at 5AM when it's been snowing all night and it's sub-zero for the first time this year in Utah. You guys hit it that low yet?
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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you are on snow...shit! I am behind, this is the latest I have ever gone without one snow day yet...still running and rollerskiing in Maine. Hopefully this weekend.


USA Triathlon Level 3 Elite Coach
USA Cycling Level 1 Elite Coach

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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I can't run on the treadmill, it hurts my shins so i go outside. it was cold here (20F) but no snow yet. Occasionnal patch of ice on the sidewalk which scares me. I don't like it, but i do it anyway
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I got clotheslined by one of the wires that supports a telephone pole while running in the dark. Luckily, it got me across the chest and not my throat and I only ended up flat on my back wondering what the hell just hit me. Knocked the wind out of me pretty good though.

What is this treadmill thing you are all speaking of? I have honestly never ran on one. They probably have them at those gym places I hear people talk of as well.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I can't stand treadmills(principally because I'm surrounded by lard-arses staring at the mini-tv screen whilst walking on them-although at least they are trying I suppose....)if only because they make you lazy and lead to bad form which once you get back out in the real world quickly shows up in the form of new injuries.Plus there's somethying about being the only fruitcake running outside when its below freezing.....a lot to be said for occasional solitude in New joisy.

Apologies to Canuk contingent I know 'below freezing' is t-shirt and thong weather....

non illigitamus carborundum
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [oldbrit] [ In reply to ]
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RE: "there's somethying about being the only fruitcake running outside when its below freezing"


A couple days last year when running at 6 AM with the temperature in the low -30's and a howling wind people who were out trying to get their cars started made comments about us runners being nuts.

Last night while riding by bike on icy roads at -25 there was no traffic on the roads other than the occasional empty transit bus. It was a bit surreal.

Training days like these make races feel easier.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I am pretty much anti-winter, EXCEPT when it comes to running. I love running through whatever Mother Nature can dish out. I do try to be sensible and when it gets into the really cold temps (and really, really cold windchills) I keep my runs to under an hour. The funny thing is that is the only time I can stand the weather. It gets really bad for me when in early March when the freeze/thaw thing starts and everything is mucky.

Just remember, there is no bad weather, just bad clothing choices!


"Slowbern has always made astute observations."-Casey 03/10/2009
2013-2014 Detroit Lions---13-3 until proved otherwise.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Great it was 44 this morning but warmed up to 67. Did 6 miles it was a great day for a run. If I had more time I would of gone for a ride. Weather in So. Cal. has been great. Best time of the year in opinion. PS I do like the snow About 1-6 hrs drive depending on what you want.

Train safe & smart

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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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Pretty good! I am on my 39th straight day of running. Winter just hit here in CO, but I love running in the cold and I detest the dreadmill although I will try some t/m workouts this winter for kicks. Summer, winter, rain, snow, sleet, hail, doesn't matter, I just run. That is the New Englander in me, I guess. :-)

Mike Ricci
2017 USAT World Team Coach
USAT National Coach of the Year
Coaching Triathletes since 1992.
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Re: Winter Running - How's it going for you guys? [IronDeb] [ In reply to ]
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I hate the cold
I hate the cold
I hate the cold
I hate the cold

My indoor track running is going quite well though.

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