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Why motorist dislike cyclist
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I know we've been through this a thousand times but...

(Disclaimer: (1) When I refer to cyclist I mean roadie or tri or anyone on a bike, (2) I often am guilty of some of the things I'm about to write, (3) I ride alone, not in a peloton.)

Was on my way out to do my "Honey do list" Sunday morning (Mother's day for those childless souls) and I'm stopped at the end of my street.

A pack of 15 riders or so ride by and a car is waiting to make a left onto my street. Once the riders clear, the car turns.

As it was, there was a group of 4 stragglers behind the main pack, and it seems the car turning in between them and the peloton was a criminal moving violation.

One guy starts yelling at the car and giving him the finger. Mind you, the car turning did not cause the group of four to slam on their brakes to avoid an accident. They did have to ease up pedaling but obviously no brakes were needed as the guy was able to use his hand to give the finger.

I then make my right turn, but have to go 10 miles an hour as the offending party is now riding 4 abreast and blocking the entire road.

As we approach the light, which is red, the four barely slow, give a quick look each way (not a busy intersection), and blow through it.

I know not all cyclist are like this, but the Average Joe only needs one bad experience to make up his mind that cyclists are evil.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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People like that are a disgrace to the sport.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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Why are motorists hostile towards cyclists? It's a complicated situation. You have pointed out one of the manin reasons - many motorists see cyclists flagrantly breaking the rules of the road. This paints us all with a bad brush, eventhough I think that it's a small percentage of cyclists that do this. Other reasons:

1. Motorists seem to get impatient even if they are held up for 5 seconds. EVERYONE seems to be in a hurry these days. People seem to live there entire day/week/months these days with a just-in-time schedule.

2. Motorists, indeed just about everyone in North America still looks upon cycling as an obscure sport. Not like in Europe, where for the most part it is #2 behind football(soccer).

3. Just about zero adults cycle in North America, other than competitive cyclists and triathletes, so they have no appreciation for the activity what-so-ever. A bike is something a kid rides!

4. Perhaps they are jelous that you are out there enjoying the wind and the sun on your bike, while they are stuck in there car. Who knows.

What I can never understand is the gunning of the motor as the car/truck passes. This seems to happen just about ALL the time. OK, you the car driver are moving along at about 70 kmh driving a vehicle with 150 horsepower or more. I am a cyclist moving along at 30 kmh with maybe .25 horse power, yet when you do pass me you have to gun the motor and accelerate hard. Why? You will pass me in an instant just coasting. Why jam the accelerator to the floor? I was riding along a quiet country road on Saturday and every second car that passed me did this. Strange!

Just some thoughts.


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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Let me ask this: I was riding Sat morning, which just happened to be Derby Day here in the Bluegrass, and was on a 2 lane road along the Ohio River. Minding my own business, by myself. All of the sudden I hear a horn blast behind me, louder than a damn foghorn. It was a big tour bus, taking people to Churchill. Scared the crap out of me. No cars were coming in the opposite direction, so he easily passed me. I can only assume he meant it as a warning that he was coming around. But, just pass me. I can handle being passed by something that big, but don't blow your horn and scare the crap out of me.

Would anyone have wanted that kind of warning?
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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Question regarding street lights. During my solo rides, I fairly regularly go through red lights. I do slow down to properly inspect the intersection making sure it is safe, but that's it. Don't most of us do that, or am I in the minority?
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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I ride alone, too, and I really have had absolutely no problems with motorists. Usually, just the opposite, as there have been a lot of motorists willing to stop and wait for me to get across an intersection, even if they have the right of way.

Here's a tip for those who ride in a group: If you're riding on a public road, and there's other traffic on it, ride single file, for crying out loud. I can't tell you how many pairs and groups of riders I see cruising along, riding abreast, chatting and having a grand old time- as if they're on a closed course or something. Then they get pissed when a car swings wide and passes them. It is annoying.

Hate to say it, but I find myself on the motorist side of this fight.

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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I may have been in that pack...wait, no...I would have thrown my bottle at the car, wasnt me.


What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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Because of events like the honking bus and of Mitch Gold getting hit by a drunk driver at 9 o'clock on a Sunday Morning, I'm now an AVID rear view mirror advocate.

Good to know if somebody is back there and you can decide if you need to detour into the ditch or become a tour bus' hood ornament.
Last edited by: Floating Debris: May 9, 05 10:27
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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Also this past Saturday-

Riding along a popular cycling route north of Orinda near the EBMUD water treatment plant. There's a section where the lane is constrained and there's an OPTIONAL, badly maintained, bike lane for cyclists not comfortable on the constrained section. I never take it.

A six series newish BMW comes up right behind me, leans on the horn, comes along side and deliberately proceeds to pinch me against the rail! I came within six inches of either the car or the rail just before the prick speeds off. I only got a couple of the license letters before he was gone around the bend ahead. I immediately thought about the riding with a sidearm thread; if I'd of had one it would have been like returning fire in my mind.

Ruined the rest of my ride quite frankly and I'm still pissed off. Given the number of miles I do I have to admit this is pretty rare but still. It seems around here it's either pick-up truck rednecks or BMW driving pricks. WTF!!??

In the real world, if a motorist makes a deliberate move toward a cop, it's assault with a deadly weapon and the officer is free to return fire. For a cyclist, you are at their mercy and still need a fair bit of luck and bike handling skills not to go down.

Makes one think. Prickish cyclists might delay a motorist for a few seconds; but bastard drivers might kill.

Go to www.rideofsilence.org and show your support.

Mr. Uncaptured External Costs

Fossil carbon is planetary poison.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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Did you at least hawk a nice sized loogie on his window as he took off?
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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"Question regarding street lights. During my solo rides, I fairly regularly go through red lights. I do slow down to properly inspect the intersection making sure it is safe, but that's it. Don't most of us do that, or am I in the minority? "

For me it is, "does my action negatively affect other people?" Rolling a red light when there are no cars is cool as long as those who have the right of way are not affected. I can’t expect cars to respect me if I don’t respect them. I live in Livermore, Ca and people from all over the bay area come here to ride. Not a week goes by where I don’t see some jackass or heard of jackasses on bikes do something to piss of people in cars or the residents of the country roads. I figure that I will pay the price when the person driving the car looks for a little pay back.

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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Question regarding street lights. During my solo rides, I fairly regularly go through red lights. I do slow down to properly inspect the intersection making sure it is safe, but that's it. Don't most of us do that, or am I in the minority?

It is against the law in most areas. If you ride on the road you have to follow the rules of the road as if you were a motor vehicle. Most cops wouldn't give you a ticket but they could.


**Note above poster works for a retailer selling bikes and related gear*
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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He was probably just "going by the book"

In OH, a passing car is supposed to "signal" with their horn to alert a cyclist of passing. I keep a copy of the Ohio Revised Code for bicycling laws, pre-printed on a sticky pad. I've slapped many on a windshield or side window of cars that are a-holes and I happen to see them later.

Most motorist are very unaware of cycle laws in their states (in OH, likes most states, a bicycle on the road is treated about the same as any other vehicle with rights and responsibilities).

I learned the sticker on the window trick from an old cyclist/lawyer - gets my frustrations out, alerts the driver, and maybe educates him/her as well. I would probably dent the rear quarterpanel with my cleat instead :(

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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I quit going to a local ride in Florida because every time the very large group rolled out of the school to start the ride they rode 4-5 wide and blocked at least one lane if not part of the other - one time we were riding and a car came up behind the pack and honked it's horn (in a non agressive manner) signaling they were going to pass - I saw at least 3 cyclists give them the finger (this is while they are riding 4-5 wide) on his way by. The only thing I could think of was being alone on the road and this car remembering this incident and taking it out on me. None of these actions warrant the BMW trying to run you off the road but I can see how some morotists get a bad taste toward cyclists.

I believe the law in Florida says - cyclists have to ride single file - unfortunately that does not happen all the time.

Stay safe everyone!
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Question regarding street lights. During my solo rides, I fairly regularly go through red lights. I do slow down to properly inspect the intersection making sure it is safe, but that's it. Don't most of us do that, or am I in the minority?

uhm, yeah, I follow the rules of the road. running a red light on a bike is no different than doing it in the car.

the thing that cracks me up is that cyclists want respect on the road, but do exactly what you've just outlined.

do you run redlights in your car if no one is coming? if no, then don't f'ing do it on your bike.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [rroof] [ In reply to ]
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"I keep a copy of the Ohio Revised Code for bicycling laws, pre-printed on a sticky pad. I've slapped many on a windshield or side window of cars that are a-holes and I happen to see them later. "

Where did you get the pre-printed sitckies, and does anyone have them for california bicycling laws? I like the idea, it could make my morning commute much more educational for all involved.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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The gunning seems to be an anger reaction due to factors your noted above. Jealousy rules the world. Reasons for jealousy: 1) They are in a hurry and you have time for a bike ride. 2) You have a cool bike and cool outfit and they don't. 3) you are buff and they are fat. 4) Any of whacko reason you can come up with. The car is an insulator. You can act different than face-face. This assumes there is no stop light nearby.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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It's also against the law to cross the street (walking) in NYC when the cross walk says dont walk, but almost everyone does it. I was just curious if others applied the same disregard for the law, when riding a bike.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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maybe it's the german in me, but i don't even cross the street unless the sign says so. call me a geek, but it's true.

just don't get hit, ok?
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [jeffm] [ In reply to ]
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I just downloaded the code, sized it, and printed it out on some Avery 1/4 sheet sticky labels. Works great! Now if we could just have everyone in Slowtwitchia try this ..... I could only imagine the Wal Street Journal article ;(

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [David in NY] [ In reply to ]
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Sometimes, you have no choice but to go through a red light. Funny you should bring this up b/c on my sunday ride yesterday, my buddies and i are stopped at a red light, and it won't turn green for us. It's apparently a "Smart" light and we're not heavy enough to set off the light. So we were discussing what the law would say about this b/c it's not reasonable for us to have to wait for a car to approach in order for us to cross the street.
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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OK, so they are using their car to give me the finger, so to speak with a blast, of noise, pollution and a show of strength. I am really impressed!!!


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [kac94] [ In reply to ]
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Here is a great link for cycling laws -


As for the Orinda Stretch of San Pablo Dam Road, you could be ticketed for NOT riding on the side street bike lane according to the California Vehicle Code. It's a grey area, but the interpretation could go against you.:

21208. (a) Whenever a bicycle lane has been established on a roadway pursuant to Section 21207, any person operating a bicycle upon the roadway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at that time shall ride within the bicycle lane, except that the person may move out of the lane under any of the following situations: (1) When overtaking and passing another bicycle, vehicle, or pedestrian within the lane or about to enter the lane if the overtaking and passing cannot be done safely within the lane. (2) When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. (3) When reasonably necessary to leave the bicycle lane to avoid debris or other hazardous conditions. (4) When approaching a place where a right turn is authorized. (b) No person operating a bicycle shall leave a bicycle lane until the movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after giving an appropriate signal in the mannerprovided in Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 22100) in the event that any vehicle may be affected by the movement. Cheers, Karma

Dave Stark
USAC & USAT level 2 certified coach
Last edited by: karma: May 9, 05 11:54
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [OWEN_MEANY] [ In reply to ]
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That's a good point. I ride in a mostly rural area, and the odd time that I do come to a light, that crossess a major road, it's a sensor affair for the secondary road crossing the major road. Makes sense as this keeps the flow of car traffic moving along the major road and gives the green light only to the time that a car is crossing. However, as you pointed out, a person on a bike will not set off the sensor. So, what to do? I know that I have often had to encourage a car approaching from the rear that is arriving at roughly the same time as me, to pull up onto the sensor pad( some times people don't get this and they seem a little dismayed). However, if no cars are in site, what are your supposed to do? Wait forever or cross against the redlight when safe? I have been meaning to ask a cop that I see when I am out for ride some time.


Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
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Re: Why motorist dislike cyclist [Fleck] [ In reply to ]
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It is just the basic disregard for the "other guy" that is now part of the fabric of our world.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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