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What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview?
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Empfield mentioned something to the effect of (paraphrasing) "People are almost ready to hear the truth about themselves.... almost." But the darn interviewer didn't pick up on that comment and run with it. He should have seen the foreshadowing and jumped all over that.

So, what was the "truth" Dan alluded to in his interview? I have my own ideas, but does anyone know?


Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Empfield mentioned something to the effect of (paraphrasing) "People are almost ready to hear the truth about themselves.... almost." But the darn interviewer didn't pick up on that comment and run with it. He should have seen the foreshadowing and jumped all over that.

So, what was the "truth" Dan alluded to in his interview? I have my own ideas, but does anyone know?

I didn't follow that either... but I was multitasking at the time and figured I just didn't hear it all...




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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [IronDad] [ In reply to ]
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I wager it was something about how fat and out of shape we are as a nation.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I wager it was something about how fat and out of shape we are as a nation.

Four comments that every one of my relatives make when they first visit here from Europe: 1) how much violence there is on television and in the movies, 2) how ridiculously large the cars are, and usually with only one person in them, 3) how ridiculously large the portions are at restaurants; and 4) how many overweight and out of shape people there are...

Those who have been coming regularly since the sixties just comment on how the foregoing are all getting worse...




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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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There's a better way to live, that envolves being active, that you'll enjoy a hell of a lot more than you expect.
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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"I wager it was something about how fat and out of shape we are as a nation."

yessir, that's it. i think we're almost ready, as a nation, to stop relying on phen/fen, cortislim, lo-carb, 40/30/30, fat-suckout, stomach stapling, and realize these truths:

1. you're fat
2. you're outa shape
3. you're ugly (because of 1 & 2)
4. you're depressed (because of 3)
5. you're unfulfilled (because of 3 and 4)

and as a result, we must societally stipulte to:

6. calories taken in (minus) calories expended must result in a negative integer.
7. you must move. you cannot stand still. you must move or you will not become fit.

hey, math whizzes out there. #5 above, can you reduce this to a formula, like with the ^ and ∑ sort of symbols to make it all look greek and shit?

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I think it is that one bike is good for everyone.
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I am not a philosopher or anything like that, but my opinion is that the "homo sapiens" evolved with the capacities to hunt, gather, etc. We were given the ability to use our bodies (arms, legs, etc) to pretty much do everything ourselves to survive. Over time we have come accustomed to others doing things for us, technology, computers, gadgets, etc and have become sedentary!!!! I mean technology is great but we have to know and learn how to use it to our advantage, not to our detriment!

Just my opinion!

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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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6. calories taken in (minus) calories expended must result in a negative integer.

Does it have to be an integer? 'Cause I eat and burn half calories, quarter calories, and even .002714 calories all the time. I've also been known to burn the occasional imaginary calorie, but it's a lot harder to prove.
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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hey, Dan, how is your new big fat saturn SUV?

might there be any connections here....?

Where would you want to swim ?
Last edited by: Greg/ORD: Apr 21, 05 16:22
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Hey all

My wife is a Pharmacist so we get a lot of medical magazines and she has to go to continuing education classes every year. One of the classes they were talking about this very thing and they had a statistic that the average American spends on average of 8 minutes out side a day!!! Can you believe that! 8 minutes! I know most of us do at lest 1 hour a day and if we don’t get that we get all cranky! But then we are a bunch of geeks.

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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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yessir, that's it. i think we're almost ready, as a nation, to stop relying on phen/fen, cortislim, lo-carb, 40/30/30, fat-suckout, stomach stapling

How come?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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"How come?"

there are healthier ways to maintain proper body composition? maybe?

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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"I wager it was something about how fat and out of shape we are as a nation."

yessir, that's it.

I only caught the tail end of the story on the news last night, but it was something to the effect that the CDC (if I recall correctly) had determined that they had grossly overestimated the number of deaths caused by being overweight...reduced the estimate something like 90% and then went on to say more people died as a result of being underweight than overweight.

Made me laugh. Almost....
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Amen, brother!
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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They are all waiting for the genetic re-engineering of their imperfect body. According to CNN and other news-sources this paradise is very near.

Then you will just have to pop a pill (or two). This will kill all those fat-cells, get you super musculous and will keep you young forever.

Everybody is waiting for that, trust me!

If there is any way around the dreaded workout, the discomfort, the of waste of precious time with physical exercise, it will be preferred by the majority of the population.

Good news is that you probably will be able to sue your healthcare provider to get that "treatment"....

It's gonna be a shiny new world, with fit and pretty people who do not need to be (Tri-)athletes....


(BOMK, racing drug and supplement free since 1985)
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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periodic liposuction.

yessir...that's the key. and for only $xxxx/month...you too can have a bowflex body....

"Anyone can work hard when they want to; Champions do it when they don't."
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]6. calories taken in (minus) calories expended must result in a negative integer. [/reply]

I've got to agree with pooks. There is no reason for this number to be an integer. Although the imaginary calories that Pooks spoke of are nebulous at best. Admittedly, I might not the biggest math geek on the forum, but I'm certainly in the top 1%.

It would be pretty easy to convert #5 to an equation, but sadly I don't think that I can type greek in this editor. It would be sweet if you had some way to import LaTeX files (yes, that word is capitalized correctly) to the forum.

I will start by pointing out that this situation is certainly not an if and only if. That is, ugliness and depression may lead to being unfufilled, but being unfufilled certainly does not mean you are ugly and depressed.

My guess is it's going to be some sort of exponential function; that is, being twice as depressed will leave you much more than twice as unfufilled. Having some statistical data would be good, and we definitely need to come up with a good numerical scale for ugliness, depression, and unfufillment. So for the zeroth order approximation, I'm going to go with


Perhaps Francois wants to comment here? You see, Francois is an analyst (analysis=dirty math), while I'm an algebraist (fun math). So statistical approximations might be more up his alley.


P.S. You know I love ya' Francois. What's your PhD in, anyways?

Any run that doesn't include pooping in someone's front yard is a win.
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]I think it is that one bike is good for everyone.[/reply]

"640K of RAM is enough for anyone."

fork DOWN
times DOWN
woo - jackmott
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [johnny law] [ In reply to ]
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It is all ok now because the food triangle has vertical stripes with a guy climbing stairs on the side. The saddest comentary I have seen on the USA was at the Mcdonalds in Italy you could AMERICAN SIZE your meal. Ouch. That hurts. We went to Mickey Ds to use the bathroom as theirs was actually available.
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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here are healthier ways to maintain proper body composition? maybe?

No, you knucklehead- what I was asking is what makes you think that we, as a nation, are almost ready to accept that there are healthier ways to maintain proper body composition. What signs of sanity are you seeing out there on the horizon?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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"what makes you think that we, as a nation, are almost ready to accept that there are healthier ways to maintain proper body composition."

it's what's next. we went from 75% adult smoking to 25% in a generation. no addiction is much harder to quit than smoking.

contrary to popular opinion, american grown ups:

1. like to be told the truth
2. like to be challenged

but politicians, clergymen, parents, advertisers, pretty much everybody out there is afraid to challenge and speak the truth. the pendulum has swung as far in that direction as it can go. now it'll swing back, and with a force. the enterprising politicains/companies/decision makers will see this paradigm before it rounds the corner and hits us square in the face.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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You telling me brother!

I would vote for the dude who comes out and says:

"look here, Area 54 is aTOTAL hoax to generate money, JFK was shot by his ex GF from college and the Iraq war was started on a bet between me and my frat boy drinking pals. Now, what we need here is some health care, cause ours sucks, better public education, cause ours sucks, And a pro football team in LA. How do we do it? Well, we pomny up like the good folks of the 40's and 50's and get some fucking work done!"
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [IronDad] [ In reply to ]
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A friend had a German exchange student last year. Those were her exact words. Of course she lived in a 300 year old quaint village built around a town square and could walk or ride a bike everywhere. CA suburbia blew her away.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: What is this "truth" the sagacious Dan Empfield spoke of in his active radio interview? [CCF] [ In reply to ]
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I am not an analyst. my initial area was algebraic topology...
my PhD is in theoretical computer science (understand math...)...non-additive measures and non-additive integration.
my research area now is computational biology.

when you finish your PhD, let me know how easy it is to get NSF Grants in Algebra, explaining that what you do (say non-commutative algebra which was the research area of Alain Connes one of the last frenchies to get a fields medal...the last one being Pierre Louis Lions -who was my prof- for his work on hamilton jacobi equations...in analysis hehehe) may have some applications in 300 years ;-)

example of application of Algebra: Fermat's last theorem led to Elliptic Curves developments some 300 years later, which in turns gave some new tools to develop cryptosystems...
Now there are even newer algorithms based on current development of Algebra (although not my area, so can't comment as to what is used exactly)
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