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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Once Jill and I have a kid, I will have even less desire to take risks.

I hear you on that...a few months after my son was born, I was riding my motorcycle home from work and the thought popped into my head "This is really dumb. Any of these cars could just take me out...I've got a little guy depending on me!" Needless to say, I sold the motorcycle.

Speaking of motorcycles though, one very good thing about "defensive driving" for bicycles that I learned from my many years of motorcycle riding was that you have to ride as if you're invisible to the other motorists. Never assume someone can see you. On a motorcycle, one can somewhat counteract your lack of visibility by using sound (i.e. "Loud pipes save lives"), but that's hard to do on a bicycle.

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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Looking back what could you have done differently to reduce the risk of a collision and how will this affect the way you ride/train on the road in the future?

Happy to see you well down the recovery road


I would not do intervals on a road where cars can enter from the side. Jill - my wife - is going to get a motor scooter and accompany me on some interval workouts. I am also going to ride the trainer a lot more for intervals. and I will also ride my MTB more to stay off the road when I can.

Having your wife ride along on a motor scooter -- a small two wheeled vehicle -- only puts you both at risk.
I understand completely the powerful protective instincts at work -- unfortunately the effect is opposite.

Good luck with recovery.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [olddog] [ In reply to ]
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Looking back what could you have done differently to reduce the risk of a collision and how will this affect the way you ride/train on the road in the future?

Happy to see you well down the recovery road


I would not do intervals on a road where cars can enter from the side. Jill - my wife - is going to get a motor scooter and accompany me on some interval workouts. I am also going to ride the trainer a lot more for intervals. and I will also ride my MTB more to stay off the road when I can.

Having your wife ride along on a motor scooter -- a small two wheeled vehicle -- only puts you both at risk.
I understand completely the powerful protective instincts at work -- unfortunately the effect is opposite.

Good luck with recovery.

Except she will have nothing to focus on but potential risks. She doesn't have to worry about a workout. But I would expect that the trainer will be a far more regular replacement.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [mr. mike] [ In reply to ]
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I have a friend who is always on coumadin due to a bad case of a fib. He rides outside regularly, including in triathlons. He does have a RoadID that states he takes coumadin. I wonder if his dosage is lower than Jordan's or if he is just taking a calculated risk. I know for sure that he sometimes rides alone also.

A few of us are on coumadin and ride outside. If I were Rapp and had to be on for a limited time, I wouldn't ride outside either (I was on coumadin for 6 months last year and only rode the trainer, came off coumadin for three months, now on again for life, as of now). When you become a lifer, however, you have to make the choice to give up riding outside (or altogether) or deal with an added risk (since we are all at risk out there) and take certain precautions the best you can.

It's a reasonable decision to not ride outside

Dosage isn't the issue, most people need to be around a 2.0-3.0 PT/INR (just means your blood is thinner - eta - take that back, it just means you clot slower, blood thinners don't "thin" the blood). Some people take 10mg to get there, some take 5 mg, etc.. it's metabolised differently for everyone.

Not intended to hijack Rapp's thread. Have you driven back by the intersection where the accident occurred? If so, did you feel anything, or do you just not remember anything about it at all?
Last edited by: ChrisM: Jun 21, 10 14:10
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [QRgirl] [ In reply to ]
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How is your wife doing? Traumatic accidents are really hard on the loved ones/care takers as well. I can't imagine how horrrible it was for her worst fears to come true and to "find" you via calling the police...

When my beau crashed and broke his neck last summer, I was right behind him to witness his face hitting the pavement. I went into "survival" mode and did what I had to during the time he was on the roadside and in the hospital. A few times several weeks/months after the accident I would start crying and get really panicky when I drove by the crash site or retold the crash tale to someone. A little PTSD perhaps.

Thankfully he's almost fully recovered and is back on the bike, but I REALLY don't like him riding alone (even with Road ID.)

Best of luck to you Jordan for the rest of your recovery and to Jill as well.

My wife is doing a lot better. When I was in the hospital, that was really hard on her. I was on a lot of morphine - especially at the beginning - so I don't really remember much. But she remembers it all. And it was definitely harder on her than on me initially. Thankfully - unlike in your case - by the time she found me I was past the point of "very likely dying." I can't imagine asking her to deal with that.

I had plenty of moments - just sitting at home - where panic would just set it. And plenty of nights where I'd just start crying. So I can empathize with what I guess is PTSD.

Very happy you and your beau are both on the mend. Though I suspect in many ways your mental scars will take longer to heal - and never fully will.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [triatma] [ In reply to ]
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Hello tiatma and All,

"you are not your body, if you will lose your legs and arm you still be same person - transcendental person sits "inside" the body and next to him there is local aspect of God ruling his choices. so far He keeps you in illusion that you are the Supreme ruler and keeps the others in illusion that the is another Supreme highest being... "

I respect your right to believe what you write the note above .............. and the appreciate the good thought that there more to life than having just having your legs and one arm ... but is there more to life with senility and losing your mind?

And are you sure ..... or are you just repeating a mantra that is an illusion to you?

To me ...... that quote is balderdash - poppycock.

Where is free will?



Cheers, Neal

+1 mph Faster
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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I have a friend who is always on coumadin due to a bad case of a fib. He rides outside regularly, including in triathlons. He does have a RoadID that states he takes coumadin. I wonder if his dosage is lower than Jordan's or if he is just taking a calculated risk. I know for sure that he sometimes rides alone also.

A few of us are on coumadin and ride outside. If I were Rapp and had to be on for a limited time, I wouldn't ride outside either (I was on coumadin for 6 months last year and only rode the trainer, came off coumadin for three months, now on again for life, as of now). When you become a lifer, however, you have to make the choice to give up riding outside (or altogether) or deal with an added risk (since we are all at risk out there) and take certain precautions the best you can.

It's a reasonable decision to not ride outside

Dosage isn't the issue, most people need to be around a 2.0-3.0 PT/INR (just means your blood is thinner - eta - take that back, it just means you clot slower, blood thinners don't "thin" the blood). Some people take 10mg to get there, some take 5 mg, etc.. it's metabolised differently for everyone.

Not intended to hijack Rapp's thread. Have you driven back by the intersection where the accident occurred? If so, did you feel anything, or do you just not remember anything about it at all?

My INR is 1.9 at last check. Range for me is 1.5-2.0. But it's been a pain to get it stable because of my changing matabolism. Started on 5mg/day. No I'm on 7.5mg 4days a week and 10mg 3days. So I went from 35mg/week to 60mg/week to hit the same INR.

I haven't gone back yet. I've thought about it, and I think I will, but I haven't felt ready yet. I don't know that I'm ready to potentially see my blood on the pavement.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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This is perhaps a PSA subtly disguised as questions, but did you donate blood ever/regularly before the accident? Had you signed an organ donor card and/or discussed your wishes with your family?

Really glad you only needed the former and not the latter (as donator or donatee)!

Great to hear about your progress - be well.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I have a friend who is always on coumadin due to a bad case of a fib. He rides outside regularly, including in triathlons. He does have a RoadID that states he takes coumadin. I wonder if his dosage is lower than Jordan's or if he is just taking a calculated risk. I know for sure that he sometimes rides alone also.

A few of us are on coumadin and ride outside. If I were Rapp and had to be on for a limited time, I wouldn't ride outside either (I was on coumadin for 6 months last year and only rode the trainer, came off coumadin for three months, now on again for life, as of now). When you become a lifer, however, you have to make the choice to give up riding outside (or altogether) or deal with an added risk (since we are all at risk out there) and take certain precautions the best you can.

It's a reasonable decision to not ride outside

Dosage isn't the issue, most people need to be around a 2.0-3.0 PT/INR (just means your blood is thinner - eta - take that back, it just means you clot slower, blood thinners don't "thin" the blood). Some people take 10mg to get there, some take 5 mg, etc.. it's metabolised differently for everyone.

Not intended to hijack Rapp's thread. Have you driven back by the intersection where the accident occurred? If so, did you feel anything, or do you just not remember anything about it at all?

My INR is 1.9 at last check. Range for me is 1.5-2.0. But it's been a pain to get it stable because of my changing matabolism. Started on 5mg/day. No I'm on 7.5mg 4days a week and 10mg 3days. So I went from 35mg/week to 60mg/week to hit the same INR.

I haven't gone back yet. I've thought about it, and I think I will, but I haven't felt ready yet. I don't know that I'm ready to potentially see my blood on the pavement.

Yeah, I am on the different dosing every day train as well, it's kind of a PITA. Glad to hear you only have two more weeks of it.

I imagine going back to the site might be either really difficult.... or not so much since you don't remember it. Not sure I could do it without breaking down

Good luck to you, and thanks for sharing what's going on
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [charris] [ In reply to ]
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This is perhaps a PSA subtly disguised as questions, but did you donate blood ever/regularly before the accident? Had you signed an organ donor card and/or discussed your wishes with your family?

Really glad you only needed the former and not the latter (as donator or donatee)!

Great to hear about your progress - be well.

I am an organ donor, but not a regular blood donor. Unfortunately, donating blood regularly is just not really an ideal part of being a really successful professional endurance athlete. I believe it's important, but it's just a good way to mess up your training, which - in my case - is my job. But once it's not, I plan to give blood regularly. My sister and mother both donated on my behalf after the fact, which I am thankful for. We are all A-POS.

Yes, I had discussed my wishes with my family, but did not have a living will, which I am currently working on with Jill.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [triatma] [ In reply to ]
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so the supreme being makes us think we are in control then slams us into a truck?

i am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter

In Reply To:
you are not your body, if you will lose your legs and arm you still be same person - transcendental person sits "inside" the body and next to him there is local aspect of God ruling his choices. so far He keeps you in illusion that you are the Supreme ruler and keeps the others in illusion that the is another Supreme highest being...

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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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You seemed to experience extremes in human capability within a few minutes of one another- complete selfishness with the hit and run driver and complete selflessness with CPO Sanchez. I was wondering how your accident has changed your view of humanity, if at all. How has it changed your view of a higher power, if at all?

Thanks for putting this thread together. You are extremely generous with your time.

Next Up: 2017 New York City Marathon, 2018 Oceanside 70.3
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Except she will have nothing to focus on but potential risks. She doesn't have to worry about a workout. But I would expect that the trainer will be a far more regular replacement.[/reply]

She will be as invisible on a scooter as you are on a bike. Only difference will be the driver will pull out in front of her instead of out in front of you.

I think you already identified the best risk mitigation: identifying where on your route you can put your head down and focus on the workout, and where you have to keep your head up and be ready to stop. You might wind up doing a "racetrack pattern" on a suitable stretch of road...

...which beats staying on the trainer. Having the PCH so close by to train on -- fantastic! Get out there when you're able again. Good luck.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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no ? Just a statement.
very happy to see you recovering quickly! CPO Sanchez truly a remarkable man! They say there are no accidents, things happen for a reason - such cliches, CPO Sanchez was the best hapen for a reason.

Can't wait for your comeback.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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You have estimated your near impact velocity at 25mph?

What type of helmet of helmet were you wearing and what damage did it sustain? Think it helped in any way?

I wonder the most about what the driver of the vehicle was doing when he pulled out. I wonder if he saw you, misjudged your speed for some reason and though he could clear you in time. There are plenty of papers which show that for unfamiliar and small objects that drivers have a hard time determining speed of the object. This becomes increasingly hard when the object is further away and traveling in your direction.

Do you think your bike, kit and being in the aero position contributed any to your visibility being diminished?
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [olddog] [ In reply to ]
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A scooter (especially one big enough to hang with Jordan!) has a headlight, flashers, and a horn.

If he is really motorpacing, then no, he's not really lowering the risk much.

But, if she's riding behind, I think it would be a benefit. And, remember he plans to do these workouts on already 'safe' stretches of road. Further, I know I take chances/risks during intervals that I would never pull if my wife was 1) there to witness it, and b*tch at me and 2) with me in the dangerous situation.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Also just curious, I assume he was never caught, is the theory that he fled the state/country? Were any witnesses ever helpful? The owner of the farm?
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [ChrisM] [ In reply to ]
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Also just curious, I assume he was never caught, is the theory that he fled the state/country? Were any witnesses ever helpful? The owner of the farm?

The owner of the farm was more than cooperative. There were no witnesses that I know of. The police believe that he has fled the country.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Pantelones] [ In reply to ]
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You have estimated your near impact velocity at 25mph?

What type of helmet of helmet were you wearing and what damage did it sustain? Think it helped in any way?

I wonder the most about what the driver of the vehicle was doing when he pulled out. I wonder if he saw you, misjudged your speed for some reason and though he could clear you in time. There are plenty of papers which show that for unfamiliar and small objects that drivers have a hard time determining speed of the object. This becomes increasingly hard when the object is further away and traveling in your direction.

Do you think your bike, kit and being in the aero position contributed any to your visibility being diminished?

Impact velocity was just under 30mph (tailwind).

Specialized S-Works, which I also have not been able to get from the police yet. I've met the guys who design the Specialized helmets. Every helmet they make must pass every safety standard for every country they sell in. The meet the US Snell standard (even though they don't have to). They are extremely well designed. As I said to the guys there, I don't plan on re-testing with a Giro helmet by running into another car. I've just thankful that Specialized is extremely detail (safety-wise) oriented with their helmets. I've seen how they test, and it's very, very thorough. They exceed all the safety standards they have to meet and more.

I think the most likely scenario is that he maybe saw me (but I would have had the sun slightly at my back) and misjudged my speed - bicycles don't often go 30mph on flat roads - and I was even smaller than normal being down in my aerobars. I think that being on a bike in the aerobars going really fast with the sun behind me were ALL bad things. I will avoid having a repeat of that scenario whenever possible.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Gatorbait] [ In reply to ]
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You seemed to experience extremes in human capability within a few minutes of one another- complete selfishness with the hit and run driver and complete selflessness with CPO Sanchez. I was wondering how your accident has changed your view of humanity, if at all. How has it changed your view of a higher power, if at all?

Thanks for putting this thread together. You are extremely generous with your time.

It hasn't changed my view of either humanity or a higher power, except I would say to make me even more certain that it is we - as humans - who must take accountability for our actions and for each other. No "thing" - god/spirit/etc. - (IN MY OPINION") is going to save us. We have to decide - or not decide - to help (or hurt) each other. After an initial bit of bad luck, I had a LOT of good luck with the woman who called 911, then CPO Sanchez, then some remarkable EMTs and doctors. Those latter folks all decided to pursue careers where they make a difference, and for that I am thankful. I'd like to think that my chosen career can also make a difference, which is why I feel like it is the least I can do to share my time.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Great thread, interesting reading. For lights, I would recommend the Dinotte lights for an expensive choice, or Planet Bike Superflash for a cheaper option($25)

I own both, and do a lot of night riding. They're both well made and bright. The Dinotte is very bright, but a bit pricey.

I'm always surprised I don't see more riders with blinkys. They are so cheap, and the batteries last months. If you ride a lot, you are going to get caught out in the dark, or rain, or fog sooner or later. And like you said, they're great to consider using all the time.
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Ahh...HA... I finally got some of your workout info out of ya.... Sounded like you had a hard day at office before the accident. Just something for me to shoot for in training, ya right. Sounds like your recovery is going well and above expectations. Same for Slowman for that matter. I hope it only gets faster and ends so both ya guys are right back at where you were before. Well Slowman maybe better then where you were before :o) Just kidding no PM neccesary. I want to see you back racing again as soon as possable sure is fun.

Official Polar Ambassador
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Jordan - thanks a ton for doing this.

I would appreciate your thoughts or advice on how you should come back from a major setback. Both mentally and physically.

I too went through something that took me out of commission for a long time and it took me a while to find what would get me back. Would be interested in your thoughts.

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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Jordan! Great thread, pass on what you learned, so we can learn from your experience rather than all of us having to learn from our own mistakes all the time. :-)

I've had 2 car vs bike accidents and both were thankfully much tamer than yours. The one last year cost me a bike and 2 broken ribs but I consider that minor. In both cases, my accidents were cars pulling out in front of me. The first I pretty much bounced off the side of the car and got little more than a sore shoulder. The second one I did a wonderful endo when the front wheel locked and hit the front quarter panel while upside down. I was knocked unconscious, but came to within a few seconds.

In both cases, I had enough warning to pretty much crap myself, but not enough time to do quite enough about it, and hit the car both times. It is a horrible thing to see your future in a negative way and do little more than brace for the impact.

Did you get that horrible feeling before hitting the car (or did they hit you from the side?) (It was a car pulling out of a driveway in your case if I remember)? I'd like to know what went through your mind in those 1-2 seconds before impact (if you had any period of impending doom that is). Family? Friends? Anger? Fear? Meeting the god you don't beleive in (that's me putting words in your mouth as I don't believe in god and that thought hasn't happened to me in any of my bike or other crashes)

Regards and glad you are improving!


"Happiness is a myth. All you can hope for is to get laid once in a while, drunk once in a while and to eat chocolate every day"
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Re: The Official Ask Me Anything About Getting Hit By A Car Thread [nealhe] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Hello tiatma and All,

"you are not your body, if you will lose your legs and arm you still be same person - transcendental person sits "inside" the body and next to him there is local aspect of God ruling his choices. so far He keeps you in illusion that you are the Supreme ruler and keeps the others in illusion that the is another Supreme highest being... "

I respect your right to believe what you write the note above .............. and the appreciate the good thought that there more to life than having just having your legs and one arm ... but is there more to life with senility and losing your mind?

And are you sure ..... or are you just repeating a mantra that is an illusion to you?

To me ...... that quote is balderdash - poppycock.

Where is free will?



Your beliefs are not his, and vice versa, I'm sure. Before you excoriate him any more, you should read up on some of the basic tenets of Buddhism. The above post from triatma is in line with their tenets, as far as I understand the concepts. He was attempting to offer reassurance.

Tolerance is alive and well, apparently.


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