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I have a problem. Although these sorts of cause-effect links are difficult to verify, I'm pretty sure that swimming is the cause of my frequent and very irritating nasal congestion, accompanied often by itchy nose and eyes. I took several days off from the pool and the condition largely vanished. Swam one evening and the next morning, boom, full-on allergic reaction.

Anybody else experience this? The pool I swim at is indoor and not well-ventilated. Could this be a factor? I took up tri (and swimming) two years ago and really love the sport. I don't want to give it up!

Thanks for any thoughts,

Napa, CA

Portland, OR
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Re: Swimming=Congestion [napapjd] [ In reply to ]
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Swimming = Allergic reaction.

Typically caused by chlorine irritating the mucus membranes.

The non-drug solution is Nose clip (and for some, earplugs). Another solution for some (but typically less effect for most allergic reactions) is a saline flush of the sinus caveties.

The drug solution is OTC available Allegra-D.

I prefer a well fitting nose-clip (sometimes I line the nostrils with vaseline to help with the sealing out of water). Btw, buy a large supply of nose clips... they don't last long with exposure to the chlorine.

FWIW Joe Moya
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will try the nose clip [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the advice.

Portland, OR
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Re: will try the nose clip [napapjd] [ In reply to ]
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I have the same problem when swimming in pool or ocean. I usually use a allergy nasal spray (Sinex) before I go out. On the upside for me is that cycling and running cause my sinus's and nose to draing. So the overall effect is a clear head.

The Cuban Comet
(Comets are unbelievably slow over Cuba)
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Re: Swimming=Congestion [napapjd] [ In reply to ]
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Apparently I am the strange one of the lot. I only get congested with itchy watery eyes after swimming in ponds and lakes. I can swim all day in a pool with no problems. Drop me into walden pond in MA for a while and within about 4-6 hours I am a wreck. Sudafed allergy does seem to help, but I don't like taking drugs if I don't have to.

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