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Recurring Nightmares
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This has been going on for years now with very little variation. The dreams go like this…

I’ve been training for months and here I am … in whatever race I’ve been training for. At this point I’m just running and following everyone else. But then I sometimes take the lead. I’m thinking how great it is to be in the lead, but then the course isn’t clearly marked and I’m running on grass and sometimes through fields. I might fall into a mud puddle and think – "why the hell would they have me run through here with all this mud". Sometimes I am running across my college campus (I graduated 15 years ago!). I am still looking for the course, but then I see some other participants. I follow them and then we are running through stairwells in some strange building. I keep asking everyone if this is the right way to go and something doesn’t seem right, but I can’t put my finger on it. We come out on the roof of the building and then start climbing a high tower. Some people are on their way down from the tower, so I figure this is an out-and-back tower climb. When I get to the top I am terrified and freeze. Then a bunch of females pass me and get mad because I’m jamming up the tower. So I get to the top and turn around and swear I’m never doing any more races with a tower in it. So then there is usually some more running around lost through town, but I make it to a transition. I find my skateboard (yes – skateboard) and go to the mounting area with it. I see others getting on their skateboard (they’re sitting on it) and then they fly down a steep hill. I put my skateboard down and try to move, but the wheels are coming off the board and there is a bunch of gravel and dirt and my wheels won’t turn. This is where I usually throw a raging fit and smash my skateboard down on the ground screaming “goddammit!!! Why didn’t I train more on the skateboard! I swim… I run… why am I in a triathlon with this crappy skateboard that doesn’t roll”. So I just run with it in my hand and some race officials are screaming at me to get back and start over. And the dream just goes on and on and is more of the same lost and confusing shit.

These dreams happen at least once a week and go on for hours. It takes me a long time to wake up, so by the time I am driving to work, I still have in the back of my mind this thought that I need to get better wheels for my skateboard after work today.

Is this normal? Please tell me someone else has these dreams that don’t make any sense.

Last edited by: BeeHunter: Sep 7, 05 12:48
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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You're insane.

Have a great day!

Father Kevin

Last edited by: KLinggi: Sep 7, 05 10:06
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [KLinggi] [ In reply to ]
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That's what I was afraid of.
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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Dreams aren't usually that literal, from what I'm told, but you seem to be pointing to certain things in your description--"not on the right path," "climbing towers but getting stuck" "wheels that won't roll." So I think you know what this dream is about on a very basic level because you are essentially telling us what it is about--in some way you are unsure about your path in life--be it job, personal, whatever. I think you are either looking for re-assurance or subliminally think you are in some sort of rutt. I don't know you, but taht seems like the super-obvious interpretation to me...

"ah-hem...the time is yours."
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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These dreams happen at least once a week and go on for hours.
Frequency, sure; duration, no.
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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I am of no help for your nightmare, but I CAN help with English.

There is no such thing as the word "reoccuring" ... it is just "recurring"

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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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I'm with steve on this one. I'd have to say your "misdirected." I know this may be difficult but try to think next time you are having this dream what it is you envision at the finish. Also think about what you feel like (besides frustration) when you wake up. Often I find how I interpret my dreams is different if I think about them immediately after waking up vs. later in the day.

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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [Veggie Terror] [ In reply to ]
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Do you ever go through a tunnel?

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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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Sounds like a common "Fear of Failure" dreams.

I assume you're a focused athlete who has his eyes on PR's. You most likely train and think of training for the majoirty of the day - Visualizing success, maintaining steady paces, etc.

This is just your subconscious taking a nice dump and allowing you to do your focused thinking during waking hours. Now if you were dreaming of a snake traveling through a tunnel ...you'd be screwed.

I know what you're thinking, "Hey thanks for the answer. Are you a psychaitrist?"...No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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The one I have, which I have heard from two others who have had it as well, is that I am competing in some A race, whatever it is that season. I'll start somewhat late, find myself catching up on the course, but then I get hungy and end up a Starbucks or similar coffee place stuck in line. I ask myself, "Why are you in a line? The race is going on!" and I'll leave. Then I get lost on the route, which will inevitably lead me into downtown San Francisco (where I am) and typically in the Embarcadero (next door to my office). I'll often see people running and so I'll go try and catch them, but I always have the feeling of being off course and that I have blown the race...

"...it should be swim, bike, run, cage fight." - el fuser
"I noticed that I am in your sig line! Wow! That's s first for me. Thanks." - Fleck
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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No towers in mine, but the same sense that I can't seem to bring order to the chaos:

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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [igobackwards] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I am of no help for your nightmare, but I CAN help with English.

There is no such thing as the word "reoccuring" ... it is just "recurring"

Would it be re-occuring? My spell checker didn't have a problem with it. Oh well - I always did suck at English.
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Do you ever go through a tunnel?
Yea - those are the best dreams!
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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Damn, I've had that same dream. Seriously.
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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OK, I'll play. Pretty darn significant that you keep having the same dream. The theme that I heard, and there are several, was "something just not right..." Is there anything going on in that is "just not right" family/vocation/relationships/triathlon?

The best interpreter of the dream is you. What strikes you in this dream as information that seems new?

Any emotion in the dream that is predominant...anger pops up a number of times. Any anger going on in life that is tripping you up from achieving your potential.

The thought about the mind-purge was a good one but I would not rule out "message" until you believe you've exhausted all the parallel processes.
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [squid] [ In reply to ]
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You too! Is there a frustrating triathlete archtype? Maybe the message is to let it go, screw the competitive crap, it just leads to frustration.
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Re: Reoccurring Nightmares [Floating Debris] [ In reply to ]
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[reply]Sounds like a common "Fear of Failure" dreams.

I assume you're a focused athlete who has his eyes on PR's. You most likely train and think of training for the majoirty of the day - Visualizing success, maintaining steady paces, etc.

This is just your subconscious taking a nice dump and allowing you to do your focused thinking during waking hours. Now if you were dreaming of a snake traveling through a tunnel ...you'd be screwed.

I know what you're thinking, "Hey thanks for the answer. Are you a psychaitrist?"...No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night[/reply]

just so long as he keeps it subconscious. remember what happened to Michael Rasmussen in the last TT of the 2005 Tour de France?
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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Try this out:
It's on lucid dreaming, I've never tried it.
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [Chappy] [ In reply to ]
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I wasn't really looking for any interpretations, but no - I can honestly say that everything in my life right now is going very well. Almost too good. I've got a good job, no $ or family/friend problems, live alone so no home stress. Although my bird is a pain in the ass! Its just that whenever I dream about a race (triathlon/marathon/10K) - it's never a normal outcome. I'm not fast enough to be FOP, so it's not like I'm trying to win anything and am being disappointed. I'm pretty happy with my race results.

I'm just wondering if everyone/anyone else has the same type of dreams.
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [BeeHunter] [ In reply to ]
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I'm betting that anyone who has ever toed a start line has had these, what I like to call "Missed my start...", nightmares.

I often get them in the nights leading up to a race. You know, "left my bike wheels next to the car, only have one shoe, the wave start list was wrong, didn't you get the memo?" kind of stuff.

There's so much to coordinate as triathletes: equipment, travel, registration, training, maintenance, normal life's appointments,... It's no wonder we have these nightmares where it all comes apart.

I love having the "Missed my start..." nightmare the night before a race and then waking up and seeing the clock read 2:00 a.m. Makes for a really restful pre-race night.

Mr. Uncaptured External Costs

Fossil carbon is planetary poison.
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Re: Recurring Nightmares [tim-mech] [ In reply to ]
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I also used to have the college dream: I'm registered for five classes. It's near the end of the semester and I'm smoking all of them.....except one. I forgot I was registared for it and haven't been going to class. An "F" is going to shoot my GPA to hell. I used to have this dream so frequently that I got to the point that even while dreaming I knew it was just "the college dream" and wouldn't sweat it.
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