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ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think?
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It's not unsual for me to have lower back stiffness after the bike. I've often thought that taking some anti-inflammatory in the last few miles of the bike would help lossen up my lower back.

I've seen lot's of people take something -

1. does it work?

2. what would you recommend?

3. any side effects that you can think of?
Last edited by: tritnow: Aug 31, 04 10:41
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Best way to damage your kidneys and if you don't watch your fluid and salt intake, you can also end up with hyponatremia as the balance in your kidney's is thrown off by the introduction of this drug into your system. NSAIDS = BAD (during or pre exercise).
Last edited by: devashish paul: Aug 31, 04 10:54
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Terrible idea. Very dangerous. Just say no. It isn't worth it.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Not a good idea. I was forced to take motrin during Blackwater Eagleman 1/2, and I had a great race, so I brought some motrin with me to IMLP figuring that I did not have any bad side effects. I took the motrin at mile 13 of the run because my legs were really starting to hurt,and after that I felt very sick and was unable to digest.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [Jon] [ In reply to ]
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The funny thing is that I saw at CDA and WI last year large barrels full of motrin samples (I think). People were grabbing them by the hand full. I've heard some people take them before and during the race to reduce inflammation or pain or whatever. I have a prescription for anti-inflammatory and would never think of taking them on race day but was wondering if something over the counter would give me slush gut or other. I would imagine that it would work.

How about aspirin? Same thing?
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Just cause they give it out at an Ironman event does not mean that it is smart. They also gave out DIET COKE at Ironman Florida 2000 or 2001. There were lots of guys bonking thinking they were getting sugar, but all they were getting was brown caffeinated water.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not expert on drugs or their drawbacks.....

But, I do take Motrin before marathons and 1/2 way through double century rides. Never have taken during an IM...add too much weight. ;o)

Never have had stomach issues, but somewhat aware of what folks have written above.

The Motrin tables I take came from my brother (Special Forces guy), so perhaps they are different or not even Motrin (1000mg, I believe)
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [devashish paul] [ In reply to ]
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DIET coke during the IM? People drink it so they won't put on weight during the run? LOL
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Talked about here by our publisher:


Paul M
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [paul m] [ In reply to ]
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Down with ibuprofen!

If you want to use something use Acetaminophen.

Wouldn't this all be considered cheating?

Let me rephrase.......

Shouldn't this be considered cheating?

Where do we draw the line on legal and illegal drugs?
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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I would talk to your Dr not a bunch of bozos on a chat board. I take prescription anti- inflammatory for a medical condition and have no choice but to train and race on it including many IMs. I am under a Dr's care and he knows what is involved in an ironman and I follow his guidance.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [paul m] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks! Excellent article. Lot's of good tips. I can always use new information.

It seems that use of Ibuprofen is somewhat common. Also the use of Aleve seems to also work. I think
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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Without making comments on whether it should or shouldn't be taken- It is only cheating to take a substance if that substance is prohibited by the race rules.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [smtyrrell99] [ In reply to ]
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Not to be arguementative but....

You place your moral value on the governing bodies decision as to what is and isnt allowed?

Cases in point:

Mark McGuire and Andro.

That russian gymnast that tested positive for a substance that WAS banned and now is not.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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You place your moral value on the governing bodies decision as to what is and isnt allowed?

Are you saying motrin is performance enhancing?

Should we outlaw body-glide, while we're at it?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
Last edited by: vitus979: Aug 31, 04 14:23
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Everyone is different. I used to take 800 mgs of ibuprofen during the bike on IM's. I never had a problem with it. I also had a shoulder problem where I couldn't stay in the aero position for more than a few minutes without intense pain, so I took ibuprofen before long rides. The key, like anything, is that I did it in training so I had a decent idea of how it would work for IM's. I also made sure I kept well-hydrated. My shoulder problem is better and I no longer take ibuprofen during races. Still, I bring some along just in case.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [vitus979] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not saying that at all. I'm more just trying to stir the shit. I'm not really giving an opinion.

I do think that there are some grey lines when it comes to drugs.

1st: what is the definition of PE? if it helps you get across the line in any way is it PE?

PE seems to be "will make you faster" but what about "will stop you from falling apart." I'm sure that there are a few people who would like that drug.

I personally think that if you are going to have rules about drugs like caffene you need to have rules about drugs like Ibupfufen.

My other opinion on the subject is that we SHOULD rest our drug opinions on the governing bodies of our sport. We vote them in and trust their rules. Dont like the rules? pipe up and try to get some changes.

On a personal level I think that if you have to take a drug to finish a race or make yourself more comfortable doing so you are cheating. If you have problems, like the person who has Dr's orders to take the stuff you're fine but the original poster could probably just make some changes in bike position and fix the whole thing. There is a certin amount of pain involved in training and racing. masking that is bad on two levels. Bad for your body, pain is a great indicator for a need for change, and bad form the competition because it blurs the line between cheating and not cheating.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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Oh oh, it looks like I've cheated. So, what's your definition of a "cheater"? Is it okay to take ibuprofen (i.e. "drugs") before, during or after training? If you're a cheater for taking it during a race you should be considered just as much a cheater for taking it during training, right? I know you're just trying to stir things up; calling good people cheaters is a good way to do it so you're right on.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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moral values has little to do with smtyrrell99's post. If the rules don't say it's cheating, it ain't cheating, regardless of what the Pope or any other "moral" leader says.

Steve Perkins
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Take a Tylenol before race starts... well... if the comercial on the tv is true, you would have to finish in 8 hours... ;)

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Last edited by: Klep: Aug 31, 04 15:09
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [triwz] [ In reply to ]
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You're right, poor choice of words. FOR MYSELF, I would feel that i have cheated if I took drugs to get me across the line or to get me through training.

I wouldn't really care if the people who beat me were taking over the counter drugs so long as they were not the one making the biggest stink about the "drug cheats" in our sport. (in IOC terms) Hell, for the most part I dont care if you pump yourself full of EPO. Go for it.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
Cases in point:

Mark McGuire and Andro.
What is your point? Andro is a legal substance which is not performance-enhancing.

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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [jhc] [ In reply to ]
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It's not anymore. thats the point.

But really, I'm getting bored with this topic.

Lets talk about cooking!

Lately I've been getting veggie sausage and making egg sandwiches with whole wheat english muffins. Great quick breakfast if you use the microwave.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [LaWoof] [ In reply to ]
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My wife makes vege sausages with breadcrumbs and butter beans. I can send you the recipie if you like?

As for taking ibuprofen, I think there is a difference between the atheletes who take loads of it to hold off muscle pain and someone who takes a couple because they get a sore back on the bike.

I did IMOZ last year with a bulged disc in my lowere vertebrae. I took 2x ibuprofen at the start of the bike and another 2 in T2. It helped me run nearly the whole way. In fact the only time my back hurt was at the aid stations.

As my time was 14:52 I do not feel like I was cheating. Racing at my speed doesn't affect anyone's chance at a Kona slot and I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to finish just due to a bad back.
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Re: ibuprofen during an IM - what do you think? [tritnow] [ In reply to ]
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Ibuprofen isn't illegal. Nor is acetaminophen. You can take them.

That said, Ibuprofen can be very tough on your kidneys...to the point that renal damage can occur...and it can even kill your kidneys. Really. ESPECIALLY if you are dehydrated at the end of a race and drink some alcohol for celebration....EXTREMELY STUPID!For most people, this renal damage possibility is just one of those possibilities that is written in fine print, and it won't be an issue...but, you need to know the possibility exists, and the possibility is magnified in a dehydrated condition, i.e., in an endurance-type race. It also is tough on the stomach lining, and it decreased platelet adhesiveness: not a problem in an acute dosing, but, if you take it several days in a row (or a week, or more), and you are irritating the stomach lining, and your platelets are less effective, you can have some bleeding into your stomach...usually not much of a problem, but, things are magnified in an endurance endeavor.

Acetaminophen is tougher on the liver, but, i THINK it is probably safer for most people than ibuprofen. However, acetaminophen isn't an anti-inflammatory, it is analgesic and has anti-fever properties. I don't know the mechanism, and am too lazy to look it up, but, if it works on the hypothalmus for it's anti-fever properties, maybe it's not a great thing to take in an ironman. Again, look it up, don't take my off-the-cuff comment as Truth.

Just be informed, so you can make a good decision. I'd rather hurt, but, I don't have a medical condition that necessitates such drugs to participate...some people do...and they are smart to do so under a physician's watchful eye.

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
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