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Re: Punching a woman during a race? [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
SurfingLamb wrote:
travis_lt wrote:
His credibility is in question because she was never hit in the face and there was no bruise.

He said he saw a bruise on her face. Assuming he isn't outright lieing (which there's no reason to assume that he is) - it could be any number of reasons why he would associate a bruise on her face with that video.

Also, I can tell you from experience, videos oftentimes don't paint the whole picture either. You see it all the time in mixed martial arts and boxing fights - where a guy gets 'punched' and goes down but when you slow the video down it appears that no contact was ever made. That doesn't mean there wasn't. I've had guys in my old camp be accused of taking a dive because slowed down video showed no contact, but their faces were swelled up after the incident.

It's almost as if people skip the middle of a thread and jump on the comments at the end.

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [johnnybefit] [ In reply to ]
I had the same reaction. We started the thread with a woman punched in the face during a race. The RD came in and said he saw a bruised face. We saw a few still photos of the contact that looked not so nice. Then the video came out and I said, "that's it !?!" Talk about overreactions.

johnnybefit wrote:
fbrissette wrote:
I might regret this but.....
[URL=http://tinypic.com/r/103zqsm/5]View My Video[/url]

That's it? A bump during a run? I thought she fell down and cried? How could he be DQd for that?

I want all of the time I spent on this thread back so I can continue to look for the Hottie thread.

My marathon PR is "under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something."
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [zoom] [ In reply to ]
Exactly, if he is DQd for that contact, then half of any tri field should be DQd for intentional contact during the swim. Ridiculous..

Funny too how all of the women posting about how offensive it is that she was "punched" have now gone silent?
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [paxfobiscum] [ In reply to ]
paxfobiscum wrote:
Where you there?
Did you see the run course?


No I was not there. I have video of 6 people that were there. ALL of them in the wrong lane!?
If I had been there would they have magically understood the logic and been in the proper lane?
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [oceanlife] [ In reply to ]
oceanlife wrote:
SurfingLamb wrote:
travis_lt wrote:
His credibility is in question because she was never hit in the face and there was no bruise.

He said he saw a bruise on her face. Assuming he isn't outright lieing (which there's no reason to assume that he is) - it could be any number of reasons why he would associate a bruise on her face with that video.

Also, I can tell you from experience, videos oftentimes don't paint the whole picture either. You see it all the time in mixed martial arts and boxing fights - where a guy gets 'punched' and goes down but when you slow the video down it appears that no contact was ever made. That doesn't mean there wasn't. I've had guys in my old camp be accused of taking a dive because slowed down video showed no contact, but their faces were swelled up after the incident.

It's almost as if people skip the middle of a thread and jump on the comments at the end.

Yeah, I missed that. Fucking thread is 30+ pages long - hard to catch everything on a skim.

That probably indicates that she glorified her injury a bit. Maybe one of the army of children she took across the finish line hit her in the face to cause the bruise.

That said - the dude altered his running path specifically to run into her. no idea why he'd do that.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
SurfingLamb wrote:
oceanlife wrote:
SurfingLamb wrote:
travis_lt wrote:
His credibility is in question because she was never hit in the face and there was no bruise.

He said he saw a bruise on her face. Assuming he isn't outright lieing (which there's no reason to assume that he is) - it could be any number of reasons why he would associate a bruise on her face with that video.

Also, I can tell you from experience, videos oftentimes don't paint the whole picture either. You see it all the time in mixed martial arts and boxing fights - where a guy gets 'punched' and goes down but when you slow the video down it appears that no contact was ever made. That doesn't mean there wasn't. I've had guys in my old camp be accused of taking a dive because slowed down video showed no contact, but their faces were swelled up after the incident.

It's almost as if people skip the middle of a thread and jump on the comments at the end.

Yeah, I missed that. Fucking thread is 30+ pages long - hard to catch everything on a skim.

That probably indicates that she glorified her injury a bit. Maybe one of the army of children she took across the finish line hit her in the face to cause the bruise.

That said - the dude altered his running path specifically to run into her. no idea why he'd do that.

Uh, perhaps the old guy running right at him in the other lane, might have had something to do with it?
(you know, the one she almost also backed into?)

I don't see any alteration of his running path - he was just inside the double-yellow the whole way.
As the above pic, and the video, both show.

float , hammer , and jog

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
I don't see any alteration of his running path - he was just inside the double-yellow the whole way.
As the above pic, and the video, both show.

I agree. He was going to hold that fucking line.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Mike C] [ In reply to ]
Mike C wrote:
it seems to me that the woman in question, her friends, and the race director made misleading statements and shamed this guy publicly. Pretty sketchy. This guy certainly could have been nicer about things and I think he could have avoid this situation by being more aware of what was going on up the road, but slowing down was probably the only really safe thing he could have done. I was reminded in the Ironman WI stumble guy thread that it is a race to the very end, so are we going to fault him for going as fast as he could? I hate to armchair quarterback. I think I could would have slowed down and taken evasive action, but who am I to judge?

In 100% agreement...while the guy's "punch" was not as bad as first reported here, there is definitely more than just an arm out to brace/protect from collision...definitely, to use a football term, a "forearm shiver" action with it, subtle but there is some force behind it. And yes, there appeared to be plenty of room to maneuver around her, or at least slow some, move to the right, whatever. Impact wasn't imminent as it had to be clear that she was moving, albeit very slowly, in one direction. His head is clearly up and ahead, so he's paying attention, hence that forearm to her upper body.

Just a bad deal all the way around.

Just playing devils advocate here so don't flame me :0)
So his head is up and like murphys law said another pro/elite was 13 seconds ahead of him. So this guy gets a bead on him, focus'es and starts to haul ass. Never noticing the lady having a sexy moment with her husband and kids to his right. As he approaches in the ZONE this woman starts to stumble in his direction. Now his head is up and eyes fixated on his opponent . Not to mention after HE also just swam 1.2 miles ,biked 56 miles and ran 13.0 miles he is near exhaustion but running at a 5:30 minute mile pace. His heart rate is now at 220 bpm , lungs and brain SCREAMING for oxygen . Now at the last second in the corner of his eye he sees a object coming stumbling right at him . What do you do? The force he put in it could have just been reflexes at work and not malicious at all.

Official Polar Ambassador
Last edited by: Bmanners: Sep 24, 13 15:42
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
I suppose one couldn't discount that as a possibility...which is why, in this scenario, I hold both parties as virtually equally accountable for the events as they transpired. Most of us have been in that "zone" where you are completely focused on that which is straight ahead and your peripheral vision is just a blur....adding my commentary to it, I don't believe that to be what happened here.

She began the chain of events by being completely oblivious to her surroundings.

He exacerbated it by not doing more/anything to preclude the chance of collision.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [saltman] [ In reply to ]
I saw the video yesterday and thought his actions were worse than what I had imagined, yet some of you somehow think it was justified

Me too. I previously gave him the benefit of the doubt, assuming that he probably couldn't avoid her. But in the video it looks like he didn't try... and actually made the impact worse than necessary (for her). At least, he could have put up his hands to absorb impact instead of knocking her in the back with his fist or arm. I think the DQ is justified. But she definitely has some contributory negligence...

And PEOPLE!! Enough BS about him "being in the wrong lane". There was apparently massive confusion about which lane to be in... and the important fact is that both of these people had it wrong. He thought he was in the correct lane and she thought he was too.

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
Geez. She was wrong and being oblivious. Not much contact. No big deal. If you don't want to be bumped then get the fuck out the way.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [CPA_PFS] [ In reply to ]
There is no excuse for making a collision worse than necessary.

There is also no excuse for walking backwards onto a race course...
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
rruff wrote:
There is no excuse for making a collision worse than necessary.

There is also no excuse for walking backwards onto a race course...

What are you watching? There is no "collision" that I see. He brushed her. If a grown man running full speed collides with a small woman like that she'd be flying through the air hitting the asphalt. She didn't even see him coming and didn't even fall down or come close to it.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
So if she was given a DQ for outside assistance and being a part of this, would we have this much of an discussion. Essentially both parties DQ'd for both being apart of the collision/bump/accident?

Last edited by: BDoughtie: Sep 24, 13 16:39
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [acumenjay] [ In reply to ]
There is no "collision" that I see. He brushed her.

Looks to me like he punched her in the upper back with his fist. The photos seem to confirm that.

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
After following this thread with quite a bit of interest over the past little bit. And now having seen the video. I can honestly say that this thread and the video that goes along with it is one of the biggest let downs I have seen on ST

I believe my exact quote after watching it was "that's fucking it???"

When all is said and done. More is usually said than done
Ba Ba Booey

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
rruff wrote:
There is no "collision" that I see. He brushed her.

Looks to me like he punched her in the upper back with his fist. The photos seem to confirm that.

It looks to me like he put his forearm out to keep her from backing into him and misjudged how hard the impact would be.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
Ok this should put an end to the debate: More video has surfaced...


Proud member of the MSF (Maple Syrup Mafia)
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [rruff] [ In reply to ]
rruff wrote:
There is no "collision" that I see. He brushed her.

Looks to me like he punched her in the upper back with his fist. The photos seem to confirm that.

Here we go again with people not being able to describe what's being shown.

It's posters like this that snowballed this whole ridiculous thing in the first place.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Turd Ferguson] [ In reply to ]
My first thought was, "if people would stop treating races like parades shit like this wouldn't happen." (I'm only half kidding. If she would have just run her race this wouldn't have happened).

My second thought was, "after backing into someone, why the hell did she keep backing up?"

I agree....big let down.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok this should put an end to the debate: More video has surfaced...


You bastard. I hope you get chafed and a hand cramp and can't "train" for a month.

float , hammer , and jog

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Supersquid] [ In reply to ]
My second thought was, "after backing into someone, why the hell did she keep backing up?"

Many possible explanations for this, among them being hopelessly oblivious to the world beyond her face...

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [CaptainCanada] [ In reply to ]
CaptainCanada wrote:
Ok this should put an end to the debate: More video has surfaced...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ

Son of a...... I swear i had the same exact thing in mind but you beat me to it

And rules are rules. Once you start you gotta watch the whole thing

When all is said and done. More is usually said than done
Ba Ba Booey

Last edited by: Turd Ferguson: Sep 24, 13 17:31
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
Murphy'sLaw wrote:
Bmanners wrote:
Ok I do see that about him bring as left as possible . My question next would be if he had gone over into the other lane could he be assessed a time penalty ? Like as if you cross the yellow lane on the bike. If I remember correctly ( had a few falls on my noggin so forgive if I am wrong." it is a two minute penalty in the bike. If so he is as far over as he could go and is protecting his lane. She would be considered blocking if it was on the bike. Would that be a good assessment ? He is racing as a pro or Elite so place does matter. I am sure he new no one was near him though and 5-10 seconds to slow to go around on the right of her could have been done. He was flying at probably 5:30-6:00 pace and I am sure a stuff arm hurts like hell going that fast.

I also recall at some point (or maybe I'm dreaming this? It's all a blur now) that apparently he ended up only :11 behind whomever finished in front of him?
(before he was DQ'd, that is)

I have done that course, 3x.
You have pretty good sight lines for the last mile or so - so if there was somebody running up ahead of you, you'd likely see them, and could try your hardest to possibly reel them in. He may have been moving pretty briskly at that point (regardless of his run split - which for that course, really isn't that "bad") - making it hard to react to something completely unexpected... you know, like a clueless person wandering backwards, directly into your line.

It really is amazing, the difference between the still pic, some of the early descriptions ("hit in head", she "got knocked down", etc) and the video.
Talk about "artistic license". Sheesh.

And according to a different thread on ST, he would be called a douche for doing that also.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Goosedog] [ In reply to ]
Goosedog wrote:
Murphy'sLaw wrote:

I don't see any alteration of his running path - he was just inside the double-yellow the whole way.
As the above pic, and the video, both show.

I agree. He was going to hold that fucking line.

He probably fought [at least] two wars for it, dammit!!!

Kids today!!! Not racing to the finish; dragging their kids behind them, holding up REAL Athletes!!!

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin

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