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Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Goosedog] [ In reply to ]
I agree. He was going to hold that fucking line.

Well, that can't be left alone without pairing it with this:


Re: Punching a woman during a race? [RZ] [ In reply to ]
there's the kid who cut the course at Kona and got caught

there's the chick who traded bikes in Cozumel and got caught.

RZ wrote:
tomkat4573 wrote:
I just watched the video, sooooo...where is the gorilla?

I'm thinking of putting together the perfect d-bag race. So far I have:

1. IM Florida!
2. Wear fins during the swim, perform only one lap.
3. Peloton! Knock some woman down by clipping her bars while passing 2 inches apart... don't stop.
4. Gorilla pacer, shit myself, do only one lap, punch random attention whore chick in the back of the head, then go down the chute with the Brady Bunch©
5. Collect medal
6. T3!

Did I miss anything?

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [3Aims] [ In reply to ]
my word is gold?

3Aims wrote:
PigBodine wrote:
RZ wrote:
tomkat4573 wrote:
I just watched the video, sooooo...where is the gorilla?

I'm thinking of putting together the perfect d-bag race. So far I have:

1. IM Florida!
2. Wear fins during the swim, perform only one lap.
3. Peloton! Knock some woman down by clipping her bars while passing 2 inches apart... don't stop.
4. Gorilla pacer, shit myself, do only one lap, punch random attention whore chick in the back of the head, then go down the chute with the Brady Bunch©
5. Collect medal
6. T3!

Did I miss anything?

.5 dose up on prescription testosterone
1. IM Florida!
2. Wear fins during the swim, perform only one lap.
3. Peloton! Knock some woman down by clipping her bars while passing 2 inches apart... don't stop.
4. Gorilla pacer, shit myself, do only one lap, punch random attention whore chick in the back of the head, then go down the chute with the Brady Bunch©
5. Collect medal
6. T3!
7. Complain about other's narcissistic behavior

Can someone give me cliffs on this thread?

All I know is my twice worn ST tech shirt is now totally outdated. First the gorilla and now this guy! Can't I just enjoy my damn shirt!

I need someone to help update the official ST logo so I can get a new one printed from Cafe Express. Maybe put the woman hater dude on the bottom right punching the pretty girl. Gorilla by finman? Zazzle would not print this on a shirt BTW. Only Cafe Express. LOL.

Eric Reid AeroFit | Instagram Portfolio
Aerodynamic Retul Bike Fitting

“You are experiencing the criminal coverup of a foreign backed fascist hostile takeover of a mafia shakedown of an authoritarian religious slow motion coup. Persuade people to vote for Democracy.”
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
ericM40-44 wrote:
my word is gold?

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [BDoughtie] [ In reply to ]
BDoughtie wrote:
So if she was given a DQ for outside assistance and being a part of this, would we have this much of an discussion. Essentially both parties DQ'd for both being apart of the collision/bump/accident?

This discussion would have never taken place if the woman and her friends would have left it at the course. They approached the race director with the punched and ran her over saga and he bought it hook line and sinker. The guy was disqualified on the spot and he did not protest. As per the RD's words he gave back the trophy and medal and went on his way.

The problem began when the woman's friend blogged about it, posted two pics that look bad and called the guy out by name. She then also blogged about it and here we are.

Some of us decided to figure out why nearly everyone here and else where was accusing this guy of punching an innocent lady in pursuit of his PR. Most of us can see, now that the video finally surface, is that most of what was previously said and write was inaccurate at best and bordering on blatant lies and deception.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
ericM40-44 wrote:
my word is gold?

My aim is true?


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
I guess my biggest issue is the reasoning from the RD. By explaining why he made the decision, opened up more issues than if he never explained. But that's just my take on it, and this is someone already admitting sportsmanship is picked and chosen when he wants to apply it and even more so when this woman took outside assistance as well as hindered or atleast influence another athlete at the finish. This picking and choosing of when to apply "sportsmanship" just doesn't sit well with me. I'm all for DQing the guy if it's bad sportsmanship, just don't understand how the woman in this incident is the "victim" and only a victim.

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
ok...a couple of your comments are a bit outrageous. I'm doubtful about the 5:30 pace and 220bpm...it would be sufficient to say that he was racing very hard. But, I'll cut you some slack ;)

Either way... to all the people saying he should have altered his course or stopped, or slowed down: She literally went from the side of the road to the middle in less than 2 seconds. I'm very, very doubtful he had much of a chance to even think about moving more. Plus you have a runner coming towards him in the other lane. The fact is, if she takes one more step backwards she's getting T-Boned. People are making the giant assumption that he was paying attention to her to begin with. Perhaps he didn't notice her until she started moving into him (literally less than 2 seconds).

People calling that a punch are just being ridiculous. He may be the 2nd coming of Kevin Moats...but, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt since 99.9% of the people I've met in this sport are good people. I can also guarantee if I'm running full tilt and put my arm up to fend somebody off from walking into me in a race the person on the receiving end at most triathlons is going to lose badly. I'm not saying this to sound tough...it's just a fact. The dude exercised some possible bad judgement in the heat of the moment. The fact of the matter is, if she's paying attention AT ALL...then NONE of this happens. /serious-post

Next time...he should learn from Pedro.

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
Post:my word is gold?

Well done

Susan Harrell

Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
ericM40-44 wrote:
Can someone give me cliffs on this thread?

All I know is my twice worn ST tech shirt is now totally outdated. First the gorilla and now this guy! Can't I just enjoy my damn shirt!

I need someone to help update the official ST logo so I can get a new one printed from Cafe Express. Maybe put the woman hater dude on the bottom right punching the pretty girl. Gorilla by finman? Zazzle would not print this on a shirt BTW. Only Cafe Express. LOL.

Five star logo. Would view again.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
Burnt Toast wrote:

This discussion would have never taken place if the woman and her friends would have left it at the course. They approached the race director with the punched and ran her over saga and he bought it hook line and sinker. The guy was disqualified on the spot and he did not protest. As per the RD's words he gave back the trophy and medal and went on his way.

The problem began when the woman's friend blogged about it, posted two pics that look bad and called the guy out by name. She then also blogged about it and here we are.

Some of us decided to figure out why nearly everyone here and else where was accusing this guy of punching an innocent lady in pursuit of his PR. Most of us can see, now that the video finally surface, is that most of what was previously said and write was inaccurate at best and bordering on blatant lies and deception.

And that's just about all there is to this entire saga.

Well put.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [oceanlife] [ In reply to ]
oceanlife wrote:
SurfingLamb wrote:
travis_lt wrote:
His credibility is in question because she was never hit in the face and there was no bruise.

He said he saw a bruise on her face. Assuming he isn't outright lieing (which there's no reason to assume that he is) - it could be any number of reasons why he would associate a bruise on her face with that video.

Also, I can tell you from experience, videos oftentimes don't paint the whole picture either. You see it all the time in mixed martial arts and boxing fights - where a guy gets 'punched' and goes down but when you slow the video down it appears that no contact was ever made. That doesn't mean there wasn't. I've had guys in my old camp be accused of taking a dive because slowed down video showed no contact, but their faces were swelled up after the incident.

It's almost as if people skip the middle of a thread and jump on the comments at the end.

The picture clearly shows that she is trying to poop on him. I ask you....who is the real victim here?
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ctbrian] [ In reply to ]
I have to admit. I skipped from page 12 to page 17. Did I miss much?
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [paxfobiscum] [ In reply to ]
paxfobiscum wrote:
bhobbs wrote:
Richard Izzo wrote:
Again just so that we all understand when you see the video, she is in the correct lane of outgoing traffic while he is across the double yellow line (running in the wrong direction).
If he stayed on the correct side of the run course there would never have been a collision. The finish line was about 20-30yrds further down the rd- so he was not IN the finishline, nor even close to finishing. He chose to take a line that was closest to the rt turn he was eventually going to make.

The bruise on her face (which I saw post race), the account of numerous witness', the photo, the video and the opinion of the head USAT official led to his DQ which we stand by.

I know that we have all grown to accept the "folklore" of a triathlon swim and the rough housing that goes on. But civility and sportsmanship are the things that we as RDs want our grass roots events to inspire.
Both Dev and I as well a lot of you have raced for >24 yrs and can remember when this never occurred or was tolerated.
And because it was not tolerated it did not happen.

Our focus is to provide that grass roots feel, family oriented experience but to make sure that all racers are safe and get the same challenge and accomplishment as the pros do. I thank Dev for recognizing the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make sure any race can go on, especially a long course one.

We do not do it for money but for the love of the sport.
So we will not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior when it goes against the very foundation of what we stand for.

Every racer counts.

See all of you in IN, NY and our newest race in AZ!!! soon to be announced :)


Dear Mr. Izzo,

How the hell did this incident bruise her face?? Your credibility is gone.

Can you please explain to me why you are questioning Rich Izzo's credibility just because the woman has a bruise on her face? I mean this question in all sincerity and would like to understand your frame of thought.


Try to stay with me. The race director had seen the video, talked to witnesses and talked to the alleged victim. He indicated on this forum that the bruise to her face was a result of the incident. However, that claim is impossible. Her face was clearly visible to the video camera at time of contact to her back. Her face was never touched and she didn't fall. Therefore, no reasonable person could attribute either her facial bruise or scratches to her shoulder to Blair, the ESPN douchebag.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [bhobbs] [ In reply to ]
bhobbs wrote:
paxfobiscum wrote:
bhobbs wrote:
Richard Izzo wrote:
Again just so that we all understand when you see the video, she is in the correct lane of outgoing traffic while he is across the double yellow line (running in the wrong direction).
If he stayed on the correct side of the run course there would never have been a collision. The finish line was about 20-30yrds further down the rd- so he was not IN the finishline, nor even close to finishing. He chose to take a line that was closest to the rt turn he was eventually going to make.

The bruise on her face (which I saw post race), the account of numerous witness', the photo, the video and the opinion of the head USAT official led to his DQ which we stand by.

I know that we have all grown to accept the "folklore" of a triathlon swim and the rough housing that goes on. But civility and sportsmanship are the things that we as RDs want our grass roots events to inspire.
Both Dev and I as well a lot of you have raced for >24 yrs and can remember when this never occurred or was tolerated.
And because it was not tolerated it did not happen.

Our focus is to provide that grass roots feel, family oriented experience but to make sure that all racers are safe and get the same challenge and accomplishment as the pros do. I thank Dev for recognizing the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make sure any race can go on, especially a long course one.

We do not do it for money but for the love of the sport.
So we will not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior when it goes against the very foundation of what we stand for.

Every racer counts.

See all of you in IN, NY and our newest race in AZ!!! soon to be announced :)


Dear Mr. Izzo,

How the hell did this incident bruise her face?? Your credibility is gone.

Can you please explain to me why you are questioning Rich Izzo's credibility just because the woman has a bruise on her face? I mean this question in all sincerity and would like to understand your frame of thought.


Try to stay with me. The race director had seen the video, talked to witnesses and talked to the alleged victim. He indicated on this forum that the bruise to her face was a result of the incident. However, that claim is impossible. Her face was clearly visible to the video camera at time of contact to her back. Her face was never touched and she didn't fall. Therefore, no reasonable person could attribute either her facial bruise or scratches to her shoulder to Blair, the ESPN douchebag.

And if you read her recap of the incident (which I quote in my last post), you'll see that she herself says that her back was bruised and scratched. She doesn't mention her face, which makes no sense unless events didn't unfold as portrayed by the RD.

Mike Sparks

I have competed well, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [ericM40-44] [ In reply to ]
ericM40-44 wrote:
there's the kid who cut the course at Kona and got caught

there's the chick who traded bikes in Cozumel and got caught.

RZ wrote:
tomkat4573 wrote:
I just watched the video, sooooo...where is the gorilla?

I'm thinking of putting together the perfect d-bag race. So far I have:

1. IM Florida!
2. Wear fins during the swim, perform only one lap.
3. Peloton! Knock some woman down by clipping her bars while passing 2 inches apart... don't stop.
4. Gorilla pacer, shit myself, do only one lap, punch random attention whore chick in the back of the head, then go down the chute with the Brady Bunch©
5. Collect medal
6. T3!

Did I miss anything?

WTF....traded bikes?!?!

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" ~Shakespeare | Powered by HD Coaching | 2014 Wattie Ink Triathlon Team | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [randymar] [ In reply to ]
Fire Rock? :)

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. -- A fake Albert Einstein "quote"
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [Bmanners] [ In reply to ]
Damn it! I can't believe I read this entire thread; thus, I hate to contribute to its longevity....., but....2 questions come to mind:

The RD got the video and for some reason sent it to Dev to upload....Dev was indisposed,and/or conflicted, and/or technically challenged about sharing it for quite some time (as Murphy's Law put it best in an associated thread..."That video was in the "can" so long...."It wasn't released,....it was paroled!" LOL!)...thus, ultimately, BManners uploaded it with the disclaimer..... "I might regret this, but".....

So, question # 1.......How did BManners get the video? Inquiring minds want to know!!!....and, a subset question.....What does the "B" in BManners stand for? Could it be "Blair"....ahem.... "Satan"? (use your SNL - Dana Carvey-ChurchLady voice).... ;-)

Question #2.....So,.... the RD sent the video to USAT to help determine penalties for "Satan"....ahem....I mean Blair. How is it that they reviewed that video and didn't levy "Ms. Obilviot" (Oblivious Idiot) with at least a time penalty as well? She clearly violated a couple of rules... if not more. If we're going start doing after the fact rules violation video reviews "ala the PGA Tour," shouldn't they have noticed her indiscretions as well? The Rules is Rules,.... eh? and, this was a USAT sanctioned race...Yes?

Again,.... "Inquiring minds want to know!" ;-)
Last edited by: TerramarMan: Sep 24, 13 22:47
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [KonaCoffee] [ In reply to ]
As a behavioral therapist, I think the banner "Power" shown at precise moment the woman gets elbowed by the poser sends the entirely wrong message to our children.

Power for what? The power to choose between MMA and triathlon..........?

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [TerramarMan] [ In reply to ]
TerramarMan wrote:

So, question # 1.......How did BManners get the video? Inquiring minds want to know!!!....and, a subset question.....What does the "B" in BManners stand for? Could it be "Blair"....ahem.... "Satan"? (use your SNL - Dana Carvey-ChurchLady voice).... ;-)

The video was making the rounds before it was posted here. BManners is just the one who uploaded it. Could have come from a number of people apparently.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
Was that supposed to be in pink?....or, do you actually feel there are subliminal messages being sent in this thread?....That actually wouldn't surprise me considering the extremity of views/replies.... :-/
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [needmoreair] [ In reply to ]
I was joking...Guess I should have put question #1 in pink.....
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [TerramarMan] [ In reply to ]
TerramarMan wrote:
I was joking...Guess I should have put question #1 in pink.....

Heh. I'm a fail at picking up the joking/sarcasm stuff sometimes.
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [TerramarMan] [ In reply to ]
If you give me a moment, I can make this thread all about the Republicans war on women or Obama being soft on illegal immigration. Choose your poison.

**All of these words finding themselves together were greatly astonished and delighted for assuredly, they had never met before**
Re: Punching a woman during a race? [mojozenmaster] [ In reply to ]
Agreed! How about making about the "Slippery Slope" the USAT put itself on by levying a DQ based on post incident video review and witness testimony?......
Who'll be mounting fore/aft cameras on their bikes to nail those nasty drafters? ......"Just asking"....and, will the USAT intercede again? <no pink>

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