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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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HuffNPuff wrote:
Are you a pacifist? What would you do if you came home to an intruder violently raping your wife? That will tell me everything I need to know about you and your values.
So again you want to apply labels? Good, bad, pacifist,....
And you've actually stated that any answer to a single question will tell you everything you need to know to judge a person.
I put it to you that this statement tells me more than my answer would ever tell you.

Until you hear my answer, how do you know what it will tell you? Could it be because you've already got the categories lined up and there's no room for anything new? I think so. I think you have a very limited view of the world. I think your mind is utterly closed. I think you need to apply the label that allows you dismiss my criticism. You're sure you're in the right. You need to believe that and you'll be a bit uncomfortable until you can categorise me and move on. Isn't that correct? Hey, our minds all try to work that way. I understand, but you have to fight back if you want to understand anything.

I'm not going to tell you if I'm a pacifist. I don't really know what that means. I don't have a definition and I don't know what yours is.
Does it mean believing you shouldn't hurt others without absolute necessity. I believe that. Does it imply anything else?

Oh, and if I walked in on a rapist violently attacking my wife, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I would think it's obvious I'd hope to stop them and protect her effectively, but it's not something I'm going to spend time thinking about. It's a horrible thought and imagining it doesn't serve a purpose other than to cultivate fear and rage for something that hasn't even happened. Do you spend time imagining these sorts of scenarios? Why? Do you really think they somehow prepare you for the possibility? Do you really think you know what you'd do and how you'd feel?
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
dunno wrote:
Ai_1 wrote:
HuffNPuff wrote:
I make no apologies. I guess you don't enjoy watching unsuspecting jihadists placing IEDS at night getting lit up by a gunship they cannot see or hear. I can watch that video all day.

No more than I enjoy watching unsuspecting US soldiers getting blown up by an IED they cannot see.
Can you explain the difference?

I consider your attitude deranged. I can't see it any other way without thinking the jihadists are equally justified in enjoying the death of their victims. It's sick.

All I can think is either you're a horrible person or, more likely, you've dumbed it all down to a "good guys" versus "bad guys" narrative such that you can no longer really tell the difference between real pain and death and a movie?

How does pain, anyone's pain, make the world a better place?

Well I for one am a lot happier when a murderer is killed than when his victim is killed..

Which is which?

The "western" narrative is that the Jihadists hate the west and are out to get us. Therefore, we are justified in defending ourselves by destroying them.
The jihadist narrative is that the west is a danger to their society and actively trying to undermine it. Therefore they are justified in defending themselves by destroying it.
I believe there's plenty evidence that both of these assertions are true.

Both sides appear to believe in what they're doing. Each justifies themselves by saying the other is evil and/or the other started it.
For the record, I don't believe in what either side is doing. I maintain that it's the ignorance and prejudice that propagate both positions that are evil.

So back to labelling one side murderers and the other victims. This is essentially the same thing as I previously described regarding dumbing it down to "good guys" and "bad guys". It only makes sense if you're on one or other side already and have accepted the premise that there is an essential difference.

Can you put yourself in the shoes of a jihadist? Can you imagine thinking there's a god who wants you to fight for him? Can you imagine thinking there's a country or way of life that you owe allegiance to? Would you believe in what you were doing? Would you think you were a terrorist?


Can you put yourself in the shoes of a US soldier? Can you imagine thinking there's a god who wants you to fight for him? Can you imagine thinking there's a country or way of life that you owe allegiance to? Would you believe in what you were doing? Would you think you were a terrorist?

The only "bad guys" are those in the background who don't believe in what's going on but have something to gain personally. There are plenty of those on both sides but they rarely, if ever, get hurt. Those who believe in what they're doing all think they're fighting evil and doing their duty. That's what propaganda is for. Others are there for other social or economic reasons. Maybe joining the army is a way to learn a trade or pay the bills, maybe it's the only home you can find, maybe it's the only way to keep your family safe. Philosophically and logically speaking, I don't I don't see much difference between the two sides in most respects. I consider both sides to be detrimental to the general good of humanity. I also don't think you can describe the individuals on either side as evil, or good, unless you're willing to accept the same values being ascribed to both sides.

We've gone WAY off topic here. This started off about an ex pro cyclist who doped.
But what the hell, this conversation is much more interesting and potentially constructive!

Edit: Oh yeah, I meant to mention that someone who actually enjoys watching other people die and seeks out opportunities to indulge that pleasure, seems a worthy candidate for "bad guy". You don't get to say you're doing it for your family or culture, or god. What does it do except give you pleasure? How can you think this is not disturbing?

You are applying way too much logic here on the internet. I think sitting halfway between North America and the Middle East you guys have a lot more of an enlightened view on both sides and also how soldiers and jihadists are just pawns in a larger power struggle, each side brainwashed to blow the other guy up. In the same vein, cyclists and other doped pro athletes are just pawns in a very big money power play. The athletes/gladiators are expendible. They are used to make money by others. A few get paid well, most get paid nothing, but they do what they can to keep their dream of being a pro athlete alive and have the adulation in the coloseum after fighting other gladiators and lions and meanwhile the Caesars make out with the big $$$. This has been happening for 2000+ years, yet we focus on the pawns (be they the jihadist, western solidier, or pro athlete).....and I can say this having been a Western Soldier (actually airman) during Gulf War1 (fortunately not deployed to the front line, but we had a lot of prep to do to get our teams over into harms way)....we were just pawns. We used to joke, "this God's solidier is that God's jihadist" ....both sides are brainwashed thinking they are the good guys blowing up the other side.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Having been a Soldier, nothing makes Soldiers more happy than watching a Jihadi who is placing an IED get turned into pink mist.

The analogy only goes so far, Lance hurt people, watching him get hurt on the bike is just like anyone else: "dude that sucks" but why are we posting about him at all?

Washed up footy player turned Triathlete.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [TheStroBro] [ In reply to ]
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My beef with the guy is not the fact that he doped, it is that besides all the nasty behaviour he displayed, he galvanized a very tainted image of professional cycling. Triathletes and cyclists may have a more nuanced view on doping in cycling, but the general public immediately goes "cycling? Isn't that sport full of dopers?" when the subject comes up. Lance, with his team, took doping to the next level in the public eye and it's been a nightmare to shake off that image.

So if he wants to live his life without being bothered, I think it's best he keeps his hands away from cycling. He's done way too much damage to be allowed back in. There will always be haters, but I bet that if the guy decided to be more low profile, he would be mostly left in peace.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Arch Stanton] [ In reply to ]
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Arch Stanton wrote:
jw13 wrote:
He's one of the greatest, if not the greatest, sports frauds of all time. He destroyed people's lives, without a second thought, to propagate his fraud while enriching himself. This happened only a few years ago; not generations ago. He deserves all the vitriol directed at him.

Can we get a list of these lives he supposedly destroyed? This is typical bullshit that is being pushed by Betsy and Greg, both of whom picked a fight with Lance to advance their own agendas.
I've been around long enough to know your thoughts on Betsy and Greg. But would you say he ruined Mike Anderson's life, at least at the time? He's never attempted to make any amends for that one. He has apologized to Emma and apparently she's at peace with everything.

I'm no Lance hater. He doped like all the rest, and was a bigger asshole than most. It is what it is and I don't lose sleep over it.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [devashish_paul] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, that's about the size of it!
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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I for one thank Ai-1 for sharing his views. Made me think a bit on this lazy Friday. Nothing brings people together like a common enemy https://www.theatlantic.com/...party-system/273906/ so often the tendency of groups is escalation when the opposite would be better for the situation or society. (wars, politics, internet disputes,...etc). Question for Ai-1 though. Surely you believe that in SOME cases there really is a "good" and a "bad" and that in extremely rare cases violence may be a necessary or justified reaction?

History is replete with violent and unprovoked territorial conquests,...just because. Would the world be a better place if villagers just rolled over when Atilla the Hun, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. showed up to rape and plunder? Generally agree with your views. Just think there's some shades of gray in your "shades of gray" argument against violence.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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The scenario I described was posed to a pacifist in a college lecture. Up to this point, I was unaware that I had used any labels, but I now have one for your lack of conviction ... pathetic! I won't waste anymore time with you.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [HuffNPuff] [ In reply to ]
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Lack of conviction, eh?
And what do you base that on? Come on, make an actual reasoned argument.
Point out an instance where my posts have suggested a lack of conviction. Because I'm stumped.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Dan Funk] [ In reply to ]
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Lance just donated $10,000 to Adrian Costa's gofundme.

I loved him, then I hated him, now I accept him.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
Lack of conviction, eh?
And what do you base that on? Come on, make an actual reasoned argument.
Point out an instance where my posts have suggested a lack of conviction. Because I'm stumped.

Nah you’re just a wanker. If you pulled your head out of your arse for two seconds you would see there is a world of difference between a jihadi who takes pride in killing defenceless civilians wether they be women or children and a western soldier who does everything they can to limit civilian casualties.

Their belief they are both ‘right’ doesn’t mean their actions are equal.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [jkhayc] [ In reply to ]
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jkhayc wrote:
Lance just donated $10,000 to Adrian Costa's gofundme.

Side-stepping the ance-Lay discussion, but it's interesting how crowdfunding has becomes the new supplemental (or primary) health insurance.

I'm going to have to work on my general like-ability and celebrity so I can get a decent payout if I get demolished in an accident.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [dunno] [ In reply to ]
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dunno wrote:
Ai_1 wrote:
Lack of conviction, eh?
And what do you base that on? Come on, make an actual reasoned argument.
Point out an instance where my posts have suggested a lack of conviction. Because I'm stumped.

Nah you’re just a wanker. If you pulled your head out of your arse for two seconds you would see there is a world of difference between a jihadi who takes pride in killing defenceless civilians wether they be women or children and a western soldier who does everything they can to limit civilian casualties.

Their belief they are both ‘right’ doesn’t mean their actions are equal.

I didn't say their action were equal.
Do you really think the western forces kill fewer civilians? I'm not so sure.

Edit: Incidentally, what's with starting off by telling me I'm a wanker? You disagree with me fine, but try and keep it civil. If you're trying to get at me that won't do it. Demonstrate why my argument doesn't make sense - I wouldn't like that. I'd have to re-think it all and join some armed forces. We have a guy who says he likes watching guys getting killed for pleasure, and I'm the wanker because I think all murder should be avoided. Em - Wow!

Have a nice weekend!
Last edited by: Ai_1: Aug 10, 18 11:12
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [lschaan] [ In reply to ]
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lschaan wrote:
.....Question for Ai-1 though. Surely you believe that in SOME cases there really is a "good" and a "bad" and that in extremely rare cases violence may be a necessary or justified reaction?......
I think good and bad intentions are rare. Good and bad implications, sure.
And I'm sure thete are cases where violence is unavoidable. But we tend to go to violence far too often when there are better alternatives.
I think I said earlier that hurting others should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. I'm nit saying it's ALWAYS avoidable - but often.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
I didn't say their action were equal.
Do you really think the western forces kill fewer civilians? I'm not so sure.

Just ignore these posters. They obviously have severe rage issues probably from too many T injections. Really anything you say that doesn't involve mass violence will have you being called a "wanker".
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [triguy86] [ In reply to ]
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triguy86 wrote:
I don’t get it either. He’s a human being just trying to live life. He can’t evolve into something better than he was? He’s supposed to continually pay publicly for past actions? Forever?
I think it is because he is a multimillionaire based on his lying, cheating, and stealing. And how he treated others. Still living the good life in Aspen with his beautiful wife. Doesn't seem like he paid a very steep price for all he did. That i would say is why.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
dunno wrote:
Ai_1 wrote:
Lack of conviction, eh?
And what do you base that on? Come on, make an actual reasoned argument.
Point out an instance where my posts have suggested a lack of conviction. Because I'm stumped.

Nah you’re just a wanker. If you pulled your head out of your arse for two seconds you would see there is a world of difference between a jihadi who takes pride in killing defenceless civilians wether they be women or children and a western soldier who does everything they can to limit civilian casualties.

Their belief they are both ‘right’ doesn’t mean their actions are equal.

I didn't say their action were equal.
Do you really think the western forces kill fewer civilians? I'm not so sure.

Edit: Incidentally, what's with starting off by telling me I'm a wanker? You disagree with me fine, but try and keep it civil. If you're trying to get at me that won't do it. Demonstrate why my argument doesn't make sense - I wouldn't like that. I'd have to re-think it all and join some armed forces. We have a guy who says he likes watching guys getting killed for pleasure, and I'm the wanker because I think all murder should be avoided. Em - Wow!

Have a nice weekend!

You are comparing jihadists to western soldiers-trust me calling you a wanker is a compliment, I wouldn’t be as polite in person. You are a disgusting human being for even putting the groups in the same sentence.

I’ve been on the net long enough to understand people like you and sometimes it’s best to go straight to the conclusion.

As for civilian casualties one group is INTENTIONALLY targeting defenceless inocent civilians. Do I really need to list you all of the atrocities these scum have perpetrated DELIBERATELY on children, women and men all innocently going about their lives until some coward blows them up, chops off their heads or drives a truck through them?

You like to play ‘intellectual’ but you are just a wanker. I hope one day you don’t have these actions impact your life personally so you can continue to ponder the perpetrators being the same as soldiers defending your way of life. Sure would be a shame for any of these jihadists to lose their lives..
Last edited by: dunno: Aug 11, 18 1:54
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [jw13] [ In reply to ]
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jw13 wrote:
He's one of the greatest, if not the greatest, sports frauds of all time. He destroyed people's lives, without a second thought, to propagate his fraud while enriching himself. This happened only a few years ago; not generations ago. He deserves all the vitriol directed at him.

People like this who hop on their soap box with no knowledge or thought about what the sport was in those days are the reason Lance fans still vehemently defend him on these boards.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [dunno] [ In reply to ]
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What Fenton said.

And there's plenty more to it than that, but I'm not giving you any more of my time. You're a lost cause from what I can tell. You've clearly got pretty entrenched views and going by your over the top responses, they're not based on reason and you're not capable of questioning them - look how you react when someone else even suggests there's something to consider!

Your opinion of me is of honestly of zero consequence. I just find it unfortunate that so many guys like you exist. You just try and drag everything back to gut instinct and ignorance and the whole world suffers for it. In case you missed it, YOUR attutude is the same as the one I criticised in my earlier posts.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
What Fenton said.

And there's plenty more to it than that, but I'm not giving you any more of my time. You're a lost cause from what I can tell. You've clearly got pretty entrenched views and going by your over the top responses, they're not based on reason and you're not capable of questioning them - look how you react when someone else even suggests there's something to consider!

Your opinion of me is of honestly of zero consequence. I just find it unfortunate that so many guys like you exist. You just try and drag everything back to gut instinct and ignorance and the whole world suffers for it. In case you missed it, YOUR attutude is the same as the one I criticised in my earlier posts.

The irony is palpable. You’re criticizing him of being entrenched in his own worldview while simultaneously looking down on others who question your own entrenched worldview. Which, I might add, despite your opinion is not an objectively correct one.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Hammer Down] [ In reply to ]
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Hammer Down wrote:
Ai_1 wrote:
What Fenton said.

And there's plenty more to it than that, but I'm not giving you any more of my time. You're a lost cause from what I can tell. You've clearly got pretty entrenched views and going by your over the top responses, they're not based on reason and you're not capable of questioning them - look how you react when someone else even suggests there's something to consider!

Your opinion of me is of honestly of zero consequence. I just find it unfortunate that so many guys like you exist. You just try and drag everything back to gut instinct and ignorance and the whole world suffers for it. In case you missed it, YOUR attutude is the same as the one I criticised in my earlier posts.

The irony is palpable. You’re criticizing him of being entrenched in his own worldview while simultaneously looking down on others who question your own entrenched worldview. Which, I might add, despite your opinion is not an objectively correct one.
I'm not insisting on agreement. I do take exception to someone wading in with crude insults and failing to follow that up with any rationale. I'm not about to take someone like that seriously. I think he illustrates some of my earlier points but I do not respect an argument he hasn't made. If he wants to apologise and say something useful, fine.

I don't look down on those who don't share my views. I look down on those who sling personal insults in lieu of debate. I also think less of those who refuse to criticise their own beliefs, but it's pretty normal unfortunately, so I try and keep that to myself in everyday life.

I don't think you've found irony.

You say my view is not correct. Want to elaborate? You should know by now that I don't care what you say unless you've got a reason I should believe it.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Hammer Down] [ In reply to ]
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You know zero about me or my knowledge. But I’ll share one piece of info. I don’t argue with ignorant people.

Now by all means continue “vehemently” defending an undisputed fraudster. Really says more about you than me.
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Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Ai_1] [ In reply to ]
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Ai_1 wrote:
Hammer Down wrote:
Ai_1 wrote:
What Fenton said.

And there's plenty more to it than that, but I'm not giving you any more of my time. You're a lost cause from what I can tell. You've clearly got pretty entrenched views and going by your over the top responses, they're not based on reason and you're not capable of questioning them - look how you react when someone else even suggests there's something to consider!

Your opinion of me is of honestly of zero consequence. I just find it unfortunate that so many guys like you exist. You just try and drag everything back to gut instinct and ignorance and the whole world suffers for it. In case you missed it, YOUR attutude is the same as the one I criticised in my earlier posts.

The irony is palpable. You’re criticizing him of being entrenched in his own worldview while simultaneously looking down on others who question your own entrenched worldview. Which, I might add, despite your opinion is not an objectively correct one.

I'm not insisting on agreement. I do take exception to someone wading in with crude insults and failing to follow that up with any rationale. I'm not about to take someone like that seriously. I think he illustrates some of my earlier points but I do not respect an argument he hasn't made. If he wants to apologise and say something useful, fine.

I don't look down on those who don't share my views. I look down on those who sling personal insults in lieu of debate. I also think less of those who refuse to criticise their own beliefs, but it's pretty normal unfortunately, so I try and keep that to myself in everyday life.

I don't think you've found irony.

You say my view is not correct. Want to elaborate? You should know by now that I don't care what you say unless you've got a reason I should believe it.

I'm not saying your view is incorrect either. Thats my point. Who decides who is the good guy and bad guy or whether there are good guys or bad guys at all? Y'all are both looking down on the other for having differing opinions in a complex matter that doesn't have a right answer. I happen to think religion is a terrible motive for anything so murdering innocent people in the name of democracy is something I can stomach easier than doing the same in the name of religion. Others feel the opposite.
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Post deleted by windschatten [ In reply to ]
Re: Lance hits the deck hard in Snowmass [Hammer Down] [ In reply to ]
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Hammer Down wrote:
....I'm not saying your view is incorrect either.....
True - you didn't actually say that. Careless reading on my part!

Hammer Down wrote:
....Thats my point. Who decides who is the good guy and bad guy or whether there are good guys or bad guys at all? Y'all are both looking down on the other for having differing opinions in a complex matter that doesn't have a right answer.....(/quote]
That doesn't differ from my view in the slightest. I never said either side were the "good guys" or "bad guys". I criticised any attempt to dumb it down to "good guys" and "bad guys" as a harmful distortion of the reality.
Hammer Down wrote:
....I happen to think religion is a terrible motive for anything so murdering innocent people in the name of democracy is something I can stomach easier than doing the same in the name of religion. Others feel the opposite.
I absolutely agree with the part in bold, but I also think "democracy" is commonly used in much the same way, thus the inverted commas. I can't stomach cynical use of "democracy" as an excuse for murder either.
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