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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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B_Doughtie wrote:
I dont mind paying for an mechanic or masseuse at the 5-8 events in the world to put team usa olympic athletes in the best position to win or podium at that level. 1 less thing to be stressed over is a huge help to those athletes. However my beef isn't in the coach / mechanic / massueuse it's in the "staff" members that go on the federatoin dime that are doing what for the weekend? Does USAT need an "manager" as well as a head coach at a WTCS event? Every head coach that can be picked by USAT knows every itu rule and knows all the procedures of pre race meetings / protests, etc.

Open question to the group according to post on Facebook which I’m not sure they’re true or not in the UK in Australia it’s something like $50 a year and that includes everything as far as being able to go to worlds etc.

IF true, how is it possible USAT is so much more expensive?
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [MrTri123] [ In reply to ]
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I mean if $50 is an "membership" that's all that you need in order to be eligible for Worlds- then you a) must qualify whatever the federation decides that (usually qualification race and/or ranking depending on the specific discipline) b) wear proper team apparel

I think the team kits change every few years so I think you can get away with 1-2 years wearing an old kit, and that's pretty much for any federation that requires kits. So I dont know that that info is accurate.

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [MrTri123] [ In reply to ]
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MrTri123 wrote:
B_Doughtie wrote:
I dont mind paying for an mechanic or masseuse at the 5-8 events in the world to put team usa olympic athletes in the best position to win or podium at that level. 1 less thing to be stressed over is a huge help to those athletes. However my beef isn't in the coach / mechanic / massueuse it's in the "staff" members that go on the federatoin dime that are doing what for the weekend? Does USAT need an "manager" as well as a head coach at a WTCS event? Every head coach that can be picked by USAT knows every itu rule and knows all the procedures of pre race meetings / protests, etc.

Open question to the group according to post on Facebook which I’m not sure they’re true or not in the UK in Australia it’s something like $50 a year and that includes everything as far as being able to go to worlds etc.

IF true, how is it possible USAT is so much more expensive?

Compare it to USA cycling. A Race membership is $110.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [ In reply to ]
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Looks like they are responding to all of the complaints. Posted 30 minutes ago.

As you know, USA Triathlon launched our new membership products this week. While we are excited about these new products, we understand and acknowledge we had a significant miss in the rollout – specifically with our Team USA Platinum Membership.

USA Triathlon is committed to evolving and modernizing so we can better serve our mission, vision, and the programs that support the growth of our sport and the needs of our members.

Team USA is an amazing program and USA Triathlon puts a lot of resources across our organization into this team – to deliver the support, benefits, resources and more that go into making Team USA what it is.

We have heard your feedback and acknowledge we missed the mark on the timing and the unexpected nature of the switch. We are sorry for that and we will adjust.

For 2024, here is our approach for Team USA:

There is no requirement to purchase the Platinum package to race and be part of Team USA for 2024. We will keep the program status quo – utilize your annual membership (will automatically transition to Silver) and pay the spot fees associated with the races in 2024. No change, and no additional requirements for 2024.

For those that would like to purchase the new Platinum Team USA membership – and receive the added benefits while supporting the Team USA program - we will have that available, as optional. It will be as originally planned and outlined on our site – including a $100 spot fee credit, additional Team USA exclusive gear and more.

Our team is currently working on how this program and membership will evolve beyond 2024, prior to any 2025 World Championship qualification opportunities (that will occur in 2024) and will communicate those changes to you once developed.

We appreciate your role in this sport, your advocacy for Team USA and for USA Triathlon, and we look forward to chasing finish lines with you in 2024 and beyond.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to TeamUSA@usatriathlon.org.

Nashville, TN
https://twitter.com/ironclm | http://ironclm.typepad.com
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [Xing triathlete] [ In reply to ]
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I imagine the goal behind the scenes is to incrementally raise the silver level each year to the point of members paying 100+

I wonder if they would be better off doing a monthly 10/mo or 100/year thing and just pray/hope that people forget.

I also think a smart move for them would be to acquire finisher pix (or start something like it to disrupt/replace it). With the millions they throw around that might actually do something to bring value/revenue.

I could see paying 400/year for this platinum membership if it also included photos at the races you go to.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Lurker4 wrote:
However, if there are indeed expenses that need to be covered to run this Worlds program, it definitely makes sense for the cost to be born by those athletes racing at Worlds. If burdening Worlds athletes with the cost of running a Worlds event means no one shows, then the Worlds program will need to change as no one will show. If Worlds is something that is a revenue maker for USAT (which it sounds like it is, but maybe there are real costs the federation has to shoulder) then it's unfair for all triathletes to subsidize it.

How is the worlds event paid for anyway? Does USAT remit funds to a global body? If so, how is that determined? I could easily, and sadly, imagine that the US ends up paying a lions share of expenses for this global organization based on the number of US members. I hope that's not the case. If it is the case, then it would be "fair" for those costs to be subsidized by all the US membership fees as well, but USAT should be focused on eliminating any involvement in unnecessary events like this if that's the case.

You are asking the right questions, but the only answers we have from USAT so far is (1) look at the long, nearly incomprehensible USAT tax forms to figure out where the money comes from and where it goes and (2) (from the Zoom yesterday) race event costs, especially insurance, has skyrocketed. It's hard to imagine that Team USA does not pay for itself under the current model. I believe that there were 400 Team USA members for Multisport Worlds in Ibiza in 2023. At $100 spot fee (i.e. pure profit) per athlete, $40,000. As I recall, there were four USAT folks there - two team managers, a masseuse and a bike mechanic. Is USAT saying that they can't pay for four folks to be in Ibiza for two weeks on $40,000? And don't forget the kickback USAT receives on the overpriced, required race kit and parade uniforms. Two years ago, Zone3 was the Team USA race kit vendor. The race kit was inferior to one of their 'available to all' products. Team USA race kit was over $300 and that plain, better fabricated kit was $100. By some sleuthing on those tax forms, a Team USA member indicates on the order of $300k/yr in USAT revenue from kit purchases. USAT would do well for themselves and for everyone to provide a transparent, data-driven explainer on what parts of the operation are in the black and what parts are in the red. That info should help inform how to fairly fix the financial trouble spots.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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Ha, earlier today, I send the message below by email to USAT...they didn't follow my prescription exactly (pretty close on the 2024 membership) and there is still time to adopt the other pieces to help make 2025 a success...

As a 3x Team USA member and qualified/planning to compete in Worlds in Townsville AUS, I’m super disappointed with the proposed changes in membership levels and, especially the poor timing and lack of respect for existing agreements between Team USA athletes and USAT. I am sure that you have heard all of the complaints / concerns that I might offer. Let’s focus on what to do now…

1. Make every Team USA athlete competing in a 2024 Worlds a Platinum member. Here’s how… Pick the price/terms you want for Team USA athletes who will compete in 2025 Worlds. Let’s say, $400/yr. For 2024 Worlds, as soon as the 1st spot fee is paid, that athlete is ‘Platinum’ and gets a $400 membership bill minus $100 for the 1st spot fee and minus whatever value they have on existing USAT memberships and minus a ‘one time only benefit’ with a value that makes Platinum cost $0 extra for athletes with memberships that cover the duration through their Worlds races – OR – a ‘one time only’ benefit with a value that makes Platinum cost the same as the ‘Silver’ annual membership for athletes with memberships that end before their Worlds race (not sure that the 2nd scenario is possible). Then, in 2025, Team USA athletes renew at the Platinum level – how ever you define that (but define it well before Multisport Nationals to inform athletes considering Nationals as a qualifier for Team USA). Why? It’s fair. Team USA athletes with memberships that extend past their Worlds race have entered into a pre-paid agreement with USAT to enable their Team USA / Worlds participation on that membership. It psychologically primes Team USA athletes to be ‘Platinum’ for next year. It give USAT a chance to see what ‘benefits’ are valuable to Team USA members (i.e. - NOT swim goggles!). And, include an opportunity to make a tax-deductible gift to USAT with the Platinum membership announcement. I’ll bet that you get some gifts.
2. Be transparent. Don’t point to the long and complicated tax form and say – see, we can’t continue to operate with this financial arrangement and expect Team USA athletes to dig thought the details. ID the largest / most important functions of USAT. Disclose the revenue from each stream. Disclose the expenses for each function. Show which parts of the operation are in the black and which are in the red.
3. Use the transparency to align membership costs with functions / benefits. For example, on the 01/17 Zoom, Ms. Prescott said that operating expenses for events, especially insurance, has skyrocketed. I don’t argue with this but (1) show me and (2) increase revenue in a way that aligns with those who receive benefit of those operations – IOW why should Team USA athletes pay more to run events that are attended by (probably) more non-Team USA athletes? If the cost of putting on Nationals is part of the red ink, then increase the race registration or increase membership equally across all tiers (or both).
4. What to offer Platinum members? Here is a clue – is is not more stuff. If I can afford an increase in USAT annual registration from – what was it before, $65 or so? - to $400, I don’t need USAT to buy this duathlete a pair of swim googles (or even compression socks). Here is the winning strategy – provide Platinum members with events, services, experiences that they can not get on their own. Examples? Sure. How about rounding up the pros that attend these events (might be easier if some events align with PTO races and Team USA pros should be willing) and offer Q & A with them or a slow paced recon of the run / bike / swim course with some tips/narration? Good sponsorship opportunities for such things. This could also work at Worlds, presuming pros / PTO are there. A Q & A could even work by video – rent an auditorium, invite Team USA and have pros there to chat. Lots of possibilities this year with the Olympics.
5. I’m trying to be helpful here and I appreciate that USAT’s current financial model may need adjustment. I’m not against that. I’d be more tolerant if the approach fairly increased costs among the athletes that use the services that are causing the deficit. It is hard to imagine that, using Ibiza as an example, that Team USA is not paying the costs for four (?) USAT personnel to be on site (Tim, Hans, massage, mechanic; BTW - Tim and Hans are GREAT and much appreciated). I believe that there were 400-ish Team USA members in Ibiza. $40,000 in spot fees. Is USAT saying that they can’t cover the expenses of four people for two weeks in Ibiza on $40,000? And there is no hiding the kickback USAT gets from vendors on race kits and parade uniforms – by one report, this is $100’s of thousands of $ per year. My guess is that, under the current financial model, Team USA pays for itself and might be a net revenue source. I’m happy to be proven incorrect using understandable data. But if I am right, the injustice to Team USA athletes is even greater than the surprise change in membership requirements.
6. USAT has to get their stuff together. On one slide (01/17 Zoom), USAT has not increased dues for many years (seven?). Then, later, a comment that USAT has been in and out of the red for seven (?) years. My goodness, why has there not been some gradual approach to align the expenses and income? USAT has waited until the whole house is on fire, it seems, before asking for a whopping, disruptive fix. Had USAT said some years ago – hey, costs to run events are increasing, so membership goes up 15% and race registration goes up 20% (or whatever). Maybe that had to be done 2-3 times over the last 7 years. That is far better than the 500% membership cost increase proposed to be applied to only a subset of USAT members. USAT leadership needs needs evaluation by an external consultant – maybe selected by USAT athletes – to assess USAT’s SWOT, especially wrt management.
7. Summary. These changes, as necessary as they may be, were carried out poorly. Team USA members are hurt and it’s difficult to understand how that outcome was not anticipated. Make things right for Team USA 2024. Communicate clearly – now/soon – the expectations for team USA 2025. And in the meantime, find ways to surprise and delight Team USA 2024. If you follow this blueprint, you will get what you want, but one year later. I think that this is an acceptable trade off. USAT will need to find other revenue sources in 2024 (sponsorships, Olympic year stuff…) and cut expenses (USAT needs to dogfood their lack of action over many years that landed them in this situation) to make the budget balance. I am confident that USAT can do this and come out stronger for 2025 and beyond. Thanks for reading. Happy to discuss more, if these suggestions are valuable.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [stephenj] [ In reply to ]
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For those that don't visit the front page. They walked it back, here's the article.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [AKCrafty] [ In reply to ]
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Thank you for a.) reading the front page and b.) doing my dirty work for me.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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So the crowd starts wondering where and how all the money gets spent and why some are paid so well and suddenly enter price comes down.


I could care less about the price increase, but rather I'd want to know how they'll economize starting symbolically with the leadership. I've volunteered multiple times in my professional life to take a cut to keep something going. I'd like to see real leadership put their own money where their mouth is.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [ironclm] [ In reply to ]
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we missed the mark on the timing and the unexpected nature of the switch
(emphasis mine)


We absolutely should be fleecing athletes for an extra $400 a year, but we should’ve mentioned it earlier so we wouldn’t receive the bad PR we did.

"FTP is a bit 2015, don't you think?" - Gustav Iden
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [monty] [ In reply to ]
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So even more awesomeness!!! There was an apology and a 'we heard you, here is a lollypop; now shut up and forget what you just saw'.....They said that they will not be requiring $400 to race in worlds for our country...................................................................................................................................................................................... For 2024.

Do they really think that we are that stupid and dont see that they are figuring out how to stick it to us (i.e. just wait until we are distracted with anything else) so that the status quo is maintained?

I guess the answer is 'yes'.

I believe my local reality has been violated.
Happiness = Results / (Expectations)^2
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [Lurker4] [ In reply to ]
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Here's the fundamental problem they face:

  • They lost a significant number of staff during COVID. They haven't recovered. And service levels -- for race directors, for coaches, for athletes -- have deteriorated because of it.
  • Almost everyone on the USAT Governance page is new over the last 18 months. Exceptions are the CEO and Chief Sport Development Officer Tim Yount.
  • Salaries represented $4.75 million of the 2022 fiscal year $20.9 million spend.
  • It's notable that "professional services" doubled in cost between 2021 and 2022.
  • Travel alone went up almost a million dollars between 2021 and 2022.

You're not going to get the improvements they need out of cutting more staff. They need to re-focus on the population that provides them with most of their revenue. And they might have to get leaner on the support they provide to elite athletes.

Also of note: they've changed the phrasing on some of the membership package stuff, now referring to the top level as "Team USA Platinum" or "USA Triathlon Foundation Platinum" (if, you know, you don't qualify for Team USA but still want to give them $400 per year).

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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In some positive USA Triathlon news, I just renewed by daughter's youth membership. My two options were $10 for a year or $30 for until her 18th birthday. She's turning 10 this year so the until 18 option is like only paying $3.75 per year.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [stephenj] [ In reply to ]
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stephenj wrote:

So even more awesomeness!!! There was an apology and a 'we heard you, here is a lollypop; now shut up and forget what you just saw'.....They said that they will not be requiring $400 to race in worlds for our country...................................................................................................................................................................................... For 2024.

Do they really think that we are that stupid and dont see that they are figuring out how to stick it to us (i.e. just wait until we are distracted with anything else) so that the status quo is maintained?

I guess the answer is 'yes'.
That's kind of how I read it as well. They need to figure out how to right the financial ship. They're already hitting TeamUSA athletes with an ever increasing admin fee and skimming money off the required kits/parade clothing.

Maybe a better route (outside of fiscal responsibiltiy) would be in some sponsorhips and small changes in the general memberships. General membership is much larger than the TeamUSA crowd. Don't complicate it either... one price, one membership.

I also think they're missing with the whole bronze level to some extent. Sure provide a one day license option, but why not put them into scoring? If someone dabbling in triathlon does three events and they did well, why not recognize them in the rankings? Gasp, what if they did well enough to get AA? If USAT includes e-mail in the import format of race results into their scoring database.. they could then communicate with these people hopefully in a positive way that might interest them more in the sport. Seems like an easy low cost opportunity to engadge people on the fringe.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [Herbie Hancock] [ In reply to ]
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Herbie Hancock wrote:
In some positive USA Triathlon news, I just renewed by daughter's youth membership. My two options were $10 for a year or $30 for until her 18th birthday. She's turning 10 this year so the until 18 option is like only paying $3.75 per year.

From a sustainable business point of view, looking at how ridiculously low price that is, I understand why they’re in financial peril
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [MrTri123] [ In reply to ]
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Youth memberships for USAT though can't be profitable because for the majority of the youth races that occur in the US- they are self sanctioned / insured by the YMCA's of the world that race the entire race on the property. So they don't need USAT sanctioning/membership to put on youth races, like the overwheelming majority of adult races are USAT sanctioned. So the youth movement is more about handing out "freebies" to keep them wanting to come back when they become "adult" triathletes. (it's more of a "good will" type of gesture, free good PR)

The youth movement is also super critical for the success of the NCAA movement, an movement that USAT has put a big financial stake in that movement the last 10 years. Of which the NCAA movement is at a very very critical point right now with actually making it to full time status or staying in the "emerging sport" pergatory (NCAA W Rugby has been an emerging sport for I believe 17 years now and it's not going to make the 40 school requirement, but it's still at more than a dozen schools as official sanctioned NCAA sports for various reason- prestigue / title ix).

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
Last edited by: B_Doughtie: Jan 19, 24 6:26
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [MrTri123] [ In reply to ]
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MrTri123 wrote:

From a sustainable business point of view, looking at how ridiculously low price that is, I understand why they’re in financial peril

Though arguably a good business practice, as triathlon is aging and struggling to get the younger generations of dentists eager to shell out $400 "platinum" membership fees for age group national team fantasy camp. :)
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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  • It's notable that "professional services" doubled in cost between 2021 and 2022.


I think this is the number 1 issue that I don't think people recognize and it basically is blocking the "cheap" races that can bring more people into the sport. I just don't think people realize that the local mom and pop RD are facing costs that prohibit them from offering "cheap" racing options. Especially when you then have other endurance options that are just 1 sport and cheaper.

Secondly I think the biggest obstacle facing triathlon and a federation membership based organization like USAT- it's not tied to the health and lifestyle of it's members. It's tied to the members who race and thus need the federation membership. USAT doesn't account for the triathlete who takes a 2 year or 5 year break from "racing" yet they are still "training". Their "training" is just more fitness / lifestyle based instead of training for a specific race. So I kinda think it's almost stuck with the ups and downs of many factors outside of what the federation can or can't provide if they are only providing memberships for racing purposes. And I'm not saying they need to create "$10/year "non racing membership", but just that if success of organization is only tied to people racing or not- your kinda stuck with the ups and downs from economy / service costs, etc

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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Little deeper:

  • Professional fees on the events side of the ledger went from $345K in 2021 to $1.3M in 2022.
  • Professional fees for support services were driven by a near doubling of "General & Administrative" fees -- from ~$400K to ~$800K.

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [mathematics] [ In reply to ]
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You bring up some good points. Along those lines, I hope they estimated both short run and long run price elasticities of demand correctly and made a rational pricing decision to maximize their net revenues in a net present value framework. Of course, as I am fond of telling my students, they should use multiple performance metrics when applying a decision rule and not just rely on one.

"We’ve got to get in to get out.”
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [rrheisler] [ In reply to ]
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Just so we are talking the same language. Is "professional services" race closures / police / venue rentals (assuming for it's USAT Nationals events)?

Brooks Doughtie, M.S.
Exercise Physiology
-USAT Level II
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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Here's the thing: we don't know.

It's referred to as "Events" under "Program Services" (as opposed to "Support Services"). So, meaning that those programs align with the core mission of the 501(c)(3), per the 990. Versus support services, which are the basic admin/professional functions of the "business."

Per the 2022 Form 990:


From the Schedule O of the 990, because there was a lot of compensation for contractors, they had to list the Top 5 recipients. Three of the five were events related, totaling 504K. Direct Edge Denver for "Event Set Up," Socket Events for "Contract Labor," and Lakeshore Athletic Services for "Event Site Services."

So it's probably fair to say that, yes, Professional Services under Events would most likely refer to:
--Logistics providers
--Facility / equipment rentals
--Endurance Exchange stuff

Editor-in-Chief, Slowtwitch.com | Twitter
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [B_Doughtie] [ In reply to ]
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B_Doughtie wrote:
  • It's notable that "professional services" doubled in cost between 2021 and 2022.


I think this is the number 1 issue that I don't think people recognize and it basically is blocking the "cheap" races that can bring more people into the sport. I just don't think people realize that the local mom and pop RD are facing costs that prohibit them from offering "cheap" racing options. Especially when you then have other endurance options that are just 1 sport and cheaper.

Secondly I think the biggest obstacle facing triathlon and a federation membership based organization like USAT- it's not tied to the health and lifestyle of it's members. It's tied to the members who race and thus need the federation membership. USAT doesn't account for the triathlete who takes a 2 year or 5 year break from "racing" yet they are still "training". Their "training" is just more fitness / lifestyle based instead of training for a specific race. So I kinda think it's almost stuck with the ups and downs of many factors outside of what the federation can or can't provide if they are only providing memberships for racing purposes. And I'm not saying they need to create "$10/year "non racing membership", but just that if success of organization is only tied to people racing or not- your kinda stuck with the ups and downs from economy / service costs, etc

I agree the costs and complexity are increasing. I can't imagine trying to start up a new race in the modern world.

USAT seems to have an important function and a decent source of relatively stable revenue. What USAT lacks is effective business leadership.

So Ironman buys and runs USAT. Adds $17 million to the bottom line. Trims $3 million in salaries and inconsequential employees. Gains access to all the spirit and Olympic distance racers and markets to them to move up the distance. Is in full control of the pro development and ag world's qualifications slots and eventually pushes their races as the only world championships.
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Re: $400 to join USAT if you want to race worlds --- Right?!??!? [BradTTU] [ In reply to ]
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BradTTU wrote:
You bring up some good points. Along those lines, I hope they estimated both short run and long run price elasticities of demand correctly and made a rational pricing decision to maximize their net revenues in a net present value framework. Of course, as I am fond of telling my students, they should use multiple performance metrics when applying a decision rule and not just rely on one.

Unfortunately I don't think they did any of that. The look of it from the outside is that their hands were tied and they needed funds to pay debts quickly. Long term liquidity is secondary to immediate debts. Looking at their statements they obviously carry some debt, but what is unknown is the terms attached to that debt. Very possible their lenders came calling.

Or maybe they realized their monopoly position in "USA Triathlon" and said screw 'em.
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