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Racing Strategies/Tips
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So I was curious about some general racing strategies, tips, or practices that yall may have. There were a few posts on here recently where tactics were called out as being inappropriate and I would like to learn more. I guess most were related to the bike leg; for example, riding into a head or tailwind. What would be the best strategy for this to optimize overall time?

Are there any for swimming or running, or anymore in general that would be good to know? I was looking today because I am extremely bored at work and have a race next month. One was discussing a TT strategy on Friel's blog about how to appropriately pace one of these by dividing it into quarters and then towards the last quarter adjusting to focus on pedal strokes in a 123,123, pattern but going hard on the 1 and easier on the 2 and 3 as a mental game to keep oneself engaged I guess. But this was for a pure TT, so I guess outside of just practicing pacing and everything for a tri, could anyone impart some knowledge that is a little more in depth than some of the newbie advice about quick-laces or things of that nature??

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Re: Racing Strategies/Tips [AlyraD] [ In reply to ]
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Here's some general racing tactics. You can find plenty more within Slowtwitch postings on the specific topics, talking with clubmates or other triathletes, and looking elsewhere on what you want to learn more about.


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Re: Racing Strategies/Tips [AlyraD] [ In reply to ]
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Train as much as you can.

Race as often as you can.

You will figure it out.
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Re: Racing Strategies/Tips [ In reply to ]
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thanks, that spreadsheet is pretty cool.

I guess its more of the things that do come from situational experience, mainly like the example I used regarding what you do when you have a tailwind and return in a headwind. That particular ride decided to go hard with the tailwind but was blasted for an inappropriate tactic and instead was advised to put more power on the return into the headwind. Just something I had never heard about, let alone would have thought about on my own. So I that's basically why I was asking incase there are anymore of those little nuggets that don't seem to be discussed as often on here.

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Re: Racing Strategies/Tips [AlyraD] [ In reply to ]
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The more you race, the more you'll figure it out. Is there a specific type of race you're referring to? The other thread was based on HIM, so below information is for HIM as well

Swim: ideal strategy would be to go out a bit harder than target pace, find a group swimming that pace, tuck in and "draft" off them to conserve some energy but maintain higher pace

Bike: aim to hold 80-85% of FTP, go a bit harder when terrain is harder (uphill, headwind, etc.), take advantage of downhills to recover - I personally love the supertuck to reduce CDA and go faster than I would be pedaling anyway (Lance & others, feel free to blast me for that)

Run: basically just emptying the tank. Hold back the first couple miles and start to crank it up. Make sure you get a cool finish line photo

Other: if you don't nail nutrition, none of this will matter bc you'll have a 3hr half marathon
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Re: Racing Strategies/Tips [indianacyclist] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks that is exactly what I’m doing is HIM next. I was planning to do just what you mentioned for the run. The swim and bike are good tips. This course is pretty much flat minus a big coastal hump bridge but it has a gnarly headwind on the return and it’s a double loop.

Edit: 70.3 I should say. Not an Ironman event

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Last edited by: AlyraD: Aug 8, 19 13:51
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