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Pro Cyclists and rest days
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Would the like of Lance when he was in full flight take rest days off the bike?

I wouldn't think so but hey, I'd like to know from people that know.

Just like would pro triathletes take total days off? Or just do active recovery?
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Re: Pro Cyclists and rest days [TheRock] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not a pro cyclist but I am a elite/pro triathlete and I take off whole days during the season and just do nothing, especially after a hard workout. I usually have one day off completely every month and at the end of the season I take off 1.5 weeks and do nothing at all and become a couch potato.

Rest is good, it allows your body to recover and your mind to stay focused. Take as much rest as your body requires, you'll know if you need additional rest if you do not recover enough from the previous workout.

Terry Harth
Triathlon World
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Re: Pro Cyclists and rest days [TheRock] [ In reply to ]
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From what I've been used to (and see pro triathletes do) a recovery day should consist in (really) light training and not total rest. Your body recovers best if it has a little estimulation

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Re: Pro Cyclists and rest days [Klep] [ In reply to ]
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I'm currently reading a book by Chris Carmichael (Lance's former coach) who said that he would schedule an active recovery ride for his riders after a hard day to help them heal quicker. The only one thing is an active recovery ride was around 1-2 hours with very low intensity.
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Re: Pro Cyclists and rest days [TheRock] [ In reply to ]
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Yes pro cyclist do take days off the bike. They use active recover a lot also, it just depends on what time of season it is, and what they have on there books for races.
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