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Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running?
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For cycling there is the Coggan power profile chart, in running there are also charts available where you can mark your times and see what distances you are performing better at relative to other runners(downward sloping pattern vs upwward sloping, etc), but does such a "power chart" exist for swimming??

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [etocaj] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not sure this is exactly what you are after but you can try it and see if you can make it work


This is the "2005-2008 National Age Group Motivational Times - Percentile Based" prepared by USA Swimming. This chart is based on analysis of age group swim meets shows the percentile rank for times for each competative swimming event and for age groups 10 & U through 17-18 and for short and long course meters and short course yards. You can use this to compare different events for individual swimmers and even compare the relative strenghts of different swimmers across age groups.

Here's an example of how the chart works: a 6:33.99 500 yd free would be in the 75th percentile for a 10 & U boy, meaning that roughly 25% of the boys in that age group are faster than this kid. A 75th percentile time in that age group for the 100 yd free is a 1:16. So, you can compare his 500 and 100 times and see which event he is "better" at.

For adults trying to use this, just find an age group that matches up with your times and compare across events and it will give you a rough idea of your relative strength in each event.
Last edited by: STP: Jun 23, 06 13:01
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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [STP] [ In reply to ]
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excellent, thanks!

"I really wish you would post more often. You always have some good stuff to say. I copied it below just in case someone missed it." BarryP to Chainpin on 10/21/06

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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [STP] [ In reply to ]
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That is cool I can't believe I never saw that. It is fun to go back and look up what I used to be when I was 17-18, pretty cool.

I'm just a 10 cent rider on a $2,500.00 Bike

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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [hasbeenswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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You might be a 10 cent rider, but you are a "track I" swimmer :-)
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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [hasbeenswimmer] [ In reply to ]
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There's a slightly more sophisticated version called "Power Points" that assigns points for times in a range from 0 to 800. It comes with the software most age group teams use to manage their teams. You can run a report and find out who the best all around swimmer on the team is.
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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [STP] [ In reply to ]
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Or you can go to practice and see who drills everyone else on a consistent basis or go to a meet and see who scores the most points for the team.
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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [Flanagan] [ In reply to ]
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Or you can go to practice and see who drills everyone else on a consistent basis or go to a meet and see who scores the most points for the team.

That doesn't sell software ;-)
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Re: Power Profile Charts - Swimming, Biking, Running? [Flanagan] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
You might be a 10 cent rider, but you are a "track I" swimmer :-)

Uh well Yes, as matter of fact I WAS in the 98th% range according to chart as a 17-18YO. Of course that was my late 80's times compared to todays, but I'd say if anything times have gotten faster. Of course that was then and this is now and I have alomost 0 hope of being a 17-18 YO track 2 swimmer today.

how about yourself?

I'm just a 10 cent rider on a $2,500.00 Bike

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