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Nutmeg Musings
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Wanted to give a VERY quick RR and thanks to a fellow athlete out there.

First off, Nutmeg race: Very hard bike, VERY hard run, by far the hardest HIM run I have ever done. If you are looking for a challenging but fair course, this is it. You won't break any records, but you will feel a large sense of accomplishment. Tremendously well organized and well put together in a spectacular setting.

For me, this was my 10th HIM and my last for a while...two young kids, demanding job, blah, blah, blah. I've decided to "step down" to shorter stuff. I've got to a point now where to keep getting better requires more work than I am willing to put in (given my other priorities) so for me it's time to take a little HIM sabbatical.

Unfortunately, i've been injured (piriformis) and have not run for the last 6weeks, so I knew this race was going to be about finishing and having a good time, plus it's 15mins from my house, so my family were going to be in attendance.

Swim went well (despite the fog)

Bike was as hard as anticpiated...three loops of very hard climbing and fast descending. My 41x25 was ok, but a 27 would have been nice on the last lap!

Run: Felt good coming off the bike, but knew that the run was going to be an exercise in patience and mental toughness as normally I am a top 10% runner...which just wasn't going to happen with the injury and lack of training. I kissed my wife and kids exiting transition and then began the torture! I managed to hook up with a guy pretty much straight away. I told him I was just looking for company as he urged me to leave him. I was more interested in just finishing and frankly knew that I had nothing in the run tank. Anyway, thanks to his humor, pacing and endurolytes I reached my goal of finishing with a smile on my face...way down on where I normally would be, but that wasn't the point.

It was a great way to finish the HIM run with my family in attendance and a great race atmosphere.

Why this post? As triathletes, I think we sometimes forget the camaraderie that exsits in our sport. Today, I was reminded of that in spades. I love this sport, regardless of finishing times, splits, and placements...

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Re: Nutmeg Musings [triguy101] [ In reply to ]
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I had a blast being at the race. I could feel the really postive vib of the scene. The RD Mandy I think sets a really great tone and nearly all the volunteers are friends of her's and most are also triathletes too, so I think they "get it" in terms of not only giving you a cup of water but an ear full of encouragement.

The setting is breath taking too, I spent 48 hours there straight and really came love that state park with its rolling mountains, river and deep forrest.

Thanks for the sharing your race report.

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Re: Nutmeg Musings [John Hirsch] [ In reply to ]
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Damn! I forgot to mention the amazing volunteers. Unbelievably helpful and supportive.
Nice meeting you by the way on Saturday by the lake with my two kids.
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Re: Nutmeg Musings [triguy101] [ In reply to ]
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you too! glad I cleared out those weeds before the kids came, that would have been gross for them.

also I found my dog...

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