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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [trexleradam] [ In reply to ]
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here is a good blog post about pop tarts and how they compare to an average energy bar. and they really do fit nicely in a jersey pocket. too bad my stomach doesnt agree with them like my wallet does. see the 3rd post down - Ode to Pop tarts.

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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [trexleradam] [ In reply to ]
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Throw a few California dates in your official IronMan bento style box. A great source of easily digestable energy for those long rides, and the pits keep you busy for a while!

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts." T.E. Lawrence
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [trexleradam] [ In reply to ]
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UNCRUSTABLES!!! Okay, not really "natural" food, but dammit they're good. Take on out of the freezer right before a ride, and forty-five minutes to an hour in, its PERFECT!!!

"Triathlon is for people who can't handle drugs and alcohol." -IMFL t-shirt

The Dude Abides...
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [trexleradam] [ In reply to ]
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I just read a study published by the NASM that shows raisins are as effective as gel for pre (and supposidly concurrent) fueling for cyclists. I suspect for efforts longer than those tested they may even be superior because they use Malto rather than the other sugars.
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [mdraegernyc] [ In reply to ]
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Last summer I took sweet potato on a couple of my rides. I mashed them up with some butter and brown sugar, then put them into a ziplock bag. When it was time to eat I just bit the corner of the bag off and was able to squeeze the sweet potato goodness into my mouth quite easily. Yummy!
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [Azby] [ In reply to ]
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Wheat thins would be great after a few hours, i'll have to try that.
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [omoore61] [ In reply to ]
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Most health-food stores (Vitamin Cottage where I'm at...but food co-ops, whole foods, etc. have them as well) will sell ground up dates rolled in coconut shavings. They are delicious, handle heat and cold without getting inedible or messy, and pack plenty of easily digestible calories in a very small package. I've had excellent results and pretty much use these exclusively now.

Also nothing wrong with a banana in the jersey pocket.

And you can use date water in the water bottles (soak dates overnight, remove dates to make your own bars, keep the water for your ride) or just mix some fruit juice in with your water.

Maybe a jelly and almond butter wrap in a plastic bag for the long rides.

Citius, Altius, Fortius.
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Re: Natural foods on the bike? [trexleradam] [ In reply to ]
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OK. I know this isnt the womens forum ;) but I will share my secret recipe:

Tahini cookies:

6 tbsp tahini
1/2 c. honey
1/2 tsp cinamon
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
1 c. oats
(maybe some raisins or dates)

mix, make small cookies and bake in 325 oven, I think for like 20 min but check them I cant remember how long...its hard to mix em at first keep at it. Of course you can play with the recipe a bit and add more cinamon, even chocolate chips I guess, whatever you like. Ive used dried cranberries and they were great. The tahini makes it though.
These are awesome. Not sweet, the tahini is really light tasting, I think you could use natural PB but I like them like this. THey travel well in a baggie in a jersey. I am not sure about calorie content and all that but you could plug the recipe into a site that calculate that. I take these and drink Nuun or gatorade. About 3 small cookies an hour works for me.
Ive brought these on ride and shared and always have to give the recipe to everyone after. Ive taken them during ultra runs but not during the IM, but I will for next one.
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