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Make me a Runner!
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Let me preface this by saying...


I just don't like it. I have poor technique, it hurts my knees, and frankly, I find it rather boring. I would much rather ride my bike, but unfortunately a three hour training ride isn't always an option, especially with my schedule and the delightful winter weather we get in Buffalo, NY.

But, I need to get back into shape. A back injury had me sidelined for most of 2007. That combined with a hectic work schedule, and poor eating habits (working on that too) and I find myself 20-25 pounds heavier than I was at this time last year! So, I figured that running would be a good supplement to help me getting back into shape. I can go right out the front door, regardless of the weather, and get an hour workout in. I don't plan on doing much... maybe 2-3 days a week, if that, and usually when the weather is too bad for riding, because the only thing I hate more than running is riding the trainer!

So, I'm not training for a marathon, or IronMan, but I do need how to make running a little more pleasurable for me, otherwise I won't do it and I'll stay fat. Here is where the collective wealth of knowledge from ST comes in.


I have a "pounding" stride. How do I fix that? I am assuming that contributes to the sore knees.
What should I be doing on an hour long training run? Just run? Intervals? I don't know.

I just want to be able to do an hour work out with out feeling like I got hit by a truck at the end. Twice.

Consider me the first ST Biggest Loser competitor!

DING DING!! Artmus speaks the truth!
100 miles a day is the only power meter you need.

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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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Why are you doing something you hate?

Want to lose weight? Swim, a lot. And bike. If you truly hate something, the odds you will stick with it are pretty slim. So do something you love instead.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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Man, second your suggestion. With that attitude, seems he has others issues to deal with. Life is way too short to do anything
you do not enjoy!!!


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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"Make me a Runner!... I don't plan on doing much... maybe 2-3 days a week"

A tall order indeed.

"I have a "pounding" stride. How do I fix that?"

Try shortening your stride. Like really short.

"What should I be doing on an hour long training run?"

To lose weight? Run as hard/fast as you can for as long as you can.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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You are simply going to have to LIKE it and do it often, and pretty soon you will be a runner. Easier said than done, of course.

My advice is "Just Do It". Don't overthink it, don't allow yourself to talk yourself out of it. In fact, shut your brain off and get out the door as though you were an automaton. Run whatever pace/distance that allows you to run everyday (or at least 5 times a week). Do that month after month, and see it you don't become a runner.

Good luck.

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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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let me say that i feel the same way about running that you do, however as andypants once said "suck it up princess" i now run 4 days a week (only for the last month) and i made it a priority that i will not back out of. now i still dont like running but since i have to do it anyway i might as well enjoiy it, that has slowly been happening to me. so just do it go slow, then slow down some more and maybe you wont feel like a truck hit you. give it time and your attitude will change for the better

trying to act like a runner
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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First thing you need to do is improve your attitude towards running. There is little chance that you'll stick with it through the cold dark months if you don't like it. I know it's hard for many people to enjoy something that they are not good at.... but that's the beauty of triathlon and the three disciplines. Everyone has weakness.

Getting in shape (if that is your main goal) is more than just putting in 3 one hour runs per week. I'm a strong swimmer and biker, but my attributes (6'5, 240) don't lend to running. Last year was a sufferfest to improve my running. Knees and everything will strengthen up if you don't overdo it. Running will never be easy.

Are you a team sports person? Try something more engaging. Indoor soccer, racketball, basketball. I know it's blasphemous to acknowledge team sport here but it may help to make running a part of another sport.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [one_lap] [ In reply to ]
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"What should I be doing on an hour long training run?"

To lose weight? Run as hard/fast as you can for as long as you can. [quote]

No, no, no. Long and SLOW.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
I have a "pounding" stride. How do I fix that? I am assuming that contributes to the sore knees.
What should I be doing on an hour long training run? Just run? Intervals? I don't know.
I was able to correct my stide to some degree by running on the front of a treadmill. If you run all the way to the front of the treadmill, it keeps you from over-striding because if you do, you will kill yourself by running off the front. It makes you adjust your stride so your foot hits under you instead of out in front of you.

"It takes courage to do it, to be a runner. We all found that out a long time ago. Because it's about more than fatigue. It's about pain, and dealing with it for a long time. And its about resolve." - Quentin Cassidy
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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I was in your boat a few years ago. If you want running to not suck, you'll have to do it 4+ times/wk. Get in some trainer time and swim too. Running blew until I dropped some weight (be a little hungry most of the time- you know weight is coming off then). After that, it didn't hurt and became enjoyable. Have some days where you just go out and go slow enough to look around and like what you're doing. Be patient- 20-25# will take 6 or so months. Run through the winter in all kinds of bad weather- it will make you tough, and give you something to lean on in a hard race. Good luck.

If I don't, who will? -Me
It's like being bipolar in opinion is a requirement around here. -TripleThreat
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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I am so glad we have people like bottomfeeder, bbdawg, non_sequitor and drdivot ...
You guys gave great advise and didn't slam the guy !! Thank you for that !!
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Re: Make me a Runner! [oh] [ In reply to ]
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I am so glad we have people like bottomfeeder, bbdawg, non_sequitor and drdivot ...
You guys gave great advise and didn't slam the guy !! Thank you for that !!
i might just print this and put it on my wall thank you!!!!!

trying to act like a runner
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Re: Make me a Runner! [oh] [ In reply to ]
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Who slammed the guy?
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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Here is something else to think about. I just started up running again last February after about a 20 year layoff. Lots of PF in the old days coupled with a dislocated ankle pretty much gave me all the excuses I needed to not run. But in February I decided I wanted to do triathlons so I had to suck it up and get out there and run.

It sucked ass at first. But the amazing thing is, once I started to see improvements, which came pretty fast, it kinda got addictive. This year I dropped 2 minutes of my comfortable mile pace. From 13 minutes to 11 minutes. I also went from barely being able to run a mile, to running a 10k training run every weekend. I still have to be very careful about overuse injury because I am still too fat. But I have gotten to the point that I actually look forward to the days that I "get to" run because its fun to challenge myself to work on my running. I am hoping to get down to the mid 9's as a comfortable pace by next summer. To do that, its going to take dropping weight and lots of work.

Change your attitude abit, give it some time and watch the improvements come!

"It takes courage to do it, to be a runner. We all found that out a long time ago. Because it's about more than fatigue. It's about pain, and dealing with it for a long time. And its about resolve." - Quentin Cassidy
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Re: Make me a Runner! [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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compare your advise to the others and put yourself in the "make me a runner" shoes. If you were struggling with something, which post would help you the most
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Re: Make me a Runner! [oh] [ In reply to ]
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I would hardly categorize my post as slamming him. I simply said maybe running wasn't for him and to so something he loves.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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I highly recommend the following article to help with your technique:


The author also wrote a good book with a section on technique,
these helped me alot.

Also do a search on BarryP's posts on technique, particularly the one
with links to some Kenyans running try to copy their style.

A way to help in shortening your stride and increasing cadence (up to 85-90) rpm per leg
(as recommended by Jack Daniels), is to run at high cadence on a treadmill at low speed.
Feels strange but works.

I would also say embrace your inner Kenyan, but I think for you maybe it should be:

Step 1: Find your inner Kenyan
Step 2: Emrace said Kenyan

Lastly just run more, it WILL get better.


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Re: Make me a Runner! [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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my appoligies !!!! After I reread your post I realize you didn't slam him. We cool ?
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Re: Make me a Runner! [Markus Mucus] [ In reply to ]
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opps...didn't use spell check !!
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Re: Make me a Runner! [oh] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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I used to hate running too. However, it's part of tris so I ran and I ran and after three years, I woke up and realized I actually enjoy running. I still enjoy running and it's been a total of 9 years of doing it consistantly 2 to 3 times per week depending on the season.

I"m much faster than I used to be - I also used to be obese so weight loss has certainly contributed to the speed. Here are the things I believe worked for me:

1. Run faster for shorter periods of time to start out with ... I found if I ran long and slow, I would always be slow.

2. Once you are used to some short fast runs, build those into your long runs - ie. slow for a period then fixed periods of speed.

3. Running specific strength exercises - best exercise I do on my Bowflex is, oh hell, no idea what they are called, but you lift the weigts toward your butt - killer and awesome exercise.

Hope you find a way to enjoy running - it truly is a great and portable sport !

Tri Hard !
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Re: Make me a Runner! [Meebo] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
"What should I be doing on an hour long training run?"

To lose weight? Run as hard/fast as you can for as long as you can. [quote]

No, no, no. Long and SLOW.
Recheck the research. High intensity is the way to go for weight loss.
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Re: Make me a Runner! [one_lap] [ In reply to ]
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as for the pounding... try to run heal to toe, I cant do that but it will help Im a toe runner, I land on the ball of my foot odd I know. ( I used to be a mid distance runner, now I run the steeple chase) if you can run on your toes it will help.

USAT Level II- Ironman U Certified Coach
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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Learn to stop heel striking, and land mid foot. Basically try to imagine running with putting your feet under you instead of ahead of you. This will increase your turnover rate, and also decrease the pounding. Hit the trails, and you will start to love running maybe. Although upstate NY winters SUCK, I remember. Especially where you are, so trails may not be an option until the snow melts and the mud drys. I think if you run a lot, and you improve while staying injury free you will start to enjoy it. If not find a new sport. What about cross country skiing?
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Re: Make me a Runner! [artmus] [ In reply to ]
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Have you tried running - on weed!
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