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LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general
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Let me say upfront that my first thought was to put this post in the Lavender Room, because it is going to be long, self indulgent and it will contain no technical questions. But as it is somewhat bike related and does not mention politics, abortions, religious views, etc., I am thinking it is fair game in here.

I had the damndest ride today. I am getting married in less than 48 hours and today I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on a bike, including all of the representatives from the beloved Hottie Thread. And the bitch of it is she dropped me!

A brief personal history: Two years ago I was 28 and 6'3, 175-180 lbs and just entering triathlon. I finished with (for my expectations) a very good time at a 1/2 (5:15ish) and was all set to tackle IMFL in '04. Then I had the opportunity to buy a retail business and I did NO training after that. I did NO swims, did not run a single mile, and only rode my bike maybe a half dozen times, all but one of those rides were in races. I still did IMFL. I don't weigh myself at home, and at the IMFL weigh in I was 210. My girlfriend was watching from behind the tent and when this was announced to me I heard her laughing from behind the flap! (thanks honey) At bodymarking the guy asked me if I wanted to be a Clydesdale. Probably it wasn't the best idea for me to do an IM with ZERO training and 30 lbs overweight, but I took the long view and looked at the preceding year as one long taper. Let me just say that when you enter T2 of an IM, and as you are getting dressed for the run you notice other naked men in the changing room with finisher medals around their necks - you know you are in for a long day. (NOW I recall where I've seen you before Monk!)

This year all of that changes. I have been putting in what for me is Gordo inspired swim sessions...since mid Feb I have stuck with having 1 hour daily swims, often swimming longer. I have changed my diet and I am down to 190-195. I am just getting back on a bike. I have a Soloist that for the past 2 weeks I have been slowly putting base miles on. I am trying to do this right and build smartly. I started two weeks ago riding 20 miles every other day doing laps around this longish bike path close to my house. Now I'm up to 40 miles. Well today, right as I was getting close to finishing up my 40, I see this girl pull a Lemond out of her car. I took note of this because it is always nice to say hi to other roadies...most of the bikes on the path are old people riding Huffy's.

She is riding behind me and as the trail approaches a fork I just hammer away! Ha, I showed her who the alpha male was. Later there is a section of the trail that pulls away from the loop, and it is just a straight 5 mile out run to a turn around point and then 5 back to the trail. I see her again heading out to take that out and back part, so I caught up to her (we had taken different forks earlier) and passed her politely. We exchanged greetings, and then I was fighting a headwind to keep her behind me. We did the 5 miles out, and then on the return we rode side by side and chatted. Turns out she is a fellow triathlete and we shop at the same LBS. I complimented her on her bike, noted that she was expertly fit on it, and she also complimented my Soloist. In my book, any girl that knows to admire a Cervelo is prime dating material. She was extremely nice, had a cute nose and navel ring, a deep tan and maybe the warmest smile I've even seen.

I do want to say at this point (if anyone is still reading!) that I did a 2 hour swim yesterday, and I had NOTHING to eat all day today besides coffee. I had been riding for 2 hours (isn't that how much glycogen your liver can store?) when she and I started pushing bigger gears. I knew she was stronger than I was (she did a marathon in Jan and was in noticably knock out, amazing, jaw dropping shape) and I tried to keep up with her by asking her questions that required long answers. I figured attacking her oxygen intake was my only hope. That didn't work, and she dropped me like a crying baby 4 miles into our return sprint.

What a day. Life is good.

Last edited by: stl_triness: Apr 21, 05 15:04
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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so you saw a pretty girl on your ride and had a nice conversation. and got dropped, but I won't go there.

this isn't leading to you second guessing your wedding in 48, no wait, 47 hours is it?

you didn't ask for this but here goes. if you don't want to get married then don't. honestly, you don't have to do it. now, if you think you're just freaking out because this is the last 46 hours and 50 seconds, make that 46 seconds, that you have as an unmarried man, then...do a shot of jack like any decent man would, and drag yourself to the death--er I mean, to the alter, and try to act like you're not going to pass out.

every person getting married should have that one friend that is ready to pull the car around for a last minute ditch on the wedding day (I am that friend for my girlfriends). now, if you don't have that friend, go on a ride tomorrow and ask the cute girl is she's up for it ;).

Oh, wedded bliss...let me count the ways. hahahaha. married 3 years and counting. (when you're married you'll understand :) )


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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Welllll, the grass always looks greener........

Until you have to cut it!

That was 90% about the girl that dropped you vs. the 10% about your future wife laughing at you at the weigh in, hmmm. ;-) Just kidding. Congrats to you and the current time is tick, tick, tick...

"In the blocks you're a prisoner, the gun releases you."
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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The marital version of pre-race jitters.

I can't even count the number of friends of mine who have met "the most beautiful girl" within a very short time before their wedding...

Okay, so she rides a bike.

Okay, so she's beautiful.

Okay, so... Well...

Jeez, what else matters? Ditch the fiance and hook up!

I hope you realize that the last line was a joke. This is normal. Carry on.

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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"I do want to say at this point (if anyone is still reading!) that I did a 2 hour swim yesterday, and I had NOTHING to eat all day today besides coffee. I had been riding for 2 hours (isn't that how much glycogen your liver can store?) when she and I started pushing bigger gears. "

She was a hallucination. It's all right there.

I can't believe you ran that IM!!
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I probably asked for that.

I have no second thoughts at all. Flirting never even crossed my mind. Besides, I could never bring myself to ask a girl out after being dropped like that. It was embarrasing, lol. And if my fiancee ever found out I'm hitting on other girls (and she should work for the CIA - the woman misses nothing!) she'd kick my ass. I'll tell her all about crossing paths with an interesting person on my ride today when she gets home.

I have been trying not to pass out for the past couple of months when I think about being married, but I have every intention of getting married and being a good husband. Really. I promise.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Hmmm. Interesting.

I've met three girls I dated that way (on rides), and all of them turned out to be good girlfriends that I am still friends with.


Well, I don't know what it is like to be getting married. I do wish you well. There is a lot to be said for having a partner, a person to talk to.

There is also a lot to be said for having your life to yourself and being able to make your own choices.

But the best circumstance in life is to have the wisdom and humility to be happy with what you have, and the strength, courage and will to figure out what that may be in the first place and get yourself there.

Good luck and congratulations. Best wishes.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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ok for the record, men only talk about meeting someone when they think that someone is interesting enough to talk about.

all i know is that if my husband came home and talked about some woman that he met who ran such and such marathon, and had a naval ring, looked to be in great shape, blah, blah, blah, i would be torn up! you bringing it up is your guilty conscious coming through, and you talking about it (confessing) is just a way of trying to make yourself innocent. (you didn't do anything you say? you're not guilty? don't even go there with me...you're a man so that's no defense)

unless you've always talked about women you've met along the way, don't bring it up--or before you know it, she just might bump into the most handsome, strong, well to do, worldy, and interesting man that she's ever met in her life.

(BTW, I just f'ing with you...lol!!!).
Last edited by: kittycat: Apr 21, 05 16:07
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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For the record, women only make generalizations about men's behavior when in a gulf of real information or in lieu of actually listening.

Listening is an extremely rare female trait.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Oh, I should add, in an 11th hour attempt at detante', that I am a fan of yours my precious little kitten.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Keep your wiener in your pants, you'll be gettin' some ass in 48 hours.

Striving to have sex more than 66 times per year
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [Erik Clark] [ In reply to ]
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I will NEVER drink water while reading ST again!!! Bwaaaaa, I needed that laugh. Post of the day candidate. Brutal but honest.

"In the blocks you're a prisoner, the gun releases you."
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, sounds like those pre-race...er, pre-altar jitters showing up in a different form...that being "the most beautiful woman I've ever seen". Was she a hallucination? Was it really that she had the biggest quads you've ever seen on a female? If a tree falls in a forest and ..... okay, never mind.

Seriously, good luck on the wedding. You say that you have no doubts, but it sounds like you really do which is perfectly normal. But I will say that it's interesting that you brought up the fiancee's laughing at you behind your back....!
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [brider] [ In reply to ]
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Come to think of it, I did see two beauties at the pool durring my swim yesterday.

Brider, you may be on to something. I should get married more often! It's turning out to be a great way to run into gorgeous women.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [Pooks] [ In reply to ]
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Who said anything about running?
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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Tom, thanks for the warm wishes. In the past I have also dated women I have met on rides. Each one was a huge disaster.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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I'm glad you're f'ing with me - I'm bracing myself for the f'ing well to dry up after the big day. Just kidding...

And for the record, I wouldn't qualify that as 'meeting'. We talked for all of 5 minutes at most. I've had longer and more personal conversations with customers of mine that I have no attachment to. No numbers were exchanged, no talks of future rides were made. Simple conversation happens often when I am at the park. Coincidently, there was a woman running with a double stroller that was wearing a local tri t-shirt that I've also done and we chatted at the water fountain for a minute. No biggie.

And yes, I plead guilty to being a man. I hope I'm so lucky to cross paths with beautiful women for 5 minutes everyday.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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So, I gotta ask, does the stl stand for st louis? If so, your loss may be my gain. What trail were you at? Sounds like it may be creve coeur. I'll start riding there more often and report back how beautiful she is. ;)
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Quick joke for you all:

Scientists have found a food that completely eliminates sex drive in women...

Wedding cake.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Trust me, that is too much woman for you.

I'll be what I am
A solitary man
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Number one - this is a technical question - "how do I keep from getting dropped by hot chicks when I'm out training?"

Number two - I read this in a dingy bar bathroom wall on my first date with a girl I would date for 3 loooonnnngggg years (but not marry)
"No matter how cool you think she is - someone, somewhere, is SICK of her shit"

"I do my best to slay" - Matt Pike
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [last tri in 83] [ In reply to ]
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Dude I'm off the market.
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [stl_triness] [ In reply to ]
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Frankly, I'm amazed no-one's beaten me to this: I'm willing to throw myself on this grenade for a fellow ST'er and hook up with said knockout cyclist at least until your wedding is a done deal.

You can repay me later.

Now... where were you riding today? ;)

<If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough>
Get Fitter!
Proud member of the Smartasscrew, MONSTER CLUB
Get your FIX today?
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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [kittycat] [ In reply to ]
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... is just a way of trying to make yourself innocent. (you didn't do anything you say? you're not guilty? don't even go there with me...you're a man so that's no defense) ...

Just f'in or not, this bespeaks a (sadly very prevalent) attitude of women about men in general.

My ex had a habit of scoffing at Billy Joel's song "Innocent Man". She seriously thought that was an oxymoron. Guess maybe that's why she's an ex...

Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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Re: LONG rambling story about my ride today and my life in general [brider] [ In reply to ]
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... is just a way of trying to make yourself innocent. (you didn't do anything you say? you're not guilty? don't even go there with me...you're a man so that's no defense) ...

Just f'in or not, this bespeaks a (sadly very prevalent) attitude of women about men in general.

My ex had a habit of scoffing at Billy Joel's song "Innocent Man". She seriously thought that was an oxymoron. Guess maybe that's why she's an ex...

"Listening is an extremely rare female trait. "

and this speaks to the prevalent attitude that men have about women...but I'll not bitch about it, because I know plenty of women that this is true for. just like you know plenty of men who have guilty thoughts all the time.

like I said, I was kidding around and poking fun at stereotypes. lighten up for pete's sakes.
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