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Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker
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I just got this week's New Yorker. There's an article about Kip Litton, our favorite marathon serial cheater.

I haven't had time to read it yet and that link only gets non-subscribers the first few pages. Sorry I don't have more, but I thought it was funny.

For those who aren't aware yet:
-here's a summary
-A 225 page thread on letsrun.com
Last edited by: nilloc: Aug 1, 12 12:09
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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This is my favorite magazine and I still get the paper version. Thanks for the post; sometimes, I only look at the comics inside and miss other great articles!

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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Darn, I can only read the abstract.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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The key sentence in what we could read was "had failed to register split times". How many folks have won races, or gotten to Kona, where they had missed to register a split time?


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Yep, then the person can protest, and more analysis could be done. But, that is not what happens today.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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You'd have tons of people getting DQ'd with that methodology, and probably more complaints than a RD would be able to handle. How often does the tracker at Ironman not register splits for people? All the time. I have missing splits for a few races I've done, and I would be F'ing pissed if I got DQ'd even though I completed the whole course.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Really? I've never cheated in a race. Have done dozens. I'd say there are about 3-4 of them where my split times are missing. Shit one time I did a half marathon and the final time was missing completely. (Granted, in no case was this important, but had it happened on the day I Boston qualified I would have been pissed.) This is my fault and thus you have "zero tolerance" for me? The chip technology isn't perfect. Split/finish times are missing all the time.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Yep, then the person can protest, and more analysis could be done. But, that is not what happens today.

Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Lav] [ In reply to ]
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You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

Ya, and it's too bad because it allows the cheaters an easy path to keep cheating. I think part of the problem is it is old technology used in the timing, they need to upgrade to the latest, one that has video too. When i watch ITU racing, they seem to have it down, and that is with 30 or 40 guys going across the mats in just a few seconds. There are a lot more cheaters out there than you can imagine too. Besides many who are cheating their way onto podiums, when you get into the MOP and BOP there are a lot of lap skippers, taxi rides, and conveinent turnarounds happening..Until it gets fixed, they just blend in with all the others whose chips don't register on the mats..
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Lav] [ In reply to ]
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You'd have tons of people getting DQ'd with that methodology, and probably more complaints than a RD would be able to handle. How often does the tracker at Ironman not register splits for people? All the time. I have missing splits for a few races I've done, and I would be F'ing pissed if I got DQ'd even though I completed the whole course.

I'm sensing an opportunity for some enterprising person to contract with a RD to sell an "insurance" option to take photo/video proof of paying participants crossing the split mats, which would, of course, override the "zero-tolerance policy. Might be a nice little extra source of revenue for the RD.

Steve Perkins
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Um, yeah. Cuz timing companies NEVER F anything up. Ever.


You'll note that the top 17 finishers all had at LEAST one split missing from their results.
Did they all cheat and cut the course? No.
The very experienced, very reputable timing company had tech issues that day.

They got the final finishing times right, at least. That's all that really matters. For the most part.

(I was personally pretty bent about the missing splits, as I out-split Pro triathlete Justin Harris on the bike, and wanted to be able to rub his nose in it forever. Now there is no "proof" that it ever happened.)

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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They do mess up sometimes. I've had splits missing before and belive me my times are not worth cheating for. In my last sprint my strap came off in the swim and I had to swim around and find it. I put in my shorts and it wasn't close enough to the mat to register. Other times I think overcrowding was responsible. How many chips can one of those mats register at a time? Does anyone know? I'm not saying he wasn't cheting. I'm just saying split times get messed up.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Indigodog] [ In reply to ]
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I'm absolutely fascinated by this guy.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [steveperx] [ In reply to ]
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I think the ultimate anti cheating device is one that we all already have, a gps watch. Missing splits happen all the time but if ever confronted, I'd simply show my garmin. If the race director wanted even more proof, I'd let them have the file.

If would be cool one day if all of the timing chips had a gps with transmission capabilities. It would solve the timing mat issues and prevent/reduce a lot of cheating. It would also enable better tracking of missing/ lost athletes and provide for more real time updates for friends and families.

Just a thought... Someday.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [monty] [ In reply to ]
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Interesting in the attitude of some of these folks. Sounds like they have all the excuses as to why we should let some cheaters get away with cheating, rather than for the corner cases, let the system
do some work after the race to make sure a persons finish time is reasonable. But, if you take their same attitude and put it on Lance, then it is a totally different answer. For them, for some things, and some people, going to the extreme is okay. But for other stuff, potential cheating is fine. There could be more folks who get awards and into Kona by "cheating" the course, than maybe drugs.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.

And you can be the person who volunteers to handle all of those complaints/protests from every runner.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Boy, did you set the hook deep on this one. Well played, sir.

"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [talegater] [ In reply to ]
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talegater wrote:
I think the ultimate anti cheating device is one that we all already have, a gps watch. Missing splits happen all the time but if ever confronted, I'd simply show my garmin. If the race director wanted even more proof, I'd let them have the file.

If would be cool one day if all of the timing chips had a gps with transmission capabilities. It would solve the timing mat issues and prevent/reduce a lot of cheating. It would also enable better tracking of missing/ lost athletes and provide for more real time updates for friends and families.

Just a thought... Someday.

GPS loggers can do this today. I know the owner of Photocrazy.com was working on exactly this. It was taking a GPS logger, and using it both for timing, GPS logging of the complete race, and the ability to interface
into his photo equipment. I have not talked with him for a while so not sure what the status is, but it would solve this issue 100% if he got it totally working. The darn GPS loggers are not super cheap so more risk
to the RD when folks do not return the loggers.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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It would be nice if something that actually existed could be used;-). still in the litton case the system worked pretty well. He mostly stuch to lower key races and still got outed. One way or another if you are going to cheat and settle for going from mediocre to OK you can get away with it a few times.

When you decide to go for the big time like Kip did youare going to get caught. My favorite ploy of his was to make up a website for a fictious marathon, They list himself as the AG winner for it. He even made up completely fictious results results for the whole thing. This happened, I believe at least three times.

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Who in this thread even remotely suggest that they want cheaters to get away with cheating? All I see are people simply pointing out the fact that the timing mats/chips are not infallible. Ever heard of William Blackstone? Or better yet, Abraham?
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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bluemonkeytri wrote:
Who in this thread even remotely suggest that they want cheaters to get away with cheating? All I see are people simply pointing out the fact that the timing mats/chips are not infallible. Ever heard of William Blackstone? Or better yet, Abraham?

That is how I read the responses. Meaning, yes it takes a little extra work with a mat is missed, for whatever reason, to really see if the person did the course and the chip just messed up. I did not see one
response offering this process they would be willing to consider.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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John Adams: "It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, "whether I do good or whether I do evil is immaterial, for innocence itself is no protection,"

Benjamin Franklin: it is better one hundred guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer

William Blackstone: better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer

OK, so this isn't our criminal justice system, but why punish thousands of innocent athletes with a DQ on the possibility that you DQ a handful of cheaters?
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [klehner] [ In reply to ]
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klehner wrote:
npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Boy, did you set the hook deep on this one. Well played, sir.

Ken, you were actually there (I believe) when myself (eventually 2nd OA) and the women's winner at NJ State Tri in 2009 were both provisionally DQ'ed after being directed over the wrong timing mat. The sprint mat and Olympic mat were next to each other, but each required you to run through a different 5 meter chute and back onto the course. The distance was identical for each. The great part here was that our fellow competitors vouched for us. They knew us and knew our capabilities. After a brief chat with the head timer the mistake was discovered and rectified. All in all, painless. I was actually very pleased to see to the system work. A rare occasion when the official USAT policy was played out to a "T" (questionable water temperature notwithstanding...)

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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I expect many people have had timing mat issues. When I finished Boston in 2011, all of my splits were picked up, but not my final time. I freaked. Had a BQ and obviously wanted it to count. Went to the RD later in the day, they checked something out and then gave me an official time (which happened to be within 1 second on my watch time). I don't know if they checked a video monitor or what. Sometimes the mats don't work. With that said, there are certainly cheaters out there and they should be held accountable. Especially with Kona or similar qualifying issues involved. Otherwise, they are cheating themselves.

John Snyder @URNotAsCoolAsMe
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [monty] [ In reply to ]
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monty wrote:
Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

Ya, and it's too bad because it allows the cheaters an easy path to keep cheating. I think part of the problem is it is old technology used in the timing, they need to upgrade to the latest, one that has video too. When i watch ITU racing, they seem to have it down, and that is with 30 or 40 guys going across the mats in just a few seconds. There are a lot more cheaters out there than you can imagine too. Besides many who are cheating their way onto podiums, when you get into the MOP and BOP there are a lot of lap skippers, taxi rides, and conveinent turnarounds happening..Until it gets fixed, they just blend in with all the others whose chips don't register on the mats..

video is the way to go.

My wife's cousin ran the Paris marathon. We watched him on video at least 5 times during his run.( sort of run...he spent a lot of time walkng and drinking)...therei s no reason that video/streaming couldn't be put at easch timing mat. Make it impossible to cheat and entertaining for friends family to watch thier athlete several times during the race. On the Paris marathon website you can purchase copies of your video ...so it could be revenue nutral as well.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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bluemonkeytri wrote:
John Adams: "It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. But if innocence itself is brought to the bar and condemned, perhaps to die, then the citizen will say, "whether I do good or whether I do evil is immaterial, for innocence itself is no protection,"

Benjamin Franklin: it is better one hundred guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer

William Blackstone: better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer

OK, so this isn't our criminal justice system, but why punish thousands of innocent athletes with a DQ on the possibility that you DQ a handful of cheaters?

You again are missing my input. How many miss mats are races? I bet not many. And for the few that do, just have them work with the RD after the race, just like we do now with the officials if we get a penalty.

At the end of the day, no person would be DQ'ed that the splits that are recorded are supported by past race results, like on Athlinks.

All of your quotes, IMO, would support leaving Lance alone, and going after current and future folks.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [rhayden] [ In reply to ]
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rhayden wrote:
monty wrote:
Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

Ya, and it's too bad because it allows the cheaters an easy path to keep cheating. I think part of the problem is it is old technology used in the timing, they need to upgrade to the latest, one that has video too. When i watch ITU racing, they seem to have it down, and that is with 30 or 40 guys going across the mats in just a few seconds. There are a lot more cheaters out there than you can imagine too. Besides many who are cheating their way onto podiums, when you get into the MOP and BOP there are a lot of lap skippers, taxi rides, and conveinent turnarounds happening..Until it gets fixed, they just blend in with all the others whose chips don't register on the mats..

video is the way to go.

My wife's cousin ran the Paris marathon. We watched him on video at least 5 times during his run.( sort of run...he spent a lot of time walkng and drinking)...therei s no reason that video/streaming couldn't be put at easch timing mat. Make it impossible to cheat and entertaining for friends family to watch thier athlete several times during the race. On the Paris marathon website you can purchase copies of your video ...so it could be revenue nutral as well.

I know Boston does this since I paid for the video showing me from both angles going by each of the timing mats.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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What we need to eliminate course cutting is a near-100% foolproof timing method. Timing so reliable that missing a timecheck point almost certainly implies cutting the course, and incurs an automatic DQ.

What we got now is a crapshoot. There are ALWAYS people in race results with missing time splits. No they probably didn't cut the course. The timing chip didn't register for a multitude of reasons. So of course missing a timing mat or two does not mean an automatic DQ because the RD assumes that the machine didn't work correctly. Kind of like car alarms. When one goes off people assume it's just a false alarm, because it almost always is.

I'm an engineer and my gears are spinning over here:

It can't be anything battery powered like GPS. Even less reliable! Needs to be passive like the existing timing chips. But the RFID pickup should be re-engineered for better reliability. Gates instead of timing mats? Ability to read many chips concurrently. A minimum read range of 5-6 feet. Set up the gates on the course in such a way that it'd be impossible to accidentally run around them.

That can all be done.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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What the heck is it with dentists? I come from a slalom ski background and there was a notorious ass hole dentist in Wisconsin named Jim Michaels who rigged his home course with an elaborate underwater pulley system. What he did was hit a remote switch when it was his run and the buoys would come in a foot on each side of the course. The guy is insane. He was claiming running 41 off @ 36 mph at 48 years old??? Yea right. He has since been banned from USA Water Skiing events. Andy Mapple(the Dave Scott of slalom feats) stone cold stood up and saw the buoys moving in and finally said enough is enough. I remember thinking all the time it was just too good to be true....it was.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [tigerpaws] [ In reply to ]
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tigerpaws wrote:
What the heck is it with dentists? I come from a slalom ski background and there was a notorious ass hole dentist in Wisconsin named Jim Michaels who rigged his home course with an elaborate underwater pulley system. What he did was hit a remote switch when it was his run and the buoys would come in a foot on each side of the course. The guy is insane. He was claiming running 41 off @ 36 mph at 48 years old??? Yea right. He has since been banned from USA Water Skiing events. Andy Mapple(the Dave Scott of slalom feats) stone cold stood up and saw the buoys moving in and finally said enough is enough. I remember thinking all the time it was just too good to be true....it was.

I remember reading about him in my waterski mag. He sure took cheating to a new level. But you have to admit, he did some pretty good engineering.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [styrrell] [ In reply to ]
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styrrell wrote:
My favorite ploy of his was to make up a website for a fictious marathon, They list himself as the AG winner for it. He even made up completely fictious results results for the whole thing. This happened, I believe at least three times.

yes, and the internet sleuths out there quickly discovered that the metadata embedded in the results pdf files for the fictitious races showed that they were all created from the same computer. And the websites hosted on the same server. Dude got totally busted.

I, too, am fascinated by the psychology of these premeditating, serial cheaters. It has to be some sort of mental disorder.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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randymar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Yep, then the person can protest, and more analysis could be done. But, that is not what happens today.

Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

It's an imperfect world--screws fall out all the time.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Not missing your point at all. I just think you are first underestimating the number of times a mat misses a split, and then overstating the percentage of those who have missing splits who are actually cheaters. Many local races don't have the best timing equipment and missed splits are common. What you want to causes a whole lot of people to have to work with an RD just to keep their finish time in an effort to catch a very small number of actual cheaters. That's where we differ.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [bluemonkeytri] [ In reply to ]
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bluemonkeytri wrote:
Not missing your point at all. I just think you are first underestimating the number of times a mat misses a split, and then overstating the percentage of those who have missing splits who are actually cheaters. Many local races don't have the best timing equipment and missed splits are common. What you want to causes a whole lot of people to have to work with an RD just to keep their finish time in an effort to catch a very small number of actual cheaters. That's where we differ.

You might be right, but do you have any data to support your position? I have worked with a timing co during some races I helped put on, 5 point, and I do not remember a case where a chip did not work.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Post #13. Plus I've had it happen many times in races I've done. My wife once got a chip that wasn't correct. Stuff happens. Really I don't think the cuirrent system is so bad. An occasional cheat doesn't get caught but the biggest ones do, especially the ones that are cheating for something that really matters.

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.

So even though you paid your entry fee and completed the race, you're guilty until you prove yourself innocent?
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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wow. I just read the whole 10 page article in the New Yorker.

Pretty amazing story of his "confusion"and cheating.

I thought this bit was amusing. making up phantom races.

Rhymenocerus wrote:
I think everyone should consult ST before they do anything.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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If anyone wants to read the whole article go to the main page and sign up for a free 4 week trial subscription. But then don't forget to cancel (we don't want to hear you bitch about the fee like people do the Active Advantage fee they forgot they signed up for the trial)
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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Now I don't feel so left behind, even if I AM left behind. I just got my July 30 edition, so maybe I will catch up in a few days...

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Terrible idea. In a sprint race last year I ran over a mat going out of transition and did not hear a beep. Sure enough when I checked my time later it did not have a run time for me. So should I be DQ'd because I went into transition and then magically appeared at the finish line mat 30 minutes later?

How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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I don't have any data, so I may be as wrong as I am saying you are. :) Just experience from doing local races that didn't have the best equipment.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

But a DQ based on missing split times wouldn't have worked in Kip's case, most times. Almost every race he has a disputed finish result for he HIT all the mats. That's the craziness of his situation. It's sort of like the "I passed all my drug tests, therefore I don't dope". The existence of part A of that statement does not prove part B. Even at Boston, Kip hit all the split mats. He did the same thing at the race I work for. We have mats at the start, mile 10, 13.1, 20, and the finish. Our course is a long narrow course, basically start/finish is in the middle, and you go south, north, south, north, south with the south part of the course 3 miles from the S/F and the north end 5 miles from the S/F. Our mats at 13.1 and 20 are near the furthest points away from the S/F on the course and are ~6 miles apart on roads that are very difficult to drive during the race (major traffic jams). He hit all our mats in reasonable splits. With 20+ years working the technical side of this race I'm suspicious but I have no idea how he cut the course if he did so.

And that's what you find in almost all the suspicious races with this guy, he covered his bases on getting to the mats.

Since he was at our event we have added unannounced mats at random locations. It adds a few thousand $ to the timing service which of course all entrants pay for.

As for a blanket DQ for racers missing splits, not going to happen. Too many variables in the system to quarantee 100% reliability, although the basic systems have gotten a lot better the last 3 years (plus racers are more used to how to make them work best). We use the B-Tag. Out of about 4000 finishers at our race, both marathoners and relay teams, we had 6 "no reads" at the finish this year, down from over 50 in 2010. We did find all 6 of those no reads on the backup video of the finish. As for missed splits on the course the numbers were a lot higher but those boxes are set up on the fly after the start so we don't expect them to be as reliable.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [d2xccoach] [ In reply to ]
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d2xccoach wrote:
npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

But a DQ based on missing split times wouldn't have worked in Kip's case, most times. Almost every race he has a disputed finish result for he HIT all the mats. That's the craziness of his situation. It's sort of like the "I passed all my drug tests, therefore I don't dope". The existence of part A of that statement does not prove part B. Even at Boston, Kip hit all the split mats. He did the same thing at the race I work for. We have mats at the start, mile 10, 13.1, 20, and the finish. Our course is a long narrow course, basically start/finish is in the middle, and you go south, north, south, north, south with the south part of the course 3 miles from the S/F and the north end 5 miles from the S/F. Our mats at 13.1 and 20 are near the furthest points away from the S/F on the course and are ~6 miles apart on roads that are very difficult to drive during the race (major traffic jams). He hit all our mats in reasonable splits. With 20+ years working the technical side of this race I'm suspicious but I have no idea how he cut the course if he did so.

And that's what you find in almost all the suspicious races with this guy, he covered his bases on getting to the mats.

Since he was at our event we have added unannounced mats at random locations. It adds a few thousand $ to the timing service which of course all entrants pay for.

As for a blanket DQ for racers missing splits, not going to happen. Too many variables in the system to quarantee 100% reliability, although the basic systems have gotten a lot better the last 3 years (plus racers are more used to how to make them work best). We use the B-Tag. Out of about 4000 finishers at our race, both marathoners and relay teams, we had 6 "no reads" at the finish this year, down from over 50 in 2010. We did find all 6 of those no reads on the backup video of the finish. As for missed splits on the course the numbers were a lot higher but those boxes are set up on the fly after the start so we don't expect them to be as reliable.

Interesting. So, if he hit all the mats, and the times were reasonable, and you have no idea how he could cut the course, what was the issue with his race? (I am missing the rest of the story, but am sure more interested since I have done timing in the past.)

What is the difference between a "blanket DQ" for missing a mat, and having to work on it after the race, compared to a penalty you did not know you get during the race and working this with the head official after the race? One happens today and I see it would be no different than missing a mat DQ, and working to fix it.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [WillNJ] [ In reply to ]
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If they had asked me, I would have told them to can your ass.


"Go yell at an M&M"
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Well, for starters - he hit all the mats on the race where he ended up wearing a completely different set of clothes.

It's not incredibly difficult to do.

You start dead last (so anyone that you pass isn't ultra competitive enough to care, and the spectators don't care if you just walk off the course). You hit the first mat while pumping it as hard as you can (in his case a 6:30 pace or so) then hop off the course for a breather and a taxi to an area near the next mat. Rinse and repeat. When you get to the last timed mat - it's on you to book it the rest of the way - which he typically does (and usually ends up casually jogging or walking across the finish line in his 2:55 marathon).

Blanket DQs won't work because there is too many malfunctions and technical errors that happen with timing mats. And it happens ALL THE TIME. In fact, I can't think of a single marathon I've done with them where there wasn't some kind of split missing. If you take the "missing a split? You're out!" approach - you're going to have WAY too many appeals to sort through and it'll ruin your race. Maybe if there is more evidence (several splits missing, times that don't make sense - i.e. a 7:00 pace turns into a 4:55 pace or something, etc) then you can do the "DQed until you show me otherwise) approach.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [SurfingLamb] [ In reply to ]
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SurfingLamb wrote:
Well, for starters - he hit all the mats on the race where he ended up wearing a completely different set of clothes.

It's not incredibly difficult to do.

You start dead last (so anyone that you pass isn't ultra competitive enough to care, and the spectators don't care if you just walk off the course). You hit the first mat while pumping it as hard as you can (in his case a 6:30 pace or so) then hop off the course for a breather and a taxi to an area near the next mat. Rinse and repeat. When you get to the last timed mat - it's on you to book it the rest of the way - which he typically does (and usually ends up casually jogging or walking across the finish line in his 2:55 marathon).

Blanket DQs won't work because there is too many malfunctions and technical errors that happen with timing mats. And it happens ALL THE TIME. In fact, I can't think of a single marathon I've done with them where there wasn't some kind of split missing. If you take the "missing a split? You're out!" approach - you're going to have WAY too many appeals to sort through and it'll ruin your race. Maybe if there is more evidence (several splits missing, times that don't make sense - i.e. a 7:00 pace turns into a 4:55 pace or something, etc) then you can do the "DQed until you show me otherwise) approach.


I have been at races where the RD DQed folks because there split times and total time made no sense. But to catch this guy based on how you said he did it was not easy, and as you said, he got all the mats.
If someone wants to cheat, just about impossible to catch all of them.


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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This joker is from the same town that I was born in. While I hardly ever go back there, I think I might have to start looking for some races that he's done locally, register this year, and I'll just sit on his hip pocket. Perhaps heckle him the who way ... "cutter, cutter, cutter, cutter ....."

I've never even heard of him, and the town is a pretty small one.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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h2ofun wrote:
...So, if he hit all the mats, and the times were reasonable, and you have no idea how he could cut the course, what was the issue with his race? (I am missing the rest of the story, but am sure more interested since I have done timing in the past.)...

His issue with our race was that when I started looking into his result, based on the oddness that is someone who took 4:30+ to cross the start line then supposedly passed almost 4500 marathoners and relay teams (nearly the last person to cross the start line) on a course that is mostly 1 lane roads or 10' wide bikepaths, the fact that I couldn't find him in ANY pictures taken by our official photographer except the finish line - that is an issue worth looking into. In about 10 years of being the guy who gets to check our results post-race, this is the first time I've seen a runner with that kind of discrepancy finish sub 4:00, and he was sub 3:00.

When I started looking through the pictures I knew approximately when he should have shown up in photo order, at mile 9 for example. He did not show up in any pictures in the 5 minutes +/- of the time he should have passed that photographer. Unfortunately our photographers missed some other runners too, albeit none before him. Some races where he has been DQ'd they had pictures of ALL the runners at certain points, and he was missing. The lack of pictures was the big issue for me. Doesn't mean the timing systems failed in any way, just means the likelihood that he beat the system at our race exists.

Oh, one other thing that had me scratching my head...our race is 1000+ miles from where Kip lives. I could see a local determined to cut our course plotting out how to do it by looking around the city. But for someone who doesn't live here that would be a much more difficult proposition.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [d2xccoach] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, again, very interesting. Thanks for posting. I just do not understand how some folks go to these extremes, for what should be a hobby..


Dave Campbell | Facebook | @DaveECampbell | h2ofun@h2ofun.net

Boom Nutrition code 19F4Y3 $5 off 24 pack box | Bionic Runner | PowerCranks | Velotron | Spruzzamist

Lions don't lose sleep worrying about the sheep
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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If he comes back to florida for gasparilla I will get my flip cam and spend my entire race looking for and following him!
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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randymar wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

Yep, then the person can protest, and more analysis could be done. But, that is not what happens today.

Those timing mats mess up all the time though, don't they?

And sometimes they really mess up. A friend of mine recently did a 40k TT in 56:xx. He'd never gone faster than 57:xx in the local 35k. Both course are very flat. His Garmin had him at 1:04:xx for the 40k.

So, yes the chip timing systems do mess up.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Yea, Dave.

I never heard back from the RD (re: Wildflower LC 45-49 winner w/no splits).

A bit fishy? I kinda think so.

In my age group at Lifetime Fitness MN a guy had a bike split 6 minutes faster than Hunter Kemper. I noticed it and reported it to the scoring guys, it was pulled out. They had the first place guy in your age group with a time faster than some pros. They even called him to the awards, luckily, I had already pointed that out to the scoring guys too. They just were slow in updating the awards announcer (but fixed it in a few minutes).

There remains a guy in my age group with a time for the run that's faster than some pro's. The run is two laps around a lake. I didn't mention it to the scoring people so the result still stands. In general their policy was/is "if a split doesn't affect an award we don't stress out too much." I'm guessing the guy ran one loop even though they did have a mat following the first lap. So, that would be easy to check. Maybe he did run a 35:xx 10k. I did that - 25 years ago! :-)

See ya soon

I saw this on a white board in a window box at my daughters middle school...
List of what life owes you:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [d2xccoach] [ In reply to ]
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d2xccoach wrote:
h2ofun wrote:
...So, if he hit all the mats, and the times were reasonable, and you have no idea how he could cut the course, what was the issue with his race? (I am missing the rest of the story, but am sure more interested since I have done timing in the past.)...

His issue with our race was that when I started looking into his result, based on the oddness that is someone who took 4:30+ to cross the start line then supposedly passed almost 4500 marathoners and relay teams (nearly the last person to cross the start line) on a course that is mostly 1 lane roads or 10' wide bikepaths, the fact that I couldn't find him in ANY pictures taken by our official photographer except the finish line - that is an issue worth looking into. In about 10 years of being the guy who gets to check our results post-race, this is the first time I've seen a runner with that kind of discrepancy finish sub 4:00, and he was sub 3:00.

When I started looking through the pictures I knew approximately when he should have shown up in photo order, at mile 9 for example. He did not show up in any pictures in the 5 minutes +/- of the time he should have passed that photographer. Unfortunately our photographers missed some other runners too, albeit none before him. Some races where he has been DQ'd they had pictures of ALL the runners at certain points, and he was missing. The lack of pictures was the big issue for me. Doesn't mean the timing systems failed in any way, just means the likelihood that he beat the system at our race exists.

Oh, one other thing that had me scratching my head...our race is 1000+ miles from where Kip lives. I could see a local determined to cut our course plotting out how to do it by looking around the city. But for someone who doesn't live here that would be a much more difficult proposition.

I don't know how he really does it, but the easiest way that I can think of, is that he takes off on bike, masquerading as a spectator, and then rides until he sees a mat. He then locks his bike, and then pretends he's spectating. He does not walk onto the course, but passes close enough to the mat that it's registered. (He was actually caught on camera off -course adjacent to the mat as per the NYer article.) He then repeats this throughout the race.

Why someone would fly across the country to do this repeatedly is beyond normal sane behavior.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [lightheir] [ In reply to ]
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I would argue that it's even beyond normal insane behavior. But, hell, if I put as much effort into running as he does into cheating, imagine how fast I'd be!
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [FatandSlow] [ In reply to ]
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FatandSlow wrote:
And sometimes they really mess up. A friend of mine recently did a 40k TT in 56:xx. He'd never gone faster than 57:xx in the local 35k. Both course are very flat. His Garmin had him at 1:04:xx for the 40k.

So, yes the chip timing systems do mess up.

However using this example if he was to get a DQ, he could just show his garmin data. With a HR strap it would be clear as what happened. Ie could still do the course on a bike without a HR strap however with a HR Strap it would be clear they were on a bike with a HR of 100 whilst doing 4min k's.

Rhymenocerus wrote:
I think everyone should consult ST before they do anything.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [lightheir] [ In reply to ]
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lightheir wrote:

I don't know how he really does it, but the easiest way that I can think of, is that he takes off on bike, masquerading as a spectator, and then rides until he sees a mat. He then locks his bike, and then pretends he's spectating. He does not walk onto the course, but passes close enough to the mat that it's registered. (He was actually caught on camera off -course adjacent to the mat as per the NYer article.) He then repeats this throughout the race.

Why someone would fly across the country to do this repeatedly is beyond normal sane behavior.

The human race is weird. Well that's my experience with others.

Rhymenocerus wrote:
I think everyone should consult ST before they do anything.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [PJC] [ In reply to ]
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why he kept doing it after people were on to him is also weird. Like he was absolutely convinced he was doing nothing wrong.

I feel sorry for his wife and kids. Even if they are sticking by him (maybe they really believe his story) they have to be taking some abuse from the public.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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Perhaps Kip is a "serial cheater" in another way. He tells his wife he is out training all the time because he is really good, but is really having an affair. Then he cheats in a few races to convince her he is that good. Might explain the 1,000 mile trip to cheat on a race (with his mistress). Just another theory...

John Snyder @URNotAsCoolAsMe
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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nilloc wrote:
I just got this week's New Yorker. There's an article about Kip Litton, our favorite marathon serial cheater.

I haven't had time to read it yet and that link only gets non-subscribers the first few pages. Sorry I don't have more, but I thought it was funny.

For those who aren't aware yet:
-here's a summary
-A 225 page thread on letsrun.com

Wow. If he is a marathon serial cheater, who would want to be his next wife knowing the odds are not in your favor?
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Snyderman] [ In reply to ]
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Snyderman wrote:
Perhaps Kip is a "serial cheater" in another way. He tells his wife he is out training all the time because he is really good, but is really having an affair. Then he cheats in a few races to convince her he is that good. Might explain the 1,000 mile trip to cheat on a race (with his mistress). Just another theory...

The other guy who made up race results for the race he said he did after he dropped his wife off to do volunteer work got me thinking along these lines. A def possibility...


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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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nilloc wrote:
I just got this week's New Yorker. There's an article about Kip Litton, our favorite marathon serial cheater.

I haven't had time to read it yet and that link only gets non-subscribers the first few pages. Sorry I don't have more, but I thought it was funny.

For those who aren't aware yet:
-here's a summary
-A 225 page thread on letsrun.com

Got a copy of New Yorker from the library and read that, then went "Total Immersion" [so to speak] into the LetsRun thread [which is now up to 232 pages]

I'm still dizzy from that voyage.

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: randymar: Aug 8, 12 12:22
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Dilbert] [ In reply to ]
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I'm still slow by ST standards, but now that I am quicker than I was I often see people cutting on TRI courses. Now the courses aren't perfect, and there usually aren't mats on some of the cut legs, but I see guys cut.

There was one guy in the 1st Olympic that I did that finished ahead of me in my age group who was 20 minutes or more slower in the swim. I know with good certainty he only did one bike lap and one run lap cutting the course in half at least. I know this because his bike speed was 37mph..... how many AGers swimming nearly 1 hour in an Oly can pull a 37mph average for 40k? Nearly zero.... and then he blasted off some 5 minute miles too add insult to injury. His times still stood.

There are plenty of douchey people out there competing every weekend. I saw two guys drafting each other cut the bike course at my last TRI. I actually yelled at them that they missed a turn. They didn't skip a beat. The cut the course by about a mile on each lap I suspect. One of them was also in my AG and started the swim with me.

Kip Litton might be taking things to the extreme, but he probably isn't very remarkable when it comes to being a cheater. It happens and will always happen.


You will remain the same person, before, during and after the race. So the result, no matter how important, will not define you. The journey is what matters. ~ Chrissie W.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [randymar] [ In reply to ]
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randymar wrote:

Got a copy of New Yorker from the library and read that, then went "Total Immersion" [so to speak] into the LetsRun thread [which is now up to 232 pages]

I'm still dizzy from that voyage.

Doing triathlons is nothing compared to the endurance that LetsRun thread must have taken. I gave up after 15 pages or so when I discovered it a few months ago.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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I just discovered Triathlon 2 years ago, and I can say , the best thing , even better than my first age group victory 2 weeks ago is the great time i have reading SLOWTWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!! really, I am cracking out!!!!!
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [h2ofun] [ In reply to ]
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Munchausen by running proxy syndrome
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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Except course photography isn't fool-proof either. I'm quite 'invisible' to the photogs in a lot of my races, and I don't cut courses.

]You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.[/quote]
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Run Snail] [ In reply to ]
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Run Snail wrote:
Except course photography isn't fool-proof either. I'm quite 'invisible' to the photogs in a lot of my races, and I don't cut courses.

]You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.
Kip........Kip Litton, Is that you???????
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Lungman] [ In reply to ]
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How the hell did this come up again, anyway? You just reposted a link to the same article that initiated this thread in the first place 13 months ago. Monty started a new thread about the same 13 month old news. Did it show up on the New Yorker front page or something?
Last edited by: T-wrecks: Sep 23, 13 8:50
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [npage148] [ In reply to ]
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npage148 wrote:
blanket DQ for anyone with a missing split time, zero tolerance

how about zero tolerance just for you? So only you get penalized for timing mat errors?
Last edited by: yakimarack: Sep 20, 13 8:40
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Burnt Toast wrote:
Run Snail wrote:
Except course photography isn't fool-proof either. I'm quite 'invisible' to the photogs in a lot of my races, and I don't cut courses.

]You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.

Kip........Kip Litton, Is that you???????[/quote]
I get that you're making a joke, but the guy is right. The race is the race--the photographers don't have any responsibility to take pictures of every single participant with zero tolerance for failure. The consequences of a photographer missing an athlete for photo are "well...that guy just won't have this particular photo."

This isn't so much directed at you, but...
If a system is put in place to DQ athletes, you have to be damn sure that it is reliable, and race photography isn't reliable. Every year I'll have at least one, maybe even 2 or 3 races where I'm missing a photo from at least one leg of the race. It's not because I'm cheating, just that the race photographer doesn't operate with that level of reliability and urgency that if he misses his shot, I get DQ'd. That's not to say you can't use the aggregate evidence (or lack thereof in the case of missed photos) against someone, but with any one of these systems it would be foolhardy to flatly apply a no-X = automatic DQ policy: no split=DQ, or no photo=DQ. You have to be smart about it, and blindly applying a rule like that will do more harm than good.


I tweet!

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [WillNJ] [ In reply to ]
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At my first sprint race this year, the timing equipment bit the dust that morning. Ther were only swim splits for the first 100 or so racers. But not transition mats for anyone. I guess everyone should get DQ'd.. or they shuld have cancelled the event.

TrainingBible Coaching
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [ZackCapets] [ In reply to ]
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ZackCapets wrote:
Burnt Toast wrote:
Run Snail wrote:
Except course photography isn't fool-proof either. I'm quite 'invisible' to the photogs in a lot of my races, and I don't cut courses.

]You can submit your complaint in writing and when course photography comes back you can try to make your case.

Kip........Kip Litton, Is that you???????

I get that you're making a joke, but the guy is right. The race is the race--the photographers don't have any responsibility to take pictures of every single participant with zero tolerance for failure. The consequences of a photographer missing an athlete for photo are "well...that guy just won't have this particular photo."

This isn't so much directed at you, but...
If a system is put in place to DQ athletes, you have to be damn sure that it is reliable, and race photography isn't reliable. Every year I'll have at least one, maybe even 2 or 3 races where I'm missing a photo from at least one leg of the race. It's not because I'm cheating, just that the race photographer doesn't operate with that level of reliability and urgency that if he misses his shot, I get DQ'd. That's not to say you can't use the aggregate evidence (or lack thereof in the case of missed photos) against someone, but with any one of these systems it would be foolhardy to flatly apply a no-X = automatic DQ policy: no split=DQ, or no photo=DQ. You have to be smart about it, and blindly applying a rule like that will do more harm than good.[/quote]

Yes I was making a joke and thought it was a pretty good one after reading the article about this guy and the lengths he went to to make himself look like a hero.
Last edited by: Burnt Toast: Sep 20, 13 9:52
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Didn't look if this was posted already.

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Fair enough. I keep forgetting that this is the first time many ST'ers are hearing about him. Kip has been a story for quite some time...not exactly a secret, just not exactly outed by a major news media outlet. The LetsRun threads on Kip are fantastic and will suck up an entire evening if you're not careful.


I tweet!

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [ZackCapets] [ In reply to ]
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This was my first introduction to Kippie and he seems like a real piece of work. I'm planning on jumping into the LetsRun thread this weekend while pedaling away on the trainer. Its actually a quite interesting read.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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I'm surprised no internet sleuths have tracked and followed him during a race.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [nilloc] [ In reply to ]
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I see now that ST does not have the least modern forum design on the internet. That title is held by letsrun.com.

256 pages??!! That's a lot of yapping.

king of the road says you move too slow
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [schroeder] [ In reply to ]
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After reading the long article in New Yorker, I really would like how he cheated in Boston Marathon.
The dude got the cheating system down good. Maybe he could write a book about it.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [ttocsmi] [ In reply to ]
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ttocsmi wrote:
I see now that ST does not have the least modern forum design on the internet. That title is held by letsrun.com.

256 pages??!! That's a lot of yapping.

The ultra forum is still a listserve.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Burnt Toast wrote:
This was my first introduction to Kippie and he seems like a real piece of work. I'm planning on jumping into the LetsRun thread this weekend while pedaling away on the trainer. Its actually a quite interesting read.

Oh it's fascinating. I love reading the cheater threads because of all the different elements that fall into place as part of the process of putting together a "case" against someone suspected of cheating. The thing that amuses me most about Kip is that he actually ended up having to put in far more work to be an exceptional cheater than he would have had to to race at the level his cheating purported.

Finman is ST's own Kip Litton, but I think T3 is a better story because it actually reads progressively and has what seem like well-planned plot twists--if you have time left over after LetsRun I'd look for T3 if you haven't seen it.


I tweet!

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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Me_XMan] [ In reply to ]
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Me_XMan wrote:
After reading the long article in New Yorker, I really would like how he cheated in Boston Marathon.
The dude got the cheating system down good. Maybe he could write a book about it.

If dentistry doesn't work out or he needs something to fill in the extra time he doesn't spend training for marathons, he could start up a consulting business to review course layouts in order to find the "Not so obvious" areas for a cheater to gain an edge. He would definitely be the best in the business.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [T-wrecks] [ In reply to ]
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Yep, I sure did, sorry.
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Re: Kip Litton (marathon serial cheater) exposed in the New Yorker [Burnt Toast] [ In reply to ]
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Burnt Toast wrote:
Me_XMan wrote:
After reading the long article in New Yorker, I really would like how he cheated in Boston Marathon.
The dude got the cheating system down good. Maybe he could write a book about it.

If dentistry doesn't work out or he needs something to fill in the extra time he doesn't spend training for marathons, he could start up a consulting business to review course layouts in order to find the "Not so obvious" areas for a cheater to gain an edge. He would definitely be the best in the business.

Kinda like hiring a convicted burglar as a Security Expert


"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
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