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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [madisonbucky] [ In reply to ]
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Short denim cut off's are awsome.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Ben in FL] [ In reply to ]
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...just not when riding a bike in an aero position.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Jim] [ In reply to ]
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I'm not divorced and have never been married.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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That would be true, if the Pan-Mass Challenge was a race. But it isn't. It's a two-day fund-raising ride for cancer, and most of the people who do it do it for the cause, for the camaraderie, or just for the fun of it.

I'm not even sure why they mentioned a finishing place.

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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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"Has there ever been a president with a high-end ("top-flight") bike?"

back when i was involved with merlin, in the late '90s, i believe i heard back then he was a merlin owner (i've been a kerry fan since the mid '80s).

maybe i misremembered, i dont' know. in any case, don't know what he rides now.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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I think Bill Clinton had a Merlin and Lance gave George Bush a Trek, which undoubtedly didn't get ridden but is possibly somewhere in the National Archives.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Slowman] [ In reply to ]
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Hey dan... do you know a guy named Marcele Valiere who use to work a merlin from 1995 - 1998? He worked on the production end of things but not sure what his exact job it was...

On of the funny stories he told me is that once a ti tube is messed up in someway it is unsalvagable and is garbage... well apparently the employees like to take the scrap and make things out of them...

Wel Marcelle made a bike where the top tube and down tube were connected to the seat tube with hinges so that the front end could move entirely independent of the back end... For some reason it was only a good idea to ride this bike while drunk...
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [taku] [ In reply to ]
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"do you know a guy named Marcele Valiere who use to work a merlin from 1995 - 1998?"

doesn't ring a bell. saucony bought merlin in '98, like february 25th i think, and perhaps we overlapped a bit, but i don't remember. yeah, the merlin guys were ingenious about stuff like that.

Dan Empfield
aka Slowman
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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I hope Kerry is one of those guys whom does not ride with a helmet. If he did crash and hit his head, maybe then he would be able to decide what side he stands for, since you can't get a straight answer out of him now.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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For what it's worth, Iraq CPA Adminstrator Jerry Bremer (now 62) can kick Kerry's ass as a triathlete.

He's a superb cyclist, and raced a legit, official 3:00:28 in the Boston Marathon at the age of 52 (!). And that time includes 3+ minutes stalled at the start in Hopkinton, waiting for room to start after the gun...
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Ben in FL] [ In reply to ]
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Just as long as he doesn't do one of those early 90's, Bill Clinton "Banana Hammock" things.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [tripoet] [ In reply to ]
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"[Three-time Tour de France winner] Greg Lemond was riding [with us] and he said it was the worst conditions he'd seen for bicycling. But, you know, it was a challenge. I liked that. There was no way I was going to quit." - Sen. John Kerry

Does anyone else believe that a charity ride from Boston to Sen. Kennedy's Hyannasport estate was the worst biking conditions that LeMond has ever seen? Hmmmm?

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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Chubby Hubby] [ In reply to ]
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It was the second worst cycling conditions for Kerry, He would say the first was when he cycled the entire HO CHI MIEN trail in 36 hrs.I dont know if you have heard but He was a war hero you know!
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [tifreak] [ In reply to ]
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John Kerry is, in fact, a highly decorated combat veteran, and much like Republican John MaCain, I find it somewhat offensive when people try to impugn his character on these particular matters. There are many, many legitimate political and personal topics on which one can take issue with the Senator, but this isn't one of them, and he is very much deserving of the same respect we should accord any one else who served in that awful conflict.


Tech writer/support on this here site. FIST school instructor and certified bike fitter. Formerly at Diamondback Bikes, LeMond Fitness, FSA, TiCycles, etc.
Coaching and bike fit - http://source-e.net/ Cyclocross blog - https://crosssports.net/ BJJ instruction - https://ballardbjj.com/
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [tifreak] [ In reply to ]
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Did he have Jane Fonda with him on that ride?

and before you get all up tight I too am an infantry combat Viet Nam Veteran. ------ and I fought for the freedom to make this remark.


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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Larry Mackey] [ In reply to ]
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Nicely put.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [Larry Mackey] [ In reply to ]
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"I fought for the freedom to make this remark. "

The Viet Nam Veterans Against the War of which Mr. Kerry was a member also fought for the right to protest that war. If you remember right, it wasn't a particularly popular endeavor with the American public.
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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
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"If you remember right, it wasn't a particularly popular endeavor with the American public."

Oh yes, I remember :~)


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Re: John Kerry owns a "top-flight" bike [fredly] [ In reply to ]
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"John Kerry is, in fact, a highly decorated combat veteran, and much like Republican John MaCain, I find it somewhat offensive when people try to impugn his character on these particular matters."

I could not agree more MH regarding the hero status, and as you say there are many legitimate political and personal issues with which to take issue. His war record helps a great deal in preparing him to be President. But the rest of his life since that time spent in "public service" totally disqualifies him for the post.

Just one man's opinion. And again, thanks to all of those, past a present, who shed their blood so that I can speak it openly.

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