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How down for down weeks?
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I am going to have to take a break from serious training for the majority of this week starting tommorrow. My parents are flying in from across the country and I am going to want to spend time with them. That said I have a race (Olympic Distance) on July 10th where I am looking to make a substancial improvement on my result on the same course a little over a month ago.

Over the last five weeks I have averaged about 35-40 mpw running, 5000 - 7000 ydspw swimming, and 75-100 mpw cycling. I have not had a significant break in a while and my real goal races will be in mid-August/early Sept. My last tri race was disappointing, but in the two running races I have done since my runs have improved at a good pace.

What should I aim for in terms of mileage this down week? Should I ramp things right back up next week before the race? I have worked up to the training I'm doing now slowly since late Jan. and am just finishing what I consider the training to train phase. After July tenth I plan on hitting things pretty hard, maybe adding 25% in terms of volume from the numbers I mentioned before for one disipline a week on three week cycles - I am not looking to start a peak this early and my schedule has been light on intensity up until this point.

Input from the would be coaches out there?

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Re: How down for down weeks? [Eddy Would Go] [ In reply to ]
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The Slowman formula advises about 1/3 total exertion points. There is the formula on ST for figuring out points. That seems to be a pretty good basis. Total time will not be 1/3, since you should be going slower. Spend more time in the pool and on the bike, since those are easier on your body than running.

I do about 1/2 distance which takes maybe 3/5 total time of a normal week.

Hope that helps. Nothing wrong with two light weeks going into a race. you can do a couple short/high intensity efforts early (mon/tue) of the race week to keep that snap.

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