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Figuring out a training plan, need some advice.
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OK, so this year is going to be the big one for me, leading to my first IM, and for the first time I'm going to get serious about organising my training. The 3 'A' races for the year,

sprint, end of april, (brunei)
1/2 Iron August (new hampshire)
IMNZ March 2006. (New zealand)

plus a couple of olys in may and june locally and whatever else I can find after september that's in reasonable distance.

So, I'm reading the books and trying to plan out a yearly/monthly/weekly plan to achieve this properly. Reading Triathlon Training Bible, it seems that once you pick an hourly training volume, you pretty much stick to that throughout the different base/build/peak periods. Other training programs such as Don Fink's tend to ramp up the volume gradually during the process.

What do you think is a good way to do this. As my races increase in size during the year, it would make sense to me to gradually increase the volume accordingly. However, for each individual period of training for an event the weekly hours stay the same in TTB and I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

Before I get everything cut and dried, I'd appreciate some experienced opinions on how best to set up my training hours as I go through the year. I have about 20 hours a week available for training.


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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [Freeflyer] [ In reply to ]
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well, i had don fink has a coach last year and he guided me to a very successful ironman lake placid (pr by over an hour on a much harder course). the plan i followed is very similar to the competitive one in his book so i don't think you could go wrong following that. i wouldn't worry about your im preparation for im this year though. i would increase your volume slowly this year, race your 1/2 in august then take a nice break - you're going to need it once you start preparing for im. hope that makes sense.

oh, one more thing - dec - march will be the only trng that matters for your im - make sure you go into that period able to complete don's first week of prep. good luck!
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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [Freeflyer] [ In reply to ]
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Check out the automated coaching programs on training peaks.com. I have steered a number of people who could not afford individualized training programs in that direction, and the results/feedback have been universally favorable.

If nothing else, it is worth it to sign up for a very short time so that you can use the periodization tool software: you can set up a season chart in about 5 minutes.

You really haven't given enough information for me to offer useful advice on a plan: most of your questions could probably be best answered with the response -"it depends."

Tech writer/support on this here site. FIST school instructor and certified bike fitter. Formerly at Diamondback Bikes, LeMond Fitness, FSA, TiCycles, etc.
Coaching and bike fit - http://source-e.net/ Cyclocross blog - https://crosssports.net/ BJJ instruction - https://ballardbjj.com/
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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [fredly] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the reply, I'll look into the training peaks site.

I'm not sure what extra information would be most helpful to you, but if you'd like me to provide more, then I'd gladly do so.

I've pretty much decided to not think about the ironman training routine for now, and just concentrate on the sprint and half iron plans for now, and use those as research for the coming IM. At present, I run 3x/week, 2 runs of 5-8km and one longer slow run of 10km which takes me about 57mins. My best 5k time is 23min and change. I bike 2-3 times a week. A long bike of about 1:45, holding 28-30kmh on flat roads. shorter rides are a little faster, and I swim 2-3 times a week, for around 30mins a time. My swimming is improving fairly quickly after a TI course. I'm now able to swim more comfortably for the distance, but still lack the endurance. I plan to start swimming with a masters group soon, if I can drag my ass out of bed at 5am.


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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [Freeflyer] [ In reply to ]
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I guess your either rich or a pilot?

Not to be bad, but like I said once before some of the training logs etc around here were written by Stephen King if you get what I mean!

Try gordo's forum, http://www.gordoworld.com
or as already mentioned, Freils site.

There are some good coaches who post here, scan the posts and you will see them then just read their posts, well worth it.
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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [tri-espana] [ In reply to ]
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I wish I were either. right now I'm an expat husband, and the country we're in won't let me have a work permit. I work quietly on the local community as a massage therapist (ran my own business doing this in the US before our move), but it does give me time to train, although bugs the hell out of me that I can't work properly.

Been looking at Gordo's site, so much to learn.


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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [Freeflyer] [ In reply to ]
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Ahh 'unemployed' then train, and train you shall!

If you are Brunei and want to travel to Malaysia to do some mile, let me know. Have some "different" mega training rides planned from Singapore starting April.
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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [tri-espana] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks I'll keep in touch re the training rides. I'm planning on doing the bintang oly in May and the Miri Oly in June. Mega rides will come in later in the year for the build to IMNZ. Don't know if I'll stay unemployed, as I'd dearly love to be working again.

Are you based in Singapore full time?

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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [Freeflyer] [ In reply to ]
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I part own a dive shop on Tioman Island, Malaysia and one in Thailand hence the time there. I am planning on doing a sub 10hr IM in 2006 after a extended break and the best way I can think of training is doing some long rides that are also great journeys in themselves. I am riding from Singapore to Bangkok in June then Gibraltar to London in July or August. I have to work again in either England or Europe, for the real money, after that so no more longer rides until the end of the year. Real training starts November/December this year when I decide what IM to do. (sorry for the typos on a Spanish keyboard)
Last edited by: tri-espana: Jan 22, 05 18:13
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Re: Figuring out a training plan, need some advice. [tri-espana] [ In reply to ]
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Wow, they are mega rides. Singapore to Bankok sounds fabulous. I doubt I'll be available for that, as I'm having a month in the US when I do the Timberman half iron, but at the end of the year I may be available as, like you, I'll be on the serious build for IMNZ.

Hoping to go under 12 hours for my first attempt.

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