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Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win
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Eric and Andy had never raced one another before yesterday when they locked horns in a duel that wasn't settled until the final 300-meter grassy field serving as the finishing chute of the 35th Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon. Here are the final 42 seconds, captured by USL.tv: ERIC & ANDY SPRINT

Eric has been a registered user at Slowtwitch since May 2013 and has previously shared many of his on-the-bike videos with post-edited color commentary.

He's going to spend an hour or so on the Forum today between 1:30-2:30pm PST this afternoon so get your questions ready!

*If you missed Eric live yesterday, I'll get him to circle back periodically to answer any stragglers, so keep asking away!

Lars Finanger
Odyssey SwimRun
Last edited by: VALHALLA: Jun 9, 15 7:48
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1-2pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Eric and Andy had never raced one another before yesterday when they locked horns in a duel that wasn't settled until the final 300-meter grassy field serving as the finishing chute of the 35th Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon. Here are the final 42 seconds, captured by USL.tv: ERIC & ANDY SPRINT

Eric has been a registered user at Slowtwitch since May 2013 and has previously shared many of his on-the-bike videos with post-edited color commentary.

He's going to spend an hour or so on the Forum today between 1:30-2:30pm PST this afternoon so get your questions ready!

Andy Potts is the man. But hats off to Eric for sticking with it, running 5:40 min miles for 8 miles in a triathlon is moving.
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats on a big win yesterday Eric, way to represent!

Mike Plumb, TriPower MultiSports
Professional Running, Cycling and Multisport Coaching, F.I.S.T. Certified
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Where did you line up on the boat? What was your strategy/plan for going out, and how did the swim play out for you?

Also, what did you think of T1? Did you put shoes on?

Also, EPIC finish, and great job! I've watched it probably 5 times now from different videos. Huge congrats. Looks like all the hard work is coming to fruition.
Last edited by: nickwhite: Jun 8, 15 13:25
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Fire away folks, we're live with The Viking!

Lars Finanger
Odyssey SwimRun
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [nickwhite] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Nick,

I lined up pretty high on the bow. Potts was three people to my left and I think he was the furthest up. The swim was pretty comfortable for me, I got on Potts' feet right away and stayed there till we merged with the Cam Dye group, which went further right at the start.

I didn't put shoes on for the run to transition, we've got some pretty long runs in ITU races and the asphalt at Alcatraz was nice and smooth, so I wasn't concerned about hurting my feet.

Glad you liked the finish! It was an incredible experience, one I'll never forget.

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Any close encounters with age groupers on the narrow single track trails? I
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [kcb203] [ In reply to ]
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Yeah there were some close calls when we were coming down the final set of steps with a couple miles to go! Everyone was awesome though, and I didn't actually have a head on collision. I think people accept that this race is special and are ready for anything to happen.

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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are you back training in San Diego this week and what's next Eric?

Mike Plumb, TriPower MultiSports
Professional Running, Cycling and Multisport Coaching, F.I.S.T. Certified
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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Growing up, did you feel that you would be able to compete at this level? If not, when did you start to realize this could be a possibility?
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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Did Andy surge any during the final mile to try and prevent the sprint finish?

Is this the first time you have been involved in a sprint to the finish line, if not did you win last time too?

Did you take the sand ladder 2 steps at a time or one?
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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when did you know you were going to win?

did you do any specific preparation for this course? Hilly technical bike rides? Stairs for the run? Sprints in case you needed to outkick Potts at the line?

what bike did you ride? details on basic setup - wheels, bars, tires, gearing, etc?

did you get your hug from Paulo yet?

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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Hi Mike,

I'm actually headed up to stay with my parents in Portland for a week. I've been working hard in Poway all year and I could really use the time to connect with friends and famuly up there. My long time sponsor, Athletes Lounge is in Portland, so I'll get to connect with them and have some celebratory drinks!

Then back to Poway and The Triathlon Squad!

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Congratulations on a great win! It was inspiring to see.

My questions are really random:
-You are really good at descending, any tips for people? What was the descending like on the Alcatraz course?
-What is your best time up Rocky Point road outside of PDX?
-If you could put on socks in a Triathlon with no time penalty, which pair of The Athletic socks would you race in?
-Will you periscope.tv your hug with Paulo?
-Before the final straight, what was going through your mind? Did you decide to just sit on him, was Andy trying to make a move farther out?

Dan Meehan
Coach / Athlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Big] [ In reply to ]
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I thought, "Hey I could do that someday." but there are several realizations along the way that get you to the realization of "I can win tomorrow." Basically the progression from thinking it would be awesome all the way to believing it on the deepest level.

I thought I had a shot at this, but I didn't belive it to my core until the top of the sand ladder when I was still in contact with Andy.

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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Eric my man!!!! Great job brother!!! Viking Power!! No real question, just wanted to say congrats to you and Magali.

I take that back. I do have a question. what was going through your mind when you passed Potts? were you certain on your line? did you feel you "saved" energy for that?

Super stoked for you brother. Can't wait to come out and celebrate.

Kirk Noyes

Downtubes are for Dinosaurs

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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [ajthomas] [ In reply to ]
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ajthomas wrote:
Did Andy surge any during the final mile to try and prevent the sprint finish?

Is this the first time you have been involved in a sprint to the finish line, if not did you win last time too?

Did you take the sand ladder 2 steps at a time or one?

Andy surged several times in the last couple miles and I had to work to stay with him. He would shut it down each time though and I didn't make a counter attack since I really wasn't sure how far it was to the finish. It was pretty cold the day before the race, so Magali and I opted to run on the treadmills instead of previewing it.

I've been in a few sprint finishes, the last big one was Vegas Super Sprint in 2013. I came away with the National Title there, so I was hoping I could bring a little of that heat to San Francisco :)

I took the sand ladder one step at a time, plus a couple doubles when I was getting impatient. I tried to stay relaxed and not max my heart rate.

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [VALHALLA] [ In reply to ]
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Congrats Eric, it was a cool sprint finish!

I'm pretty sure sure mind was blank at the moment, but looking back at the sprint when you're trying to pass Potts you were in a very tight place. How close where you to being squeezed out or just pretty much giving it up?

Cheers from Mexico!


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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Rappstar] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't "know" I was going to win until 50 meters to go, but I would say I decided there was no way I was going to loose when I was about 2 miles out. I was thinking how epic a sprint finish would be and how you rarely remember who gets second at a race. Especially when the winner was a multiple time champion, an excellent interview, and a great story! I start every race thinking, "Just go put on a show." and that seems to put me in the best mindset for a strong performance.

I rode a Cervelo P3 that was given to me by my shop sponsor, Athletes Lounge. I use a Pioneer power meter and Rolf wheels. Teaser- (There will be a feature on here later this week, I just need to take some sweet photos!)

No hug from Paulo yet.. I actually haven't collected my last two hugs either. I'm waiting for him to ask me ;)

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Granpa Chook] [ In reply to ]
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Granpa Chook wrote:
Congratulations on a great win! It was inspiring to see.

My questions are really random:
-You are really good at descending, any tips for people? What was the descending like on the Alcatraz course?
-What is your best time up Rocky Point road outside of PDX?
-If you could put on socks in a Triathlon with no time penalty, which pair of The Athletic socks would you race in?
-Will you periscope.tv your hug with Paulo?
-Before the final straight, what was going through your mind? Did you decide to just sit on him, was Andy trying to make a move farther out?

Thanks! Glad it left an impression!

Descending tip- lower your center of gravity as much as possible, keep your weight on the outside pedal (which is down) and your inside hand. Go bomb hills and push the limit just a little bit each time you do a descent. You'd be surprised how much a good set of tires can grip! Descending at Alcatraz was extremely fast and bumpy. There are a lot of potholes and hard corners.

Best time up rocky point I think was 18:45 or something like that.. I'll have to check my notes.. I wasn't on Strava back then ;) I did Logie Trail in 14 minutes flat @ 400W though. That's my best PDX climb.

I don't think I'd wear socks, I just associate sockless with going fast.. But I have worn some swiftwicks I really like..

I could host a google hangout of the hug maybe! Or just get my nice camera out and do super slowmo.. I'll have to think about it.

Before the final straight, I was letting him make the moves because I was confident in my sprint and NOT confident in my course knowledge. I was just thinking, "make the last move and make it big" I had Paulo's voice in my head too.. "You got outsprinted by a long course guy!?" Haha

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [kman74] [ In reply to ]
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kman74 wrote:
Eric my man!!!! Great job brother!!! Viking Power!! No real question, just wanted to say congrats to you and Magali.

I take that back. I do have a question. what was going through your mind when you passed Potts? were you certain on your line? did you feel you "saved" energy for that?

Super stoked for you brother. Can't wait to come out and celebrate.

KIRK! Thanks a million buddy, we appreciate it!

When I passed him, I was thinking and combination of "Hell yeah" and absolutely nothing. I was pretty deep in the zone and it's sort of just you watching your body do its thing.. Along with occasional commentary.

I had dosed my energy pretty well throughout the run because of the stories of it's grandeur, so I would say yes, I saved some for the sprint. I didn't think it would be intelligent to put a move on a multiple time 70.3 champ and Alcatraz champ with several miles to go..

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [sebastian01] [ In reply to ]
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sebastian01 wrote:
Congrats Eric, it was a cool sprint finish!

I'm pretty sure sure mind was blank at the moment, but looking back at the sprint when you're trying to pass Potts you were in a very tight place. How close where you to being squeezed out or just pretty much giving it up?

Cheers from Mexico!

We definitely got pretty close there in the chute. I ended up having just enough space to squeeze by, albeit with a little contact. If anything, being crowded like that flicked the anger switch right at the right moment and I was able to punch that last gear. It also is responsible for the intensity of the finish line photo.. a lot of emotions flying in that one :)

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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did you ever consider a career in pro cycling?
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [ombudsman] [ In reply to ]
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ombudsman wrote:
did you ever consider a career in pro cycling?

Every time I have to jump in the swimming pool!

But honestly, I've always thought it would be awesome, but I felt triathlon was my best shot at leaving a real mark on endurance sport, and I'm totally in love with it. There are so many things to work on, so many nice people, and just limitless possibilities for growth I feel.

The whole doping era and Lance, Floyd, etc really hurt me as a young cycling fan as well. If ever I had it in my heart to go that direction, I think that probably ruined it for me. Basically,you pour your life and soul into a sport, and if you manage to beat people who are cheating, you'll be assumed a cheater as well. That's pretty sad. I absolutely love bike racing though and I don't think I'll ever give that up.

Eric Lagerstrom
Professional Triathlete
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Re: Eric Lagerstrom's "Ask me Anything" from Escape From Alcatraz Win (1:30-2:30pm PST today)! [Eric_Lagerstrom] [ In reply to ]
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Any last questions while we've got Eric on the hook?

He'll be circling back to ST periodically during his time back home in Portland so toss him any further questions on this thread.

Lars Finanger
Odyssey SwimRun
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