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Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes?
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So pretend you're me for a minute. You're 6'4" & 215#. You're fairly strong, and ride 4-5000 miles/year, primarily as training rides for triathlons/duathlons.

You're planning to buy a sweet new ti road bike. One option is Litespeed (probably the Ultimate)... they "optimize" tube sizes, shapes, use the fancy 6/4 ti, etc.

Another option is Davidson or IF. They use round tubes... just plain round tubes.

Make your case for Option 1 (Litespeed w/ "optimized" tubes) or Option 2 ("conventional" bike w/ round tubes). Any other interesting points you care to share?

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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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Don't really know about the tubes but the Ultimate sure has a great reputation and you can find 2005 models on clearance if you look around! I think Coloado Cyclist had one like 50% off or so...
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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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Another option is Davidson or IF. They use round tubes... just plain round tubes.
I don't know enough to tell you the exact degree of advantage that fancy pants shaped tubes give you over just round tubes. However, if you are going the custom route and are willing to put the money into it, GET AN IF!!! I have had mine since May and it is the most incredible bike I have ever been on or even seen. I feel like the luckiest kid alive to have this bike! Independent Fabrication is a very small and cool company that puts theire soul into every creation. If you get a custom Ti frame then it's going to be fast because it fits you and it will be absurdly light, even without the aero tubing. DO IT!!! And no, I don't work for IF, I just love my bike! :-)
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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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I wouldn't hesitate to get a bike with round tubes, as long as it fit, was durable, relatively lightweight, had good road manners for it's intended use, and was comfortable. The aerodynamic tubing might or might not be of benefit...check out some of John Cobb's work which might have suggested some of the "aero" tubing shapes actually seemed to be more clean when run BACKWARDS! My opinion is that unless a tubing shape approaches something close to the NACA shapes, it's aerodynamic characteristics are suspect...and, if some shape other than round is of dubious benefit from aerodynamic standpoint, it better be non-round for some structural or ride quality standpoint...the proof would be in the riding over a period of time.

Consider this: Round is actually hard to beat overall.

Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur
(That which is said in Latin sounds profound)
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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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I have always heard that the aero benefit of aero tubes is non existant below 25mph.

As for otimized tube sets, any custom manufacturer will choose the tube set to your specs --or should at least-- Do not forget to look at www.serotta.com

I am in your size bracket and did a serotta nove- it climbs acclerates and feels like it is an extension of me.

I looked hard at a bunch of custom and non custom options- My final analysis was that production bikes are made for the median size and power characteristics of the population. ---Therefore not for guys of our size. If you are on the small or less powerful side it is not as much of an issue, but when faced with issues of material failure or fatigue life it is something to consider.

The guy at serotta who does all of the final design is also a big powerful guy who understands what we clydes can do to bikes.

Good luck enjoy the search

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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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I'm about your size and I have a Litespped Saber Tri bike, which I love. I also have an aluminum road bike with a shaped downtube. I ride in the low 20's. Super Clyde, on the other hand, rides like a rocket on his Serotta.

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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [frogonawire] [ In reply to ]
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Your making me blush
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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [super clyde] [ In reply to ]
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like I said, yo're faster than I am. good luck at Diamondman, you should have a good time. It's so flat there, I fly around those roads.

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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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I guess the theory of the GET tubing from Litespeed is that each tube is "optimized" for intended use. So for example they use a cloverleaf shape for top tube for torsional rigidity.

Couple months ago I bought a Litespeed Tuscany and am very happy with it. They have done some pretty amazing stuff with the tubing that is not real obvious unless you look up close. Also have a mainly round tube QR PicanTi and the LS does feel stiffer to me. Of course this is largely an apples to oranges comparison.

It would be interesting to get some independent data on real world benefits of GET tubing vs the standard round tube stuff you see from most other ti builders. I have just assumed the others don't go the GET route because they don't have the expertise and special equiptment but mainly GET is all marketing BS?
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Re: Custom ti bikes: round tubes or fancy-pants shaped tubes? [clyde rock] [ In reply to ]
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I'm 6'9" 255, I invested in a custom Litespeed Saber back in the spring. The custom up charge is $500. The guys at Litespeed used completely different tubing than the standard Saber. They beefed up the bottom bracket area to make it extra stiff for my size. The down tube is bladed vertically at the head tube but then it is flattened out at the bottom bracket. They made the geometry a little less agressive so that the bike is actually very comfortable to ride when not on the aerobars. I also had 210 mm cranks put on the bike which have greatly helped me on hills. Litespeed raised the bottom bracket height so that the cranks wouldn't scrape the ground. I've not regretted spending the extra money for one second.

Having a bike that fits well has equaled results for me this year. I've had no worse than the 8th fastest bike time overall at every tri I've done this year (8 so far). These races have had anywhere from 300-800 people. I also won the State Time Trial in my age group on the bike.

It's not the shape of the tubes so much as the fit. By changing the shape and customizing the bike to you're size, you can transfer more power to the pedals. Standard bike geometry is usually not applicable to guys 6'4" or taller. I would advise you to go with a custom Ultimate or Saber. The guys at Litespeed provide great service on the custom jobs.
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