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CompuTrainer Deals
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Through the good Mr. Demerly I was referred to Jim at


who was putting together an order for multiple Computrainers and getting a discount such that my price, with shipping, for the 3D top of the line version, was $1199. I already received a UPS confirmation and it is arriving on my birthday, and it shall be the birthday of my training with watts.

I was lucky that I contacted him on the day that the order was going in, otherwise there would have been a wait until enough orders were received.

Anyway, many of you cheap bastards have expressed interest from time to time, about how to get one at a discount, and "New in Box" is certainly better than "Only Used Once and Who Knows What Version, on EBay" for the same money.

Thanks to Tom, once again.
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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You're welcome Sir. I meant to respond to your PM today but there are 100 in that box right now... A rather daunting task at 17 after midnight.

time for bed.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Monk] [ In reply to ]
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I am in the market for a CT. Is there no chance of getting on board?

Pretty please?
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [rundhc] [ In reply to ]
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If anyone else is interested, I have a group order going in this weekend. A slightly better deal than the previous one mentioned above, but the deadline is this weekend, the order is going to Computrainer Sunday night. Email me at tripower2000 at msn dot com if interested and I can send you the order form.

Mike Plumb, TriPower MultiSports
Professional Running, Cycling and Multisport Coaching, F.I.S.T. Certified
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Tom Demerly] [ In reply to ]
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I feel guilty when I send you a PM because I know you must get a ton from lonely women. For the most part, I think I am just passing a piece of info, and you don't need to respond.
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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A slightly better deal than the previous one mentioned above
You could have been my new friend.
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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bump for last call

Mike Plumb, TriPower MultiSports
Professional Running, Cycling and Multisport Coaching, F.I.S.T. Certified
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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Bump again.

Anyone who is remotely interested in buying a CompuTrainer should contact Mike. You will be very happy at the price he is able to get the Pro 3D for. I know I was. I think he needs to know by the end of today however as he is placing the order tomorrow am.

Team Endurance Nation
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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Mike Plumb] [ In reply to ]
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Is everyone a group dealer for CompuTrainer?

It seems that every chat page or forum has someone pitching the things and organizing group deals.

can anyone get a group together or do you have to be designated as a group organizer?

and what's the pay back to organizing these group deals? do people do it out of the goodness of their heart or is there $$ involved for their effort?

sorry for all the questions but I'm sure there's more than a few people that are curious about this.

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Re: CompuTrainer Deals [Timbit_B] [ In reply to ]
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RacerMate website advertises some standard discounts. I'm sure if you contact them and tell them you have 15-20 orders you can get in for, maybe, a grand each? Then you can see if people will trust you to send you their money, cash or check of course, unless you take credit cards, hope the checks clear and you don't get any charges against your account, handle the "Where is my CompuTrainer" questions while you gather all the money and orders, and then make sure everybody gets them.

No, you probably don't have to be in the biz. But I would expect that if you did all that, you would want to make a few bucks, or save some money on your purchase. A local LBS might do it out of the goodness of their hearts and as a convenience/favor/good will builder for their customers, but I suspect that people in chat rooms, generally, are getting some benefit. If you go that route, be careful who you send your money to.
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