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Blister on toe -- what to do?
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How do you guys (and gals) deal with blisters on your feet? I have two nasty blisters on the little toe on my left foot. One has been there for over a week, the other one popped up about three days ago. I've continued to run as usual, but it's kind of getting painful. I haven't popped any of the blisters, but I do coat my foot with Vaseline before running.

Should I drain the blisters then treat the skin with Nu Skin, an antibiotic ointment or something like that? Or should I let them dry up on their own? What to do, what to do?

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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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don't drain them. If it's in a really sensitive spot, you can buy something like moleskin, cut a piece of it that's a bit (150-200%) the size of the blister, cut a hole in the piece that you cut that matches the blister and put it on there. You can get products like moleskin at outdoors products stores (backpackers are big users).
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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Take a needle ant rhead and run the needle through the blisters, leaving one end of the thread exposed on either side. Repeat on the other blister.
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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I drain blisters all the time. I get 2-3 blisters after runs longer than 4 miles. I pour alcohol on a needle (and the blister), lance the blister near the edge and watch her drain. Best to apply pressure to the blister (as you lance it) so the fluid can spurt out. Helps drain faster. I've lanced over 100 blisters in the past 2 years and never had a problem. Beats walking around in pain.
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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lance/drain - no problem, just don't de-roof the blister as the skin beneath is very raw, red and mightly tender. If you keep getting the blister in the same place over just 4 miles, your best bet is prevention: so get thinking.

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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Lance it then put some Preperation H on it. Works like a charm.

customerjon @gmail.com is where information happens.
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [Robert Preston] [ In reply to ]
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I allways drain mine by clipping a spot with a pair of nail clippers and then squeeze the fluid out. Make sure you keep them clean, they will heal faster. I allways poke to far when using a needle.

If you allways get blisters I would look at changing the shoes. In my experience, blisters are caused by movement inside of the shoe. All of the running stores I've gone to try to put me in a huge shoe and then tell me that my toes need room to move. This results in my foot sliding around inside of the shoe. Maybe try a shoe that's a little snugger.

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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [jaretj] [ In reply to ]
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yea i cut those biatches with nail clippers, pour peroxide on them and put neosporin on them. sometimes i tape my toes/feet before long runs in the summer and mole skin and those gel strip things are pretty good after they heal a bit
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Re: Blister on toe -- what to do? [bughead] [ In reply to ]
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LOG ;)

Must be a Ren and Stimpy fan ;)

Fatigue is biochemical, not biomechanical.
- Andrew Coggan, PhD
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