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Another mystery about myself (docs, PTs and massage therapists welcome)...
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I am on a roll these days posting since I am not so busy at work. Anyways, I have had problems with shin splints for the past few years. I have been to several different PT's and Doctors, and several times it has been mentioned that I have a knot or bulge in both legs about 8" below the knee. The symptoms from the shin splints don't present in this area, but even after months of rest the knot is still there. If I run my fingers from my knee down the inside of my leg, right adjacent to the bone, the tissue will fell soft, then when I hit the area it is very firm (1" in length, 2.5 cm for the rest of the world), and then gets soft again. It is always tender to pressure. Any ideas? Can I get rid of it? Is it bad?


"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind and body can achieve; and those who stay will be champions."
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Re: Another mystery about myself (docs, PTs and massage therapists welcome)... [jackattack] [ In reply to ]
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It could be a trigger point(a hypersensitive spot or adhesion). You could try pushing down on the knot with your fingers(doubled-up: middle finger over the index finger) and push down on it with consistent pressure.

On a scale of 1-10(1 being light pain to 10 being the most pain you can tolerate), try to get it to an 8. Just hold the consistent pressure until it subsides to a 3. Lightly massage the area out and apply the pressure again as necessary. This technique might make the knot go away.
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