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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [kjsmitty] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't notice any smell along the Trapps road. Kind of funny to hear a triathlete bitching about climbers using the outdoors as a bathroom.
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [kjsmitty] [ In reply to ]
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I didn't notice any smell on that stretch of trail. The Preserve did place a toilet there which I'm sure most climbers use. It would be crazy not to use a clean, private toilet within a 3 minute walk of where you're climbing, especially in such a public area regularly patrolled by rangers. Perhaps you caught a whiff of vented gas from the toilets?

2015 American Zofingen Du is May 17.
R.I.P. Chris Gleason
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [tetsuoni] [ In reply to ]
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If'n the piper is otherwise occupied that day, lemme know. I have a potential Plan B for you in that regard. We have a pipe and drum corps right here in town, and the leader of it is also a world-renowned maker of bagpipes as well. They play at many local events, parades, etc. so perhaps if need be, we could have 'em come up for A-Z?

Deer? I don't ever recall seeing many/any deer along the A-Z bike course. I think they're too scared of the bears. ;-)

Here's ML's helpful A-Z hints:

* use a tri bike, and all the aero go-fast goodies you own.
* 12-27 and/or compact cranks are a MUST.
* recommend trail shoes or solid trainers.
* prepare for any and all possible weather conditions, and dress in layers.
* don't blow yerself up on the first run, but don't dawdle either. If you don't know the course, try to keep somebody up ahead in view. It's well marked, but not idiot-proof - they are always inventing a better idiot.
* coming out of TA, you will descend a packed dirt hill w/ some gravel on it. Take it easy here!!!
* you start the first climb up Mohonk from about mid way. So the first lap, it'll seem not too bad. Take it easy, it gets harder each time, partly due to collective fatigue of all the climbing, and partly due to the fact that the next 2 times up Mohonk, you start all the way from the bottom.
* once up top, you get a YEE-HA descent. HOWEVER - BE CAREFUL!!!! It is twisty, and the first turn is a lovely, decreasing-radius, off-camber dealie. Somebody shoulda strung up whatever civil engineering school dropout thought *that* was a good idea.
* after a few twists, you get a nice long straightaway on the descent. Let 'r rip!!!! You can hit 50+ here.
* at the end of this, there are some moderate curves, and then you'll have to make a hard right at the stop sign, so be prepared!
* climbing up to the haripin turn, and then up to Minnewaska SP, you'll get a few descents/flats to break it up. It's a good idea to mentally break this climb up that way as well - don't think of it all in one big chunk, or it can be easy to get overwhelmed.
* after you get to the peak at Minne (it's actually at the entrance to the Awosting lot), then you get a screaming downhill w/ amazing views!!! Enjoy!
* all the way at the bottom of this, you'll see a red and white sign for some local contractor, and then you'll be making a VERY HARD RIGHT, almost a 180, onto Rt 27.
* after this first section of flats, there's a sharp L turn, followed by a short climb. Shift down prior to entering the turn.
* there's another section (Towpath I think) where after a bunch of flats and false flat downhills, you get a hard R going across a bridge (the Coxing Kill river will have been on your right, it's quite beautiful), and you'll need to slow down and get up on the horns for this.
* the good news is, the last time around, you only hafta go up that bottom (much easier) part of the climb, then back to TA
* right before this part, there's a very short, nasty climb. You'll see the "Lab X-ing" sign, then the 10 mph sign, and then there it is. Be-yatch!!!
* speaking of short nasty climbs, that dirt road coming out of TA adds the final insult to your injuries at the end of the bike ride as you go back in.
* Coming off the bike, you'll likely feel as if running at all is impossible. It's not. It will get better, just get moving.
* try to run as much as you can. If you hafta power-walk the steeper climbs, then you MUST start running again when you hit the carriage trails.
* speaking of the carriage trails, they are mostly in very good condition, so you can pick it up and stretch it out on the flats and descents.
* you'll pass the aid station 2x / lap, and then also the TA/pavillion area. Breaking each lap up into thirds like this makes it more manageable too.
* is that all you've got, fat ass? ;-)
* BEER is an excellent recovery beverage. : )

If I think of anything more, I'll add it later.

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for these tips, ML. With all these course descriptions, I'm starting to think I might actually have a chance of finishing.

Another quick question for you: Is the bike route well marked? Is there someone posted at every turn? I have a tendency to zone out while biking (especially when I get tired) and I don't want to miss a turn. Do I need to stay focussed to make sure I stay on the correct route?
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [DawnT] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dawn,

The course is pretty straight forward. The only left is out of the preserve and the rest of the course are all rights. JM thought out the course pretty well. If you give it a quick drive when you get into town, you'll see there's not much to it...

* LEFT out of preserve.
* After big descent, RIGHT onto Butterville Rd.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto 299.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto 44/55.
* Climb up past Minnawaska State Park and descend backside. Make HARD RIGHT onto Upper Granite Rd (CR 27). There are small billboards on the right side that make for good landmarks.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Towpath Rd.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Clove Rd. (Rt 6).
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Mohonk Rd. (Rt. 6A) toward the preserve.

EDIT : Sorry JM. Corrected...
Last edited by: tyler_durden: Sep 9, 08 11:16
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [tyler_durden] [ In reply to ]
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Ok, thanks. It looks like the only places I really have to pay attention is on the right turns after the descents. The others are at stop signs which I (usually) see.

I'm going to drive the course on Wednesday before the race when I get down to the area. I'm thinking of riding one lap on Thursday just for fun, although I'm sure most people wouldn't advise doing this just 3 days before the race.
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Thanks for the detailed description of the ride, ML...

I'd be worried enough to recon the route except I plan on drafti...err...sucking whe....ummm... KEEPING CDW in my sight....yeah...that's what I mean...


Is there a prize for the quickest consumption of the first beer in T3? I've been practicing that transition heavily...
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [tyler_durden] [ In reply to ]
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TD, the course does NOT turn right onto Stony Kill. It stays on Granite all the way to Towpath.

2015 American Zofingen Du is May 17.
R.I.P. Chris Gleason
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [tyler_durden] [ In reply to ]
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Hey Dawn,

The course is pretty straight forward. The only left is out of the preserve and the rest of the course are all rights. JM thought out the course pretty well. If you give it a quick drive when you get into town, you'll see there's not much to it...

* LEFT out of preserve. Climb, climb, steeep climb. "and I'm spent".
* After big (YEE-HA!!!) descent, sharp RIGHT onto Butterville Rd. Beautiful views, bucolic fields, Skytop tower on R.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto 299. Mix of some minor descents, flats, false flats, and moderate climbs.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto 44/55. More climbing... past the hairpin turn, up past the Trapps (on belay? belay is on!) to the Steel Bridge.
* Climb (and climb, and...) up past Minnewaska State Park, and descend backside. More good clean fun, pure aero goodness - enjoy the 'Million Dollar View'
* Make HARD RIGHT onto Upper Granite Rd (CR 27). There are small billboards on the right side that make for good landmarks. Stay on 27 til it ends at Towpath.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Towpath Rd.
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Clove Rd. (Rt 6).
* At stop sign, RIGHT onto Mohonk Rd. (Rt. 6A) toward the preserve. Start climbing again....

EDIT : Sorry JM. Corrected...

Edited some more..... ;-)

Dawn - other than making the L out of the access road from transition (it's easy to know which way to go here, it's UP : ), you are basically just making a R at every major intersection you encounter along the way. It probably sounds harder than it is to stay on course.
Pre-driving it is highly recommended. Pre-riding it in the days prior to the race - not so much.

Brian - if yer looking for a ST Smackdown for the fastest T3, then I'm your huckleberry! ;-)

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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* 12-27 and/or compact cranks are a MUST.

While I wish I had a 12-27 it just isn't going to happen, so I'm stuck riding my 13-25.

Would anybody care to guess at how steep some of the steepest ramps get? There is a little local hill around here that has a 1 mile climb that has an average grade of almost 11% with one short stretch that is over 25% and another that is just under 25%. Those two steep ramps force me out of my saddle, but the rest I can get up seated. I'm not saying it doesn't hurt.

From what I can gather the steep stretch after exiting TA is about 2 miles long and averages less than 8%. Does that sound about right? Is it pretty consistent, or are there some stretches that are much steeper...say something in excess of 20%?

It''s looking like I'll be driving down Sunday AM, so I won't even get a chance to pre-drive the course.

Sorry for the questions, but I'm starting to panic a little and am just trying to figure out exactly how much pain I'm going to be in on the 12th.


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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Bell Head] [ In reply to ]
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A 25 will work, in a pinch. I've used that for the last 2 training rides, and it was doable.
I just prefer having a bit more gear to "spin" - if you can call 70 rpms vs. <60 rpms "spinning" up the steeper parts. ;-)
I'll be running the 12-27 on raceday yet again this year. Good enuff for Rappstar, good enuff for me.

The big Mohonk climb (which again, the first time outta TA, you only hit the top half) is very moderate at the bottom, then gradually steepens as you pass the road to TA, and has 2 steeper (I'm guessing 12%, maybe) headwall sections near the top.

I've done both of my last 2 recon rides there with all climbs seated, w/ the 12-25. Not the most pleasant thing, but not superhuman either.

It's not any one huge or steep climb, it's the collective effect of many of them, over 3 laps, that eventually adds up and gets ya.

I just found some info about some of the climbs that make up the course:
Mohonk - size + steepness: From the low point where Clove Rd it crosses the Coxing Kill up to the underpass at the gatehouse is about 850 vertical feet. The final slope after the last big curve right keeps getting a little steeper, with around 400 vertical ft averaging over 9-10% grade, including about 150 ft around 11%.

and the long, broken climb from 299 then 44/55 to Minnewaska

  • climb 1: low point on 44 up to under the Trapps iron bridge: 775 vertical feet, including 420 ft around 7% grade.

  • climb 2: up to Peters Kill parking: about 230 vertical ft around 6% grade.

  • climb 3: up to Minnewaska Park main entrance: 300 vertical ft, including 150 ft at least 10%.
(note - we don't start from the low point on 44, so cut that in half I'd guess)

Hope this helps!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Bell Head] [ In reply to ]
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don't psyche yourself out, just treat it like a long event and be steady about it.

murph and crew sound/are fairly serious about their sport. i'd say do not try and 'run" all the hills on the course unless you are "racing" the a.z.

if you(and dawn, and fred) are worried about your fitness, use the hills as steady power walk breaks, and cruise down the carriage roads..

i am in better shape than last year, but i did fairly well last year considering..

just have fun and enjoy the day( if the weather is nice..., if the weather is nasty, well then all bets are off on the suffering...:)
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [TriBriGuy] [ In reply to ]
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I'd be worried enough to recon the route except I plan on drafti...err...sucking whe....ummm... KEEPING CDW in my sight....yeah...that's what I mean...

Well, then I better get training if this past weekend's performance was an indication. Otherwise we'll both be watching ML kick our butts with his three hours a week of bike training. I need like three times that just to keep from not sucking. On the other hand, lots of climbing helps me. On the way back from Santa Cruz I swung over and caught the Eastern Sierras and rode up the road Bicyling proclaimed as the hardest road in America over 10 miles. My plan was to ride there from Lone Pine, ride to the top and back into LP before starting up the Whitney Portal road. Welllll, it was a pleasant temp in the morning, but the Onion Valley Road is a take no prisoners, kicker of the butt. It was 15 miles of unrelenting grade with no break. I don't know that I have ever climbed a road that was so evenly graded for so long. Too bad more races don't start at the bottom of a mountain and climb it for the cycling leg. Of course, then people would have a hard time drafting ... :)

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cdw] [ In reply to ]
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Uh oh, 3hrs a week, eh? I'd better start getting some volume in, so I can get up to that by the time A-Z rolls around!

(I'm at ~2:45 a week right now thru last Sunday. Solidly in Steve Larsen's good graces this season ;-)

Chad - that sounds like an awesome ride. That's almost 2x Whiteface - pretty sick.
How long did it take ya?

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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Well, with 2:45 a week then I may be able to stay close on my 10 per. I rode the 15 miles in 1:48. It was an epic climb and newly added to my top five worst climbs ever with the following:

1. Parowan Canyon, in southern Utah to summit. 15 miles and 5,500 feet. about 6 miles of 13 percent grade
2. Either face of the Col de La Bonnette/Restefond. from the south you can climb from sea level to 9,100 feet
3. Col de Galibier from the North
4. Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake. about 5,500 in 15 miles
5. Onion Valley Road, Eastern Sierra, 5,100 feet in 14 miles

An honerable mentions goes to the climb to Big Bear, CA from Highland, That one is right up with the others, but I have yet to do it past the 5,000 foot level. Rim of the World from San Bernardino is pretty close.
I need a tri that starts at the bottom of one of these and goes to the top.

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cdw] [ In reply to ]
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AZ super dupper 3 weeks to go bump
How is training going ?
RTB last weekend real fun
Century ride this weekend tour of Chaumont Bay

Slowtwitch bitchist place on planet earth
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cdw] [ In reply to ]
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Dude - that's a rocking good time for a climb that long and steep. Very nicely done.

What we lack for extended climbing (I mean, the highest "mountains" around here top out around 1500 feet, not meters), we make up for in quantity and quality of shorter climbs. One of my faves for prepping for A-Z is a nasty little bugger that's only a half mile long.
How hard could that be, right?

15% avg grade, max 22%. Just under 5 minutes of anaerobic hell. I think my arms get nearly as sore as my legs from grinding the damn bike back and forth, and trying not to fall over. It was especially fun when I did the Stupid Human Trick of going up it w/ 39x23 as my granny gear.

I don't think I can even imagine what 6 miles at 13% would feel like..... <shudder>
Damn. YoudaMAN.

As long as you don't get lost on the first run, it sounds like you'll be in the mix the whole way this year, that's great!
See ya in a coupla weeks!

float , hammer , and jog

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Murphy'sLaw] [ In reply to ]
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"top out around 1500 feet,"

Pfffft! I have to climb the tallest "hill" here in Charleston, SC 11-12 times to even get THAT high...let alone trying to climb 5000 feet. ;-)

I'm banking on my years riding in the Northern Virginia hills to keep me in the hunt.
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cheyou] [ In reply to ]
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been feeling well, getting in some decent volume(always want to do more, but you know how that goes)

time of year where it's cold in the morning, riding partners become scarce. really great time of year to do long trail runs, crisp and cool..

over the next 2 weeks, my intent is to get in a 2 more long hill rides(90, 110 ish) and 2-3 more long trail hill runs(2.5, 2.75 hrs ish), along with other workout, and begin to taper around the first of the month.

looking forward to the 12th, i have to work the night before,hopefully the weather is conducive to sticking around a bit after for :):)beers:):)
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cheyou] [ In reply to ]
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In Reply To:
How is training going ?

I'll know more after tomorrow's trip to the mountains. Long rides have been suffering because of the lack of light in the early AM and kids activities on the weekend. So what I've been missing in endurance, I've been trying to make up in intensity.

I'm getting lots of running in, though, so if I have anything left after the bike leg, I should be able to hobble through the last 15 miles.


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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Bell Head] [ In reply to ]
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My training is going much better than it was 4 weeks ago, but still not great. I got in a 4:45 ride yesterday and a 2.5 hr tough trail run last week. I'm going to try to get in 2 more long rides and at least 1 more long run. I usually do a 2 week taper, but since my training hasn't been super high and I don't feel like I really need to recover much, I'm thinking of doing a shorter one, especially with the biking part. Maybe, last long run 2 weeks out and last long bike 1 - 1.5 weeks out or something like that.

I'm starting to be able to visualize myself actually finishing this damn race, but it's going to be a long, painful day. A 7 week training plan for AZ is not ideal in even the best of circumstances.
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [Bell Head] [ In reply to ]
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[I'll know more after tomorrow's trip to the mountains. Long rides have been suffering because of the lack of light in the early AM and kids activities on the weekend. So what I've been missing in endurance, I've been trying to make up in intensity.

I'm getting lots of running in, though, so if I have anything left after the bike leg, I should be able to hobble through the last 15 miles.

Victor ]

I am pretty much on the same boat.
Bike volume is still pretty good but not the long ride. I hope to get two 4h rides in between Zofingen but it might challenging.
Focusing on the running and trying to run with as much hills as I can.

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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [DawnT] [ In reply to ]
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good for you
I just want to have a good time
Still need a bigger cassette , lose 25 LBS and wake up 40 years younger

Slowtwitch bitchist place on planet earth
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [cheyou] [ In reply to ]
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<< How is training going ? >>

No riding this weekend but ran a local 1/2 mary race today. It was my longest run this season... :-)

P.S. Anyone running Pfalz Point Challenge next Sunday? Great tune up for A-Z.

P.P.S. Tentative plans to ride/run 1 loop of the race course on Sunday, Oct. 5th. If you're game, keep an eye on this thread for details to come...
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Re: 2 American Zofingen Questions [tyler_durden] [ In reply to ]
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I live far away on the St Lawerence river
Wish I could make it

Slowtwitch bitchist place on planet earth
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